Let $K$ be a field and $S=K[x_1,\ldots , x_n]$. Let $I$ be a monomial ideal of $S$ and $u_1,\ldots , u_r$ be monomials in $S$. We prove that if $u_1,\ldots , u_r$ form a filter-regular sequence on $S/I$, then $S/I$ is pretty clean if and only if $S/(I,u_1,\ldots , u_r)$ is pretty clean. Also, we show that if $u_1,\ldots , u_r$ form a filter-regular sequence on $S/I$, then Stanley's conjecture is true for $S/I$ if and only if it is true for $S/(I,u_1, \ldots , u_r)$. Finally, we prove that if $u_1,\ldots , u_r$ is a minimal set of generators for $I$ which form either a $d$-sequence, proper sequence or strong $s$-sequence (with respect to the reverse lexicographic order), then $S/I$ is pretty clean.
The laboulbenialean fungi occur throughout the world and are closely associated with a range of arthropods, including many coleopteran hosts. Throughout the summer of 2004, coccinellids were collected from a Bluegrass savanna woodland ecosystem, dominated by blue ash Fraxinus quadrangulata and Chinkapin Oak Quercus muehlenbergii, and the adults were examined for the presence of Hesperomyces virescens using binocular and scanning electron microscopy. Over 80% of adult Harmonia axyridis, a species previously reported as having a persistent association with the fungus, were infected. No significant differences were observed in incidence on male and female hosts, however, the distribution of fungus differed between sexes. Female H. axyridis had a greater percentage of infection on their elytron compared to other parts of their body whilst male infection was concentrated around their elytra, legs and abdomen. Although infection rates were significantly lower, we report, for the first time, the presence of this fungus on the hosts Cycloneda munda, Brachiacantha quadripunctata and Psyllobora vigintimaculata. This is the first study documenting the incidence of this insect-associated fungus with these native coccinellids of North America. In the samples collected from the Bluegrass savanna, two species (Coleomegilla maculata and Hyperaspis signata) were not infected by this fungus.
Bats of the family Phyllostomidae are common hosts to streblids known as bat flies. Here, we discuss the component community, prevalence and intensity of infection with species of Streblidae on an assemblage of phyllostomid bats in the Cafuringa Environmental Protection Area (APA Cafuringa) in the core area of the Cerrado in Central Brazil. A total of 1 841 streblid individuals of 24 species occurred on 752 bats of 14 species. Ten species of streblids infected Glossophaga soricina (Pallas), whereas seven or fewer streblid species infected the other bat species. Nine bat fly species presented a prevalence of more than 50%, whereas some differences in the abundance of bat flies among hosts were observed. Strebla wiedemanni Kolenati, 1856 and Trichobius furmani Wenzel, 1966 were more host-specific compared to the other streblids, and they occurred in greater abundance on their preferred hosts. Trichobius uniformis Curran, 1935 and Strebla mirabilis (Waterhouse, 1879) were the least host-specific, occurring on five and six hosts, respectively., Ludmilla M. S. Aguiar, Yasmine Antonini., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Species of Blastocystis Alexieff, 1911 are anaerobic intestinal protists found in humans and many kinds of animals that mainly cause diarrhea, abdominal pain and other clinical symptoms. At present, data on the prevalence and subtype diversity of species of Blastocystis in domestic rabbits are very limited. The purpose of this study was to characterise the infection rate and gene subtype distribution of Blastocystis sp. in domestic rabbits in Henan Province, Central China, and provide foundation for prevention and control of the disease caused by Blastocystis sp. in domestic rabbits. DNA was extracted from 286 fresh rabbit faecal samples collected from four areas of Henan Province, Central China. All DNA samples were screened using PCR and positive samples were sequenced to identify individual subtypes based on the small ribosomal subunit (SSU rRNA) gene. The overall infection rate of Blastocystis sp. in domestic rabbits in Henan Province was 15% (43/286). Three subtypes were identified, including ST1 (26/43, 60%), ST3 (5/43, 12%) and ST7 (12/43, 28%), all of which belonged to potentially zoonotic subtypes, ST1 was the dominant gene subtype. These results showed that infection with Blastocystis sp. was common in domestic rabbits in Henan Province, Central China, and was represented by zoonotic subtypes. Therefore, special attention should be paid to reduce the risk of transmission of Blastocystis sp. from domestic rabbits to humans.
Faecal samples from 162 wild animals were collected from 32 distinct sites of Łęczyńsko-Włodawskie Lakeland (eastern Poland). The presence of Giardia duodenalis (Stiles, 1902) was assessed by a Direct Fluorescence Assay (DFA) and by Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and sequencing of a fragment of the beta-giardin gene. DFA showed the presence of cysts of G. duodenalis in 12 of 162 faecal samples (7%), namely in four wild boars (15%), four foxes (19%), two roe deer (4%), and two wolves (29%). PCR identified 34 of the 162 (21%) samples as positive, including 11 wild boars (41%), five red deer (18%), 11 roe deer (23%), four moose (17%), two wolves (29%) and a single sample from the European badger. Thus, PCR detected a significantly higher number of infection than DFA (P = 0.0005). However, 14 of 34 PCR products could not be sequenced because of their insufficient amount; the low number of cysts, poor conservation of the faeces or presence of PCR inhibitors may have contributed to weak DNA amplification. Sequence analysis of the remaining 20 products showed the presence of assemblage B in wild boars, red deer and roe deer, whereas samples from wolves were identified as assemblage D. This is the first detection of assemblage B in wild boars and deer. As assemblage B has zoonotic potential, wild animals from eastern Poland may act as reservoirs of cysts of G. duodenalis infectious for humans., Krzysztof Stojecki, Jacek Sroka, Simone M. Cacciò, Tomasz Cencek, Jacek Dutkiewicz, Paweł Kusyk., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Příspěvek popisuje původní výsledky dvou šetření prevalence kognitivní poruchy u 325 obyvatel domovů pro seniory v České republice. Výběrové šetření na standardních odděleních 12 domovů ukázalo velmi podobné výsledky jako hloubkové šetření kognitivního stavu všech obyvatel jednoho zvoleného zařízení běžného typu. V souhrnu, více než polovina obyvatel trpí nějakou formou kognitivní poruchy, u více než 40 % všech obyvatel dosahuje tato porucha hloubky demence. Tyto výsledky jasně poukazují na potřebu kvalifikované péče o klienty s demencí v rámci domovů pro seniory a na potřebu vzdělávání personálu těchto zařízení v problematice přístupu ke klientům s demencí., The authors present results of their study of prevalence of cognitive impairment in inhabitants of residential care facilities in the Czech Republic. Cognitive status of 325 residents was examined. Dementia was present in more than 40% of residents. These results imply the need for specialized care for persons with dementia. Appropriate education of professionals in residential care facilities is necessary., Hana Vaňková, Božena Jurašková, Iva Holmerová, and Lit.: 9
Práce je zaměřena na problematiku kouření u lékařů a zdravotnických pracovníků a na názory studentů medicíny na tento problém v souvislosti s jejich budoucí intervencí k zanechání kouření u svých pacientů. Průzkum na Lékařské fakultě Ostravské univerzity v Ostravě byl proveden pomocí standardizovaného dotazníku mezinárodní studie GHPSS u 255 studentů všeobecného lékařství 1.–4. ročníku. U studentů bylo zjišťováno kuřáctví a to nejen cigaret, ale i doutníku, vodní dýmky nebo šňupání tabáku. Byly zjišťovány názory na současnou protikuřáckou politiku a na specifickou úlohu zdravotníků v podpoře odvykání kouření. Z výsledku průzkumu vyplývá, že kouří 25 % všech studentů. Byl zjištěn statisticky významný rozdíl ve výskytu kuřáctví mezi jednotlivými ročníky. Studenti nižších dvou ročníků byli častějšími uživateli tabákových výrobků než studenti vyšších ročníků. Většina studentů si je vědoma, že je nutné zaznamenávat u pacientů anamnézu kouření jako součást osobní anamnézy., The paper deals with smoking among doctors and medical personnel and the opinions of medical students regarding this problem in terms of their future intervention as doctors in helping their patients to stop smoking. A questionnaire survey among 255 medical students in the 1st to 4th years of study was performed at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Ostrava using the standardised to GHPSS international study questionnaire. Consumption of cigarettes water pipes, cigars and snuff was evaluated, as well as opinions on current anti smoking policy and the specific role of doctors in prevention of smoking. Results showed that 25% of students are smokers with statistically significant differences among individual years of study. Students in the first two yars of study used tobacco product more often than the highest years. The majority of students are aware of the fact that smoking status should be included in patient anamnesis., Jana Povová, Andrea Dalecká, Hana Tomášková, Kateřina Vařechová, Vladimír Janout, and Literatura
Obezita je známým rizikovým faktorem pro řadu zdravotních problémů v dospělosti. Cílem výzkumu bylo zjistit prevalenci nadměrné hmotnosti a obezity u 6–7letých dětí na základních školách v Olomouckém kraji v roce 2014 a vyhodnotit přístup rodičů k programu, který je zaměřen na primární prevenci obezity u dětí. Výzkumný soubor zahrnuje 337 dětí (chlapci n=172, dívky n=165), u kterých byl hodnocen nutriční stav pomocí metod standardizované antropometrie a metodou bioelektrické impedance (BIA). Pro každé dítě byl vypočítán BMI a následně bylo zařazeno do příslušného percentilového pásma BMI. Rodiče obdrželi písemné vyrozumění o hodnocení nutričního stavu svého dítěte a měli možnost informovat se o jeho léčbě v případě zjištění nadměrné hmotnosti nebo obezity. K vyhodnocení dat byl použit neparametrický Mann a Whitney U-test, nepárový t-test a test rozdílů mezi dvěma poměry. Nadměrná hmotnost byla zjištěna u 7,56 % chlapců a 5,45 % dívek, obezita u 8,14 % chlapců a 5,45 % dívek. Na základě analýzy tělesného složení pomocí BIA bylo podle procentuálního množství tukové tkáně zařazeno do kategorie obezita 10,47 % chlapců a 7,88 % dívek. Monitorování prevalence nadměrné hmotnosti a obezity u dětí v Olomouckém kraji ukázalo na růst obezity u 6–7letých chlapců a dívek a na nedostatečný zájem rodičů o aktivní zapojení do preventivních programů v boji proti obezitě., Obesity is an established risk factor for numerous health problems in adulthood. The aim of the research was to determine the prevalence of overweight and obesity in children aged 6 to 7 in elementary schools in the Olomouc region in 2014, and to assess the attitude of the parents to the programme which focuses on the primary prevention of obesity in children. The research group includes 337 children (boys n=172, girls n=165) whose nutritional status was evaluated using the methods of standardized anthropometry and bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA). The BMI of each child was calculated and subsequently categorized within the respective BMI percentile range. The parents received a written notification of the nutritional status of their child, and those whose children were diagnosed with overweight or obesity could request information about treatment. The data were evaluated using the non-parametric Mann-Whitney U test, unpaired t-test, and the test of differences between two quantities. Overweight was found in 7.56% of boys and 5.45% of girls, while obesity in 8.14% of boys and 5.45% of girls. Based on the BIA analysis of body composition, depending on the percentage amount of adipose tissue, 10.47% of boys and 7.88% of girls were classified as obese. Monitoring the prevalence of overweight and obesity among children in the Olomouc region showed an increase in obesity in boys and girls aged between 6 and 7 and the lack of parental interest in active participation in obesity prevention programmes., Miroslav Kopecký, and Literatura
V letech 1989-2004 vzrostly v ČR u obou pohlaví absolutní počty nových zhoubných novotvarů a novotvarů in situ (dg. C00-D09) o 51 %, zemřelých na nádory o 5 % a žijících onkologicky nemocných o 149 %. Počet žijících s karcinomy ve věku 0-85+ let se zvýšil o 259 237 a dosáhl 433 941, tj. 4245,8/100 000 obyvatel. Podíl osob ve věku 35-64 let se za 15 let snížil u mužů ze 42 % na 34 %, u žen ze 48 % na 43 %, v absolutních počtech vzrostl u obou pohlaví o 92 194 a v roce 2004 dosáhl 71 366 žijících. V roce 2010 dosáhne počet žijících asi 523,8 tis. a v roce 2015 téměř 611 tis. případů. Prevalence u mužů a žen je uvedena podle 14 krajů u devíti skupin nádorů (novotvary úst a hltanu, trávicího ústrojí, dýchacích cest, melanom a nádory kůže, prsu, rodidel, prostaty a varlat, vylučovacích cest, mízní a krvetvorné tkáně). U 162 012 žijících případů devíti nádorových diagnóz převažovala v roce 2004 časná klinická stadia jako následek vyšší úmrtnosti v pokročilých stadiích. V roce 2004 bylo na zdravotní péči u nádorů vynaloženo 8,589 mld. korun s průměrem 19 793 korun na jeden případ., The absolute numbers of new cases of cancers and cancers in situ (dg. C00-D09) increased during 1989-2004 in the Czech Republic by 51%, of cancer mortality by 5% and of prevalence by 149%. The numbers of surviving cancer cases aged 0-85 years or more increased by 259,237 to 433,941 i.e. 4245.8 per 100,000 inhabitants. The share of persons of economically active age 35-64 years decreased during 15 years from 42% to 34% in men, from 48% to 43% in women, but absolutely increased in both sex by 92,194 to 171,366 surviving cancer cases in 2004. The total prevalence will reach 523.8 thousand in 2010 and almost 611 thousand cancers in 2015. The highest growth of prevalence in 1989-2004 was achieved in regions Praha, Jihomoravský, Moravskoslezský and Středočeský in ne-oplasms of urinary tract, prostate and testis, melanoma and skin, respiratory tract of women and digestive tract of men. Direct expenditures of public health insurance on cancer treatment increased from 2000 by 7,222 thousand million CZK, i.e. 6.2% of total health budgets, and amounted to 9,013 thousand million CZK, i.e. 5.3% of total budgets in 2005, which represented the average expenditure 20.6 thousand CZK per cancer case.The expected prevalence will increase by 174.3 thousand cancers during the period 2005-2015 (of which 55 thousand aged 35-64 years) and will amount 611 thousand cases. Processed results may allow to improve healthcare in oncology and to create economic conditions without decreasing of healthcare quality., Edvard Geryk, Petr Kubíček, Milan Konečný, Petr Koška, Jiří Holub, Jakub Odehnal, Radim Štampach, and Lit.: 18