The corpus contains recordings by the native speakers of the North Levantine Arabic (apc) acquired during 2020, 2021, and 2023 in Prague, Paris, Kabardia, and St. Petersburg. Altogether, there were 13 speakers (9 male and 4 female, aged 1x 15-20, 7x 20-30, 4x 30-40, and 1x 40-50).
The recordings contain both monologues and dialogues on the topics of everyday life (health, education, family life, sports, culture) as well as information on both host countries (living abroad) and country of origin (Syria traditions, education system, etc.). Both types are spontaneous, the participants were given only the general subject and talked on the topic or discussed it freely. The transcription and translation team consisted of students of Arabic at Charles University, with an additional quality check provided by the native speakers of the dialect.
The textual data is split between the (parallel) transcriptions (.apc) and translations (.eng), with one segment per line. The additional .yaml file provides mapping to the corresponding audio file (with the duration and offset in the "%S.%03d" format, i.e., seconds and milliseconds) and a unique speaker ID.
The audio data is shared in the 48kHz .wav format, with dialogues and monologues in separate folders. All of the recordings are mono, with a single channel. For dialogues, there is a separate file for each speaker, e.g., "Tar_13052022_Czechia-01.wav" and "Tar_13052022_Czechia-02.wav".
The data provided in this repository corresponds to the validation split of the dialectal Arabic to English shared task hosted at the 21st edition of the International Conference on Spoken Language Translation, i.e., IWSLT 2024.
The corpus contains recordings by the native speakers of the North Levantine Arabic (apc) acquired during 2020, 2021, and 2023 in Prague, Paris, Kabardia, and St. Petersburg. Altogether, there were 13 speakers (9 male and 4 female, aged 1x 15-20, 7x 20-30, 4x 30-40, and 1x 40-50).
The recordings contain both monologues and dialogues on the topics of everyday life (health, education, family life, sports, culture) as well as information on both host countries (living abroad) and country of origin (Syria traditions, education system, etc.). Both types are spontaneous, the participants were given only the general subject and talked on the topic or discussed it freely. The transcription and translation team consisted of students of Arabic at Charles University, with an additional quality check provided by the native speakers of the dialect.
The textual data is split between the (parallel) transcriptions (.apc) and translations (.eng), with one segment per line. The additional .yaml file provides mapping to the corresponding audio file (with the duration and offset in the "%S.%03d" format, i.e., seconds and milliseconds) and a unique speaker ID.
The audio data is shared in the 48kHz .wav format, with dialogues and monologues in separate folders. All of the recordings are mono, with a single channel. For dialogues, there is a separate file for each speaker, e.g., "16072022_Family-01.wav" and "16072022_Family-02.wav".
The data provided in this repository corresponds to the test split of the dialectal Arabic to English shared task hosted at the 21st edition of the International Conference on Spoken Language Translation, i.e., IWSLT 2024.
As servants of their church community, teachers had to spend much of their time on activities that today we might consider secondary - tasks relating to their ancillary duties as cantor, organist or verger. But in rural communities the teachers, alongside the priests, were often the only educated men in the parish and played a not inconsiderable role in the early stages of the national revival movement. The school reforms passed in 18th century Hungary opened the way for teachers - even those in elementary schools - to improve their social standing and prestige, on condition they fulfilled certain expectations as formulated in the basic reform programme, Ratio educationis (1777). Our paper examines the new types of school (normal, preparatory) that offered teachers better chances of social advancement and public acceptance. Drawing on case studies of teachers in several schools, it documents how they managed to meet the demands made on them while still pursuing and realizing their own ambitions., Eva Kowalská., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
Cílem práce je hodnocení vývoje úhrad nemocniční péče v ČR po roce 1998 ve vztahu k alokační efektivitě finančních zdrojů, rozdělených mezi různé typy českých nemocnic podle jejich velikosti, funkcí a rozsahu poskytovaných služeb s využitím statistických dat o činnosti a hospodaření těchto nemocnic. Vývoj úhrad je hodnocen v kontextu tržně zaměřených reforem zdravotnictví v ČR. Malé a střední nemocnice se v ČR staly v posledních dvou letech cílem další redukce jejich činnosti (lůžka, pracovníci, oddělení, rušení celých nemocnic) v rámci aktivit veřejných zdravotních pojišťoven (nástrojem jsou smlouvy pojišťoven s nemocnicemi). Předchozí restrukturalizace lůžkové péče v 90. letech byla v souladu s platnou právní úpravou řízena veřejnou správou. Současný reformní proces probíhá bez výchozích analýz a hodnocení ze strany veřejné správy na centrální a regionální úrovni. Veřejná a odborná komunikace tohoto procesu jsou nedostačující, vede k různým protestům ze strany dotče - ných subjektů. Není naplněn zákonem stanovený postup. U velkých nemocnic, zajišťujících poskytování zdravotní péče, výzkum a výuku byl zjištěn rozdíl mezi jejich výnosy a náklady na lůžkovou péči, uvedených v jejich výkazech. Jde o poměrně vysoké finanční částky (ročně v mld Kč). Tento rozdíl je zapotřebí objasnit cestou nezávislé veřejné kontroly. Práce upozorňuje na potřebu rozšířit současnou technokratickou argumentaci organizačních změn nemocniční péče, založenou na primárním neoliberálně směrovaném záměru inančních úspor a omezení produkce ve veřejném sektoru služeb. Doporučeným východiskem je obnova demokratických mechanismů se zohledněním funkcí a cílů zdravotnického systému v souladu s veřejnými zájmy a lidskými právy se vztahem ke zdraví., The aim of the work is to assess the development of hospital payment in the Czech Republic after 1998 in relation to the allocative efficiency of financial resources distributed among different types of Czech hospitals according to their size, function, and scope of services, using statistical data of their activities. Small and medium-sized hospitals in the Czech Republic were during the last two years challenged to further reduction of their activities (beds, staff, departments, hospitals complete interference) in the framework of their contracts with public health insurance. Previous restructuring of inpatient care in the 90s, was in accordance with the valid legislation. The current process takes place without cooperative baseline analysis and evaluation of the public administration at central and regional level. Public communication of this process in 2011-2012 was insufficient and lead to various protests by the actors concerned in hospital care., Petr Háva, and Literatura