The aim of the following study is to analyze Voltaire’s biography about Charles XII as an early part of Voltaire’s historiographical work and also to analyze the ideas of the Enlightenment the author used. The study also tries to answer the question which lesson a reader should get and which interpretations should be on the other hand avoided., Martin Liška., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
Using a microelectrode with carbon filaments and the voltammctric technique, changes evoked in the catechol oxidation current (CA.OC) and multiple unit activity (MUA) by microinjection of 3-5 ¿ri 03 mol.I'1 KC1 were studied in the reticular formation (RF) of the medulla oblongata of anaesthetized rats; the effect of KC1 stimulation of the RF and corpus striatum (S) on the CA.OC in these structures was compared. The microinjection of KC1 in the vicinity of the working electrode in the RF caused depression of MUA which began 2-3 s after administration, persisted for up to 6 min after and then diminished, reaching control values within 9 min. The voltammctric signal was first recorded in the 1st min after microinjection, when there was an evident decrease in the CA.OC value (59 % of the control value); this effect reached its maximum 7 min after administration (a mean drop to 23 % of the control), while at the end of the experiment (i.e. after 24 min) CA.OC values had risen to 45-80 % of the control value. The response in the S had a biphasic character, however. Immediately after the microinjection (1st min), the mean CA.OC value rose to 626 % of the control, while in the second phase (3-10 min) it was seen to fall below the control values (means 21-63 % of the control). The differences in the changes evoked by K+ depolarization in the concentration of catecholamines in the RF and S microenvironment are discussed from the aspect of the existence of different pools of the transmitter and
other regional differences. The possibility of a relationship between considered.
Voltinism and larval growth pattern were investigated in an edge-of-range population of Coenagrion mercuriale. Coenagrion mercuriale is semi-voltine in Britain and growth is inhibited in winter. The 2nd year group overwinters in a range of instars between the antepenultimate and final instar consistent with the early, asynchronous emergence pattern of this species. A facultative autumnal diapause in the penultimate instar is the most likely mode of seasonal regulation. The broad size distribution of larvae produced by this growth pattern was wider than that found in co-occurring populations of Pyrrhosoma nymphula, a "spring" species with synchronous emergence. The broad size distributions may lead to considerable intraspecific interference between C. mercuriale larvae. Sex ratio in the last three larval instars of C. mercuriale did not differ significantly from unity. A laboratory investigation of the effect of temperature and photoperiod on growth and diapause in C. mercuriale is recommended to determine whether high minimum temperature thresholds for development limit both the width of the temporal niche and microhabitat use by this species at its range margin.