Anémie je poměrně časté onemocnění zejména u žen a to v těhotenství i mimo ně. Protože její příznaky mají široké spektrum – mohou zhoršovat kvalitu života až být život ohrožující, je třeba na tento zdravotní problém myslet a vyšetřovat ženy, aby se vyloučila přítomnost anémie, a pokud se potvrdí, že je pacientka anemická, adekvátně ji léčit. Klíčová slova: anémie – gynekologie – těhotenství – perinatologie, Anaemia is a common disease in pregnancy, even in non-pregnant women. Symptoms have a wide spectrum – may reduce the quality of life or even life-threatening directly. That is why it is necessary to examine and adequately treated. Key words: anaemia – gynecology – pregnancy – perinatology, and Hana Vráblíková, Michal Koucký
Based on the World Health Organization statistics, cardiovascular diseases represent the major cause of death worldwide. Although a wide range of treatment approaches and pharmaceuticals is available, the therapy is often not effective enough and therefore health risks for the patient persist. Thus, it is still essential to test new drug candidates for the treatment of various pathophysiological conditions related to cardiovascular system. In vivo models represent indispensable part of preclinical testing of such substances. Anesthetized guinea pig as a whole-body model allows to evaluate complex reactions of cardiovascular system to tested substance. Moreover, action potential of guinea pig cardiomyocyte is quite comparable to that of human. Hence, the results from this model are then quite well translatable to clinical medicine. Aim of this paper was to summarize the methodology of this model, including its advantages and/or limitations and risks, based on the effects of two substances with adrenergic activity on the ECG parameters. The model of anesthetized guinea pig proved to be valuable and suitable for testing of drugs with cardiovascular effects.
Simple and accurate models based on adaptive-network-based fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) to compute the physical dimensions of open supported coplanar waveguides are presented. The ANFIS is a class of adaptive networks which are functionally equivalent to fuzzy inference systems. Four optimization algorithms, hybrid learning, simulated annealing, least-squares, and genetic, are used to determine optimally the design parameters of the ANFIS. When the performances of ANFIS models are compared with each other, the best results are obtained from the ANFIS models trained by the hybrid learning algorithm. The results of ANFIS are compared with the results of the conformal mapping technique, the rigorous spectral-domain hybrid mode analysis, the improved spectral domain approach, the synthesis formulas, a full-wave electromagnetic simulator IE3D, and experimental works realized in this study.
Plicní aspergilóza patří mezi zánětlivá onemocnění způsobená houbami rodu Aspergillus. V závislosti na stavu imunitního systému a plicního parenchymu nemocného existují invazivní, semi-invazivní a neinvazivní formy onemocnění. V diagnostice tohoto onemocnění hrají hlavní úlohu prostý rentgenový snímek hrudníku a HRCT plic. Prezentujeme kazuistiku pacienta s nově diagnostikovaným high-grade gliomem mozku, u kterého se v důsledku antiedematózní terapie kortikoidy rozvinula invazivní plicní aspergilóza včetně mimoplicní disseminace., Pulmonary aspergillosis belongs to inflammatory diseases caused by Aspergillus spp. Invasive, semi-invasive and non-invasive forms of the disease exist depending on the level of immunity and possible impairment of pulmonary parenchyma. Chest X ray and lung HRCT play the key role in the diagnostics of this disease. We present a patient with newly discovered high grade glioma of the brain, who had contracted invasive pulmonary aspergillosis due to antiedematous corticotheraphy., Lukáš Hrdina, Eva Čecháková, Filip Čtvrtlík, Stanislav Buřval, Barbora Remeníková, and Literatura 6
Úvod: Maligní mezenchymové nádory jsou v orofaciální oblasti daleko vzácnější než karcinomy. Představují pouze 1 % z celkového počtu malignit s více než 50 podtypy. Angiosakomy jsou vysoce maligní nádory vycházející z krevních nebo lymfatických cév. Jejich výskyt je nízký až raritní s nejistou prognózou. Z celkového počtu sarkomů tvoří angiosarkom 5,4 % a v oblasti hlavy a krku se vyskytuje nejčastěji. Rámcový staging a grading se odvíjí dle FNCLC a NCI. Cíl práce: Cílem sdělení je upozornit na vzácné maligní onemocnění v oblasti hlavy a krku, které může být diagnosticky opomenuto či nerozpoznáno s fatálními následky pro nemocného. Materiál, metodika, výsledky: Autoři popisují klinické projevy onemocnění, diagnostiku a následnou terapii angiosarkomu mandibuly u zdravotně vysoce rizikového pacienta. V diagnostice tohoto vzácného onemocnění byly vedle histopatologického obrazu včetně imunohistochemického vyšetření využity i onkologické markery. Terapie byla zaměřena na chirurgickou léčbu a radioterapii. Závěr: Publikované zkušenosti s léčbou malých souborů nemocných v odborné literatuře neumožňují stanovit optimální terapeutický postup. Průměrná doba přežití je rok a půl., Introduction: Malignant mesenchymal tumours of the orofacial region are extremely rare and comprise only 1% of all malignant orofacial tumours with more than 50 subtypes. Angiosarcomas are highly malignant neoplasms that originate from blood or lymphatic vessels. Angiosarcomas form 5,4 % of all sarcomas and in the head and neck region are the most frequent type of sarcoma. Aim: The aim of this case report is to describe a rare malignant neoplasm in the head and neck topography which can be diagnostic difficulty and may be missed or unrecognised with fatal consequences for the patient. Materials, methods, results: The authors describe the clinical manifestations of the disease, the diagnosis and therapy of mandibular angiosarcoma in a seriously ill patient. The diagnosis was made on the basis of the histopathological findings and immunohistochemistry. The following treatment was radical surgery with subsequent radiotherapy and 18 months later, the 84 year old female patient remains alive and apparently healthy. Conclusions: Angiosarcoma has currently been literary described only in small number of patients. Guidelines for optimal treatment are still unknown and the average survival is one year and a half., Richard Pink, Patrik Flodr, Peter Tvrdý, Jindřich Pazdera, and Literatura
Hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) is a type of thrombotic microangiopathy, in the course of which some patients may develop chronic kidney disease (CKD). It is clinically important to investigate the markers of a poor prognosis. The levels of angiotensinogen (AGT) and interleukin-18 (IL-18) in serum and urine were evaluated. Study was conducted in 29 children with a history of HUS. Serum and urine AGT concentration was significantly higher in children after HUS as compared to the control group. No differences depending on the type of HUS and gender were noted. The serum concentration of IL-18 in children after HUS was significantly lower, whereas in urine did not differ significantly between the sick and healthy children. A negative correlation between the concentration of AGT in serum and albuminuria in patients after HUS was detected. The results indicate that the concentration of AGT in serum and urine in children after HUS increases, which may indicate the activation of the intrarenal renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system. The statement, that AGT may be a good biomarker of CKD after acute kidney injury due to HUS requires prospective studies with follow-up from the acute phase of the disease on a larger group of patients. Reduced IL-18 serum concentration in children after HUS with no difference in its urine concentration may indicate a loss of the protective effects of this cytokine on renal function due to previously occurred HUS., K. Lipiec, P. Adamczyk, E. Świętochowska, K. Ziora, M. Szczepańska., and Obsahuje bibliografii