Etalon is a manually annotated corpus of contemporary Czech. The corpus contains 1,885,589 words (2,265,722 tokens) and is annotated in the same way as SYN2020 of the Czech National Corpus. The corpus includes fiction (ca 24%), professional and scientific literature (ca 40%) and newspapers (ca 36%).
The corpus is provided in a vertical format, where sentence boundaries are marked with a blank line. Every word form is written on a separate line, followed by five tab-separated attributes: syntactic word, lemma, sublemma, tag and verbtag. The texts are shuffled in random chunks of 100 words at maximum (respecting sentence boundaries).
This corpora is part of Deliverable 5.5 of the European Commission project QTLeap FP7-ICT-2013.4.1-610516 (
The texts are sentences from the Europarl parallel corpus (Koehn, 2005). We selected the monolingual sentences from parallel corpora for the following pairs: Bulgarian-English, Czech-English, Portuguese-English and Spanish-English. The English corpus is comprised by the English side of the Spanish-English corpus.
Basque is not in Europarl. In addition, it contains the Basque and English sides of the GNOME corpus.
The texts have been automatically annotated with NLP tools, including Word Sense Disambiguation, Named Entity Disambiguation and Coreference resolution. Please check deliverable D5.6 in for more information.
Speech corpus comprising 4608 spoken sentences recorded for speech timing research. The complete archive, available for downloading, includes a structured list of the sentences, the speech recordings and the label files, plus full documentation.
POS Tagger and Lemmatizer models for EvaLatin2020 data ( The model documentation including performance can be found at .
To use these models, you need UDPipe version at least 2.0, which you can download from .