In this paper I argue that the enkratic principle in its classic formulation may not be a requirement of rationality. The investigation of whether it is leads to some important methodological insights into the study of rationality. I also consider the possibility that we should consider rational requirements as a subset of a broader category of agential requirements., V tomto příspěvku tvrdím, že enkratický princip ve své klasické formulaci nemusí být požadavkem racionality. Šetření, zda vede k některým důležitým metodickým pohledům na studium racionality. Také zvažuji možnost, že bychom měli zvážit racionální požadavky jako podmnožinu širší kategorie agenčních požadavků., and Andrew Reisner
This paper's primary purpose is to show that there is a peculiar alternative to scientism whose central thesis is not about sources of knowledge or the existence of various objects, but it aims at setting out a strategy to help decide which of the two mutually exclusive beliefs is the better one to adopt. Scientophilia, to coin a term, recommends preferring, without any discussion, a position consistent with the consensus of credible and reliable experts in a given domain. In case there is no such agreement, mainly because peers disagree with each other, or experts are difficult to identify, it is recommended for a scientophile to suspend judgment. Scientophilia is not a position on science or human knowledge boundaries, but it deals with the practical side of belief change. Verdicts made by this approach are partially similar to those offered by mild scientism, as scientophilia puts scientific knowledge as one of the most reliable sources. However, it is also consistent with mild antiscientism, as in some particular cases (for example, Moorean truths), it assigns reliable expertise to non-scientific experts. Therefore it is a third way.
Isothermal and non-isothermal infiltration experiments with tracer breakthrough were carried out in the laboratory
on one intact column (18.9 cm in diameter, 25 cm in height) of sandy loam soil. For the isothermal experiment, the
temperature of the infiltrating water was 20°C to the initial temperature of the sample. For the two non-isothermal experiments
water temperature was set at 8°C and 6°C, while the initial temperature of the sample was 22°C. The experiments
were conducted under the same initial and boundary conditions. Pressure heads and temperatures were monitored in two
depths (8.8 and 15.3 cm) inside the soil sample. Two additional temperature sensors monitored the entering and leaving
temperatures of the water. Water drained freely through the perforated plate at the bottom of the sample by gravity and
outflow was measured using a tipping bucket flowmeter. The permeability of the sample calculated for steady state stages
of the experiment showed that the significant difference between water flow rates recorded during the two experiments
could not only be justified by temperature induced changes of the water viscosity and density. The observed data
points of the breakthrough curve were successfully fitted using the two-region physical non-equilibrium model. The results
of the breakthrough curves showed similar asymmetric shapes under isothermal and non-isothermal conditions.
The article synthesizes available information on isotopic composition of precipitation in Slovakia (the Western Carpathians). Monthly δ18O data from eleven stations and period 1988-1997 were used to investigate correlations among the stations, altitude, air temperature and precipitation amount effects. The mean annual altitude and air temperature gradients of δ18O in precipitation were 0.21‰/100 m and 0.36‰/1°C, respectively. Maps of spatial distribution of mean annual δ18O in precipitation based on both gradients were constructed. The two maps do not significantly differ for the majority of Slovakia. δ2 H data were available for only three stations. Local meteoric water line derived for the station with the longest data series (δ2 H = = 7.86δ18O + 6.99) was close to the Global Meteoric Water line. Its parameters in periods 1991-1993 and 1991-2008 did not change. The study indicates that a more detailed monitoring of isotopic composition of precipitation in mountains should be carried out in the future. The highest station exhibited very small seasonal variability of δ18O in precipitation compared to other Slovak stations. The second highest mountain station had significantly higher deuterium excess than the neighboring stations located in the valley. In some analyses the data from the nearest stations situated abroad (Vienna, Krakow) were used. and Príspevok syntetizuje dostupné údaje o izotopickom zložení zrážok na území Slovenska (Západné Karpaty). Hodnotí koreláciu hodnôt δ18O v kumulatívnych mesačných zrážkach z rokov 1988-1997 medzi jednotlivými stanicami, vplyv nadmorskej výšky, teploty vzduchu a úhrnu zrážok. Priemerný ročný výškový gradient δ18O v zrážkach je 0,21‰/100 m, priemerný ročný teplotný gradient δ18O v zrážkach je 0,36‰/1°C. Oba gradienty boli použité na vytvorenie mapy priestorového rozdelenia δ18O v zrážkach na území Slovenska. Mapa vytvorená pomocou výškového gradientu δ18O v zrážkach sa pre väčšinu územia Slovenska významne nelíši od mapy vytvorenej pomocou teplotného gradientu. Hodnoty δ2 H v zrážkach boli k dispozícii len pre tri stanice na Slovensku. Pre stanicu s najdlhším radom údajov (1991-2008) bola určená lokálna meteorická čiara (δ2 H = 7.86δ18O + 6.99), ktorej priebeh je blízky globálnej meteorickej čiare. Parametre lokálnej meteorickej čiary sa počas skúmaného obdobia nezmenili. Merané mesačné údaje poukazujú na potrebu podrobnejšieho monitoringu izotopického zloženia zrážok v horách. Najvyššie ležiaca stanica mala v porovnaní s ostatnými stanicami veľmi malú sezónnu variabilitu δ18O v zrážkach. Druhá najvyššie položená stanica mala podstatne vyšší exces deutéria, ako susedné stanice ležiace v kotlinovej polohe. Pri niektorých analýzach boli údaje zo Slovenska porovnávané s najbližšie ležiacimi zahraničnými stanicami (Viedeň, Krakov).
Název v tiráži: Sborník IV. severočeského archívního symposia - referáty ke 300. výročí povstání poddaného lidu r. 1680 and Obálkový název: Sborník referátů ze 4. severočeského symposia Povstání poddaného lidu v r. 1680
This package contains data used in the IWPT 2020 shared task. It contains training, development and test (evaluation) datasets. The data is based on a subset of Universal Dependencies release 2.5 ( but some treebanks contain additional enhanced annotations. Moreover, not all of these additions became part of Universal Dependencies release 2.6 (, which makes the shared task data unique and worth a separate release to enable later comparison with new parsing algorithms. The package also contains a number of Perl and Python scripts that have been used to process the data during preparation and during the shared task. Finally, the package includes the official primary submission of each team participating in the shared task.
This package contains data used in the IWPT 2021 shared task. It contains training, development and test (evaluation) datasets. The data is based on a subset of Universal Dependencies release 2.7 ( but some treebanks contain additional enhanced annotations. Moreover, not all of these additions became part of Universal Dependencies release 2.8 (, which makes the shared task data unique and worth a separate release to enable later comparison with new parsing algorithms. The package also contains a number of Perl and Python scripts that have been used to process the data during preparation and during the shared task. Finally, the package includes the official primary submission of each team participating in the shared task.
The article deals with Cantor’s diagonal argument and its alleged philosophical consequences such as that (1) there are more reals than integers and, hence, (2) that some of the reals must be independent of language because the totality of words and sentences is always count-able. My claim is that the main flaw of the argument for the existence of non-nameable (hence unrecognizable) objects or truths lies in a very superficial understanding of what a name or representation actually is., Abstraktní
Článek pojednává o Cantorově diagonálním argumentu a jeho údajných filosofických důsledcích, jako je to, že (1) existuje více reálných než celých čísel, a proto (2) že některé z reals musí být nezávislé na jazyce, protože souhrn slov a vět je vždy počitatelný. Moje tvrzení je, že hlavní chybou argumentu pro existenci nemazatelných (tedy nerozpoznatelných) objektů nebo pravd leží velmi povrchní chápání toho, co vlastně je jméno nebo reprezentace., and Vojtěch Kolman