In the paper there are deduced differential equations of the vibroisolation system of the ambulance couch. The kinematic excitation is realized in three directions: the vertical translation and the rotations around the both horizontal axes of the car. The suspension of the ambulance couch corresponds to this presumption and is made by the parallelogram; on the upper base there is a double level Cardan suspension.
The linearised system of the motion equations is stated and the preliminary analysis of the dependency of all the three natural frequencies on the selected parameters is made. By vertical kinematics excitation numerical simulation of the excited oscillations is made. and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Příspěvek se zabývá vícečetným pohřebním kontextem z Velkých Přílep (okr. Praha–západ), datovaným do starší doby bronzové. Studium je založeno na mezioborové spolupráci archeologie a biologické antropologie se zaměřením na teoretické otázky spojené s minulou živou kulturou (intencionalita, vznik a účel pohřebního komplexu) a její transformací do archeologických pramenů. Studium transformací formálních (poškození, rozpad a zánik kostní tkáně), polohových (disartikulace kostí v kloubních spojeních) a odhady některých antropologických parametrů bylo uskutečněno již v terénní fázi výzkumu. Diskutována jsou témata intencionality pohřebního kontextu, rekonstrukce postupu jeho ztvárnění a účelu v daném kulturním prostředí. and The work focuses on the context of a multiple burial of 6 individuals from Velké Přílepy (distr. Prague-west), dated to the Early Bronze Age. The study is based on the interdisciplinary cooperation between archaeology and biological anthropology, focusing on the theoretical issues linked to a past living culture (intentionality, rise and purpose of burial complex) and its transformation into archaeological record. The study of the transformation of formal (damage, decomposition and disintegration of bone tissue), positional (disarticulation of bone joints) and estimation of some anthropological parameters has already taken place during the fieldwork. Topics such as the intentionality of the rise of the burial complex, the reconstruction of the advancement of its formation and the purpose within the given cultural environment will be covered.
EEG activities with open eyes in a quiet state (OA), during the pseudo-Raven's test (PRA), in hypnagogic state (HYP) and in the course of REM sleep (REM) are characteristic by nearly flat curves. We observed the states with eyes closed (OC), with hyperventilation (HV), during mental activity of calculation (CAL) and in NONREM 1 sleep (NR 1). 24 tested persons (probands) were investigated. We have found 8 typical states of EEG signals, which all have relation to attention and mental activity. Consequently, the EEG analysis can help in the differentiation between the above eight states. Using similar analyses, it is possible to discriminate all stages of NONREM and REM sleep without polysomnography.