Top responsiveness was shown by Alcalde and Revilla \cite{AR} to guarantee the existence of core stable partitions in hedonic coalition formation games. In this paper we prove the existence of Nash stable partitions under top responsiveness when a mutuality condition is imposed.
Příspěvek přináší shrnutí poznatků o raně středověkém pohřbívání v aglomeraci hradiště v Libici nad Cidlinou. Díky soustavnému, více než jedno století trvajícímu zájmu archeologie máme k dispozici poměrně ucelený obraz vývoje významného raně středověkého centra. Rozlišení tří hlavních chronologických horizontů umožňuje sledovat v kontextu pohřebišť i dynamiku vývoje celé lokality. Na základě srovnání jednotlivých pohřebišť se autor pokouší o vymezení sociotopografie celé aglomerace hradiště a zároveň poukazuje na limity tohoto poznání založeného pouze na archeologických pramenech. and This paper provides a summary of knowledge relating to Early Medieval burial within the agglomeration of the fortified enclosure at Libice nad Cidlinou. Thanks to consistent interest on the part of archaeology for more than a century, a relatively complete picture is now available of the development of this important Early Medieval centre. The discernment of three main chronological horizons makes it possible to trace the development dynamic of the entire site in the context of the cemeteries. On the basis of a comparison of the individual cemeteries the author attempts to define the sociotopography of the whole enclosure agglomeration, and at the same time show the limits of this understanding based purely on the archaeological material.
We introduce topographic versions of two latent class models for collaborative filtering. Topographic organization of latent classes makes orientation in rating/preference patterns captured by the latent classes easier and more systematic. Furthermore, since we deal with probabilistic models of the data, we can readily use tools from probability and information theories to interpret and visualize information extracted by the model. We apply our models to a large collection of user ratings for films.
In this paper we study the topological and metric rigidity of hypersurfaces in ${\mathbb H}^{n+1}$, the $(n+1)$-dimensional hyperbolic space of sectional curvature $-1$. We find conditions to ensure a complete connected oriented hypersurface in ${\mathbb H}^{n+1}$ to be diffeomorphic to a Euclidean sphere. We also give sufficient conditions for a complete connected oriented closed hypersurface with constant norm of the second fundamental form to be totally umbilic.
Pointfree formulas for three kinds of separating points for closed sets by maps are given. These formulas allow controlling the amount of factors of the target product space so that it does not exceed the weight of the embeddable space. In literature, the question of how many factors of the target product are needed for the embedding has only been considered for specific spaces. Our approach is algebraic in character and can thus be viewed as a contribution to Kuratowski's topological calculus.
For an order embedding $G\overset{h}{\rightarrow }{\rightarrow }\Gamma $ of a partly ordered group $G$ into an $l$-group $\Gamma $ a topology $\mathcal T_{\widehat{W}}$ is introduced on $\Gamma $ which is defined by a family of valuations $W$ on $G$. Some density properties of sets $h(G)$, $h(X_t)$ and $(h(X_t)\setminus \lbrace h(g_1),\dots ,h(g_n)\rbrace )$ ($X_t$ being $t$-ideals in $G$) in the topological space $(\Gamma ,\mathcal T_{\widehat{W}})$ are then investigated, each of them being equivalent to the statement that $h$ is a strong theory of quasi-divisors.
In this paper we present some formulae for topological invariants of projective complete intersection curves with isolated singularities in terms of the Milnor number, the Euler characteristic and the topological genus. We also present some conditions, involving the Milnor number and the degree of the curve, for the irreducibility of complete intersection curves.