In connection with discussions about the nature of attempt on life, the author considers the character of concepts and shows that the practice of communication confi rms the understanding of concepts as structured entities. Further he considers the question of whether we can speak of “true” concepts, and he reaches some conclusions concerning essentialism.
a1_In this study we compared several parameters characterizing differences in the lipoprotein profile between members of families with a positive or negative family history of coronary artery disease (CAD). In addition to regular parameters such as the body mass index (BMI), total plasma cholesterol (TC), low density (LDL-C) and high density (HDL-C) cholesterol and triglycerides (TG) we estimated the fractional esterification rate of cholesterol in apoB lipoprotein-depleted plasma (FERHDL) which reflects HDL and LDL particle size distribution. A prevalence of smaller particles for the atherogenic profile of plasma lipoproteins is typical. Log (TG/HDL-C) as a newly established atherogenic index of plasma (AIP) was calculated and correlated with other parameters. The cohort in the study consisted of 29 young (< 54 years old) male survivors of myocardial infarction (MI), their spouses and at least one offspring (MI group; n=116). The control group consisted of 29 apparently healthy men with no family history of premature CAD in three generations, their spouses and at least one offspring (control group; n=124). MI families had significantly higher BMI than the controls, with the exception of spouses. Plasma TC did not significantly differ between MI and the controls. MI spouses had significantly higher TG. Higher LDL-C had MI survivors only, while lower HDL-C had both MI survivors and their spouses compared to the controls. FERHDL was significantly higher in all the MI subgroups (probands 25.85±1.22, spouses 21.55±2.05, their daughters 16.93±1.18 and sons 19.05±1.33 %/h) compared to their respective controls (men 20.80±1.52, spouses 14.70±0.98, daughters 13.23±0.74, sons 15.7±0.76 %/h, p<0.01 to p<0.05). Log (TG/HDL-C) ranged from negative values in control subjects to positive values in MI probands., a2_High correlation between FERHDL and Log (TG/HDL-C) (r = 0.80, p<0.0001) confirmed close interactions among TG, HDL-C and cholesterol esterification rate. The finding of significantly higher values of FERHDL and Log (TG/HDL-C) indicate higher incidence of atherogenic lipoprotein phenotype in members of MI families. The possibility that, in addition to genetic factors, a shared environment likely contributes to the familial aggregation of CAD risk factors is supported by a significant correlation of the FERHDL values within spousal pairs (control pairs: r = 0.51 p<0.01, MI pairs: r = 0.41 p<0.05)., M. Dobiášová, K. Rašlová,H. Rauchová, B. Vohnout, K. Ptáčková, J. Frohlich., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Rychlost fotosyntézy není přímé ani jediné kritérium pro cílené změny výnosu u rostlin. Ukazuje se, že větší výnos mají rostliny s větší otevřeností a vyšší hustotou průduchů, což vyžaduje zvýšený přísun vody. Vyšší produkce dosáhneme pravděpodobně zvýšením fotosyntetické fixace CO2 tak, že zvýšíme poměr CO2/O2. Cestu nám ukazují C4 rostliny svými CO2 koncentračními pumpami a C4 fotosyntézou. and The rate of photosynthesis is neither the immediate nor the only criterion of targeted changes in plant yield. It has emerged that a higher yield can be obtained in plants with more open and dense stomata, which requires a higher supply of water. Higher production can be obtained through a higher photosynthetic fixation of CO2, which can be achieved through enhancement of the CO2/O2 ratio. This strategy has evolved in C4 plants through their CO2 concentration pumps and C4 photosynthesis machinery.
Evoluční odpovědí rostlin na snížení koncentrace CO2 v atmosféře byla změna tvaru (zvětšení poměru velikosti povrchu k objemu) a zvýšení hustoty a velikosti průduchů. Hustota průduchů je relativně spolehlivým svědectvím antropogenních změn koncentrace CO2 v atmosféře. Správné rozmístění a množství průduchů odpovídající prostředí, kde rostlina roste, je věc přenosu informací mezi atmosférou v okolí listu a jádrem buňky. Další mechanismy, které řídí přenos informací mezi orgány rostlin dosud neznáme. and Change in leaf form, the proportional enhancement of density and a decrease in the size of stomata are the evolutionary reaction of plants to the lowering of CO2 concentration in the atmosphere during the geological history. The density of stomata is a relatively reliable witness of CO2 concentration changes in the atmosphere caused by man’s activities. The correct spatial distribution and quantity of stomata corresponding to the environment in which a plant is growing involves information transfer between the atmosphere around a leaf and a cell nucleus. Other mechanisms regulating the transfer of information among plant organs have recently been revealed.