This paper presents an experimental investigation on the bending strength behavior of textile reinforced geopolymer based composite. Specimens reinforced with one to three textile layers and non-reinforced specimens were molded in the rectangular form with the dimension of 400×100×15 mm3 . Four-point bending test, with a constant span of 100 mm, was conducted to determine the bending strength behavior of the hardened specimens at approximately 28 days after casting. The experimental results confirmed that there is a strong relationship between carbon textile and flexural strength of the specimens, of course it is expected, and the variability of the flexural strength is increased respect to the number of textile layers. Reinforced specimens provide a high stiffness, high bearing capacity and pseudo-ductile behavior, which ensure that makes different as compared to the non-reinforced specimens., Článek představuje výsledky experimentálního výzkumu při hodnocení pevnosti v ohybu zpevněného kompozitu na bázi geopolymeru. Vzorky byly připraveny ve formě hranolu o rozměru 400 × 100 × 15 mm3 jak ve zpevněném stavu s jednou až třemi vrstvami textilií, tak i bez výztuže. Čtyřbodová ohybová zkouška se vzdáleností podpěr 100 mm pro stanovení pevnosti v ohybu byla provedena 28 dnů po odlití vzorků. Experimentální výsledky potvrzují závislost mezi počtem přidaných vrstev uhlíkové textilie a pevností v ohybu u zkoumaných vzorků. Zpevněné vzorky se projevují vyšší tuhostí a pevností oproti vzorkům bez výztuže., and Dokončení článku v příštím čísle
Painter M. Fischerová-Kvěchová (1892-1984), graduate of Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague (1906-1913), draw inspiration mainly from folk art and children’s world. Their reflection permeated all areas of her Work. In her drawings, including illustrations, in paintings, as well as in textile works - in her fashion designs, in designs of “suits” for puppets, in designs of printed textiles. From the middle of the 1910’s she worked as a designer of fashions for children, ladies and also as designer of shoes for Prague cooperative „Zádruha". In this work she drew on her knowledge of patterns, colors, and decorations of folk costumes, gained through her explorational journeys in the Czech lands, to Slovakia and the Balkans. She made a great number of study drawings and high quality studies of costumes. In the year 1925 she was awarded a gold medal in the International exhibition of applied arts and industry in Paris for “textile works”. In the I920s and at the beginning of the 1930s she abandoned the Creative transpositions of folk costumes. Instead, she promoted the “style dress” concept. In other words, the envisioned the design of timeless quality, composed mainly on the basis of aesthetical and functional principles, supplemented by applied components of folk textiles (for example, embroidery). In the second half of the 1930s she designed more than thirty designs of “peculiar” printed textiles for prestigious textile company Josef Sochor of Králův Dvůr. Four of these were realized. Through this work, the painter wrested an important role in the “Czech peculiar” movement.
Polyaniline/montmorillonite (PANI/MMT) intercalate pressed into pellets using the pressure 28 MPa has been prepared in order to achieve two-dimensional conductivity which is close to pure PANI, however with improved mechanical and thermal stability (due to the presence of silicate). Structure-conductivity relationship has been investigated using X-ray diffraction analysis and diffraction patterns obtained from two perpendicular planes revealed the strong texture. The structural anisotropy led to the anisotropy in conductivity, which is much stronger for PANI/MMT than for pure PANI pellets. Anyway, the inplane conductivity is of the same order for both PANI/MMT and pure PANI pellets. The anisotropy factor, that means the ratio of in-plane conductivity and conductivity in the direction perpendicular to the pellet plane, was 328 (PANI/MMT pellet) and 6.7 (pure PANI pellet), respectively., Jonáš Tokarský, Kateřina Mamulová-Kutláková, Lucie Neuwirthová, Lenka Kulhánková, Vítězslav Stýskala, Vlastimil Matějka and Pavla Čapková., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Karl Heinrich Heydenreich (1764–1801), a now almost forgotten German thinker of the late Enlightenment, attempted his own transcendental-philosophical definition of the aesthetic category of the sublime in the article “Grundriß einer neuen Untersuchung über die Empfindungen des Erhabenen” (1789), which preceded Kant's Critique of Judgment by a year. Thanks to this endeavor, he was often described in the history of aesthetics as being a Kantian in aesthetics before Kant, but his article has not to this point received a detailed analysis. The present study shows that, in particular, Kant's moral-philosophical concept of respect for moral law played a crucial role in Heydenreich's reflections on the sensation of the sublime as a product of pure reason. and Karl Heinrich Heydenreich (1764–1801), dnes téměř neznámý pozdně osvícenský německý myslitel, se v článku „Grundriß einer neuen Untersuchung über die Empfindungen des Erhabenen“ (1789), jenž o rok předcházel Kantově Kritice soudnosti, pokusil o vlastní transcendentálně-filosofickou definici estetické kategorie vznešena. Díky tomuto počinu byl sice v dějinách estetiky nejednou líčen jako kantián v estetice před Kantem, podrobné analýzy se však jeho článku dosud nedostalo. Předložená studie ukazuje, že zásadní roli v Heydenreichově úvaze o pocitu vznešena coby produktu čistého rozumu sehrál zejména Kantův morálně-filosofický koncept pocitu úcty k mravnímu zákonu.
Following the Article 16 (7) of the Directive 2000/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a framework for Community action in the field of water policy Commission shall submit proposals for environmental objectives applicable to the concentrations of the priority substances in surface water, sediments or biota. In the absence of agreement at Community level up to the deadline given by the directive Member States shall establish environmental objectives themselves. Within the framework of legislative preparation to this situation we have evaluated the relationships between particular parameters of surface water and total suspended solids contamination with heavy metals and with arsenic as one group of priority substances. Neither valid Decree No 82/1999 Coll. nor the amendment include such environmental objectives at present. and Podle čl. 16 (7) Směrnice 2000/60/ES Evropského parlamentu a Rady ustavující rámec pro činnost Společenství v oblasti vodní politiky má Komise předložit Evropskému parlamentu a Radě návrhy environmentálních standardů pro koncentrace prioritních látek v povrchových vodách, sedimentech a v biotě. V případě absence úmluvy na úrovni Společenství do termínu daného směrnicí musejí členské státy stanovit tyto environmentální standardy samy. V rámci legislativní přípravy na takovou eventualitu jsme proto hodnotili vztahy mezi jednotlivými parametry kontaminace vody a plavenin těžkými kovy a arsenem jako jednou skupinou prioritních látek. Platné Nař. vl. ČR č. 82/1999 Sb. ani připravovaná novela zatím environmentální standardy pro sedimenty (a tedy ani plaveniny) a biotu nezahrnují.
Chronic allograft nephropathy (CAN) represents a frequent and irreversible cause of long-term renal graft loss. TGF- β 1 is a key profibrogenic cytokine associated with CAN pathogenesis. Because of clinical diagnostic inaccuracy, protocol biopsy has been suggested to be a beneficial method for early CAN detection. Protocol core biopsy was carried out in 67 consecutive cyclosporine-based immunosuppression-treated kidney transplant recipients with stable renal function 12 months after renal transplantation. Biopsy specimens were analyzed morphologically according to Banff-97' criteria and immunohistologically for TGF- β 1 staining. The data obtained were correlated with plasma TGF- β 1 levels and clinical data. CAN (grade I-III) was found in 51 patients (76 %). CAN grade I was found to be the most frequent one (44 %). A normal finding within the graft was made in only 12 patients (18 %). Clinically silent acute rejection Banff IA was present in 4 patients (6 %). In 8 patients (12 %) with CAN, borderline changes were present. We found a significant correlation between CAN grade and creatinine clearance, as measured by the Cockroft-Gault formula (p<0.01) as well as body mass index (p<0.01). There was a significant correlation between chronic vasculopathy (Banff cv) and creatinine clearance, and between the degree of TGF- β 1 staining and chronic vasculopathy (p<0.01). There were no relations between morphological findings and TGF- β 1 plasma levels, cyclosporine levels, plasma lipids, HLA- mismatches, panel reactive antibodies (PRA), proteinuria, and the donor's age. In conclusion, CAN is a frequent finding in protocol kidney graft biopsies 12 months after transplantation. TGF- β 1 tissue expression is linked with chronic vasculopathy., O. Viklický, I. Matl, L. Voska, R. Böhmová, M. Jarešová, J. Lácha, A. Lodererová, I. Stříž, V. Teplan, Š. Vítko., and Obsahuje bibliografii