Biological membrane mimetics, such as liposomes, lipid bilayers and model membranes, are used in a broad range of scientific and technological applications due to the unique physical properties of these amphiphilic aggregates. They serve as platforms for studying soft matter physics of membranes and membrane dynamics, interactions of bilayers with drugs, and effects of various additives of environmental changes. State-of-the-art research takes advantage of the combination of the brilliance of X-ray scattering sources with peculiar properties of neutrons and the power of computer simulations. The advances in chemistry, and in particular the possibility of deuteration, enables improved experimental spatial resolution and the ability to pi-point labels within membranes. It is only a matter of time for many biological functions, which occur at the membrane interface, to be matched with the structural properties of these membranes., Článok referuje o zákonitostiach stavby lipidových membrán a ich interakciách s biologicky aktívnymi molekulami. Vplyv iónov nachádzajúcich sa v prirodzenom prostredí bunkovej membrány, anestetický efekt alkánov a účinok cholesterolu a melatonínu pri zabudovaní do membrány je diskutovaný najmä z pohľadu zmeny štruktúry lipidovej matrice membrány. Štruktúrne výsledky sú získané pomocou experimentálnych prístupov, pričom dôraz sa kladie na pokrok dosiahnutý v metódach využívajúcich moderné zdroje röntgenového žiarenia a neutrónov., Norbert Kučerka., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Antiferomagnetické materiály mají velky potenciál pro konstrukci počítačových součastek nové generace. Nepřítomnost makroskopického magnetického momentu nicméně v těchto materiálech silně komplikuje studium jejich magnetických vlastností. V tomto článku popisujeme novou magnetooptickou metodu, která umožňuje zkoumat tenké kovové antiferomagnetické filmy pomocí femtosekundových laserových pulzů. Za vyvinutí této experimentální metody obdržel v roce 2017 V. Saidl cenu Česká hlava v kategorii Doctorandus - technické vědy., Antiferromagnetic materials have great potential for the development of a new generation of computer devices. However, the absence of net magnetic moment in these materials significantly complicates the investigation of their magnetic properties. In this article we present a new magneto-optical technique, which enables the study of thin films of antiferromagnetic metals by femtosecond laser pulses. In 2017 V. Saidl received the Czech head award, in the Doctorandus category, for the development of this experimental technique., Vít Saidl, Petr Němec, František Trojánek, Petr Malý., and Obsahuje použitou literaturu
We studied the interaction of cytochrome c (cyt c) with unilamellar liposomes (ULL) composed of dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC) modified by calix[6]arene (CX). We also analyzed the influence of cyt c on the properties of monomolecular films on an air-water interface composed of CX. The changes of the liposome size have been studied by dynamic light scattering and the zeta potential was determined by Doppler velocimetry. By ultrasound attenuation coefficient we also studied the effect of CX on the phase transition of the lipid bilayer of liposomes. The liposomes containing 10mol% CX have been on average 1.5 times larger in comparison with unmodified ULL. The increase of ULL diameter has been accompanied by a decrease of zeta potential toward negative values. This has been due to negatively charged carboxyl groups of CX polar part. The interaction of cyt c with CX resulted in an increase of zeta potential. CX did not affect the phase transition temperature of liposomes (T = 24.4 °C). However, the half width of the transition peak increased which is evidence of a decrease of the cooperativity of phase transition. CX forms stable monomolecular films on the air-water interphase. The presence of cyt c in a water subphase caused an increase of mean molecular area of CX. The dependence of relative changes of the area per molecule as a function of cyt c concentration had the shape of Langmuir isotherm. The dissociation constant, KD, determined in a solid state of the monolayer was 26.0 ± 5.4 nM, which is evidence of good affinity of cyt c to CX., Tibor Hianik, Zuzana Garaiová, Veronika Vargová, Pavol Vitovič., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Ohromujúci vývoj laserových optických metód umožnil širokú plejádu manipulácií s objektmi pomocou svetelného lúča a ďalej podnietil vývoj experimentálnych postupov umožňujúcich zachytiť subpikonewtonovské sily medzi molekulami. Aplikácia optického silomera pri štúdiu vlastností biomakromolekúl nám pomáha chápať fyzikálne princípy mechanickej funkcie týchto komplexných nanometrových objektov., The extensive development of laser technology has enabled a large variety of object manipulations with light. This has initiated the development of experimental assays for the detection of sub piconewton forces between molecules. The application of an optical force meter for the study of bio-macromolecules reveals elementary physical principles of the mechanical function of these complex nano sized objects., Gabriel Žoldák., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
One of the main ideas of the education reform in the Slovak Republic, which started in 2008, was transition from memorizing to active and creative studying. This transformation has begun also in physics education. Now we are more than four years after the reform and we can analyse what has been done in active access in physics education. This article presents the consequences of the reform on physics education with focus zhe one experimental methods of the objects and subjects of the education process. The actual data was taken from the electronic questionnaire focusing on the current situation in this area which was given physics teachers., Prechod od memorovania k aktívnemu a tvorivému získavaniu fyzikálnych poznatkov, vlastností a súvislostí bol jednou z hlavných myšlienok transformácie fyzikálneho vzdelávania na našich školách, ktorú spustila školská reforma v roku 2008. Po takmer štvorročnom období možno pristúpiť k sledovaniu a hodnoteniu vzniknutého stavu. Článok pojednáva o dôsledkoch reformy na podmienky fyzikálneho vzdelávania so zameraním na experimentálnu činnosť účastnikov edukačneho procesu. Analyzuje súčasný stav experimentovania na školách zameraných na experimentálnu činnosť učitel'ov a ich študentov. Údaje o aktuálnej situácii v tejto oblasti boli Í zisťované prieskumom prostredníctvom elektronického dotazníka medzi učiteľmi fyziky., Marek Balážovič., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Tokamak - pinč - tokamak. Jak vysvětlit překvapivou odbočku z tokamakové dálnice na pinčovou okresku výzkumu řízené termojaderné fúze v moskevském ústavu LIPAN v letech 1952-1953? Konfrontací dvou události se podařilo do "záhady" vnést alespoň trochu světla. Těmi událostmi bylo setkání fyziků v roce 1947 v Harwellu a návštěva Olega Alexandroviče Lavrentěva ve fúzní skupině oddělení výzkumu plazmatu ústavu LIPAN v roce 1991. O. A. Lavrentěv v laboratoři spatřil Wirbelrohr!, Max Seenbeck named his modification of the circular accelerator betatron as the Wirbelrohr in the year 1943. The Wirbelrohr co-initiated research on controlled thermonuclear fusion in the UKA in the late forties. It is likely that the Wirbelrohr device slightly delayed research on the predecessor to the magnetic thermonuclear reactor, tokamak, in the Soviet Union., Milan Řípa., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Experimental control of quantum systems has been pursued widely since the invention of quantum mechanics. In the first part of the 20th century, atomic physics helped provide a test bed for quantum mechanics through studies of atoms‘ internal energy differences and their interaction with radiation. The advent of spectrally pure, tunable radiation sources such as microwave oscillators and lasers dramatically improved these studies by enabling the coherent control of atoms‘ internal states to deterministically prepare superposition states, as, for example, in the Ramsey method. More recently this control has been extended to the external (motional) states of atoms. Laser cooling and other refrigeration techniques have provide the initial states for a number of interesting studies, such as Bose-Einstein condensation. Similarly, control of the quantum states of artificial atoms in the context of condensed-matter systems is achieved in many laboratories throughout the world. To give proper recognition to all of these works would be a daunting task; therefore, I will restrict these notes to experiments on quantum control of internal and external states of trapped atomic ions., David J. Wineland ; přeložil Karel Rohlena., and Obsahuje bibliografii