Příspěvek Veroniky M. Mráčkové a Václava Kapsy je zprávou z mezinárodní muzikologické konference, která se uskutečnila ve slezské Vratislavi ve dnech 8. až 10. září 2011., Veronika M. Mráčková - Václav Kapsa., Rubrika: Konference, and Cizojazyčné resumé není.
The article is based on the results of ethnographic field research which the author has conducted over the last 20 years in multi-lingual and multi-faith villages of Belarusian-Lithuanian borderlands in the Grodno region in Belarus. The residents of kolkhoz villages of the region turned out to be unfamiliar with the scholarly term "borderlands". They describe their pluralistic social and cultural reality by means of an underlying metaphor (conceptual archetype) of a mixed world. This emic (subjective) category of describing the social world is subjected in the article to an anthropological analysis and interpretation. The author considers also the emic conceptualisation of the significant differences between "ethnic" groups.
Interest surrounds the role of an NADPH oxidase-like enzyme in hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction (HPV). We have studied the effects of the NADPH oxidase inhibitors iodonium diphenyl (ID) and cadmium sulphate (CdSO4) upon HPV of isolated rat pulmonary arteries (n = 73, internal diameter 545± 23 mm). Vessels were preconstricted with prostaglandin F2a (PGF2a, 0.5 or 5 mM) prior to a hypoxic challenge. ID (10 or 50 mM), CdSO4 (100 mM) or vehicle (50 ml) was added for 30 min before re-exposure to PGF2a and hypoxia. ID and CdSO4 significantly inhibited HPV. In vessels preconstricted with 5 mM PGF2a, ID (10 and 50 mM) reduced HPV from 37.4± 5.6 % to 9.67± 4.4 % of the contractile response elicited by 80 mM KCl (P<0.05) and from 30.1± 5.0 % to 0.63± 0.6% 80 mM KCl response (P<0.01), respectively. CdSO4 (100 mM) reduced HPV from 29.4±4.0 % to 17.1±2.2% 80 mM KCl response (P<0.05). In vessels preconstricted with 0.5 mM PGF2a, ID (10 and 50 mM) reduced HPV from 16.0± 3.15% to 3.36± 1.44 % 80 mM KCl response (P<0.01) and from 15.0± 1.67 % to 2.82± 1.40 % 80 mM KCl response (P<0.001), respectively. Constriction to PGF2a was potentiated by ID. ID and CdSO4, at concentrations previously shown to inhibit neutrophil NADPH oxidase, attenuate HPV in isolated rat pulmonary arteries. This suggests that an NADPH oxidase-like enzyme is involved in HPV and could act as the pulmonary oxygen sensor., R. D. Jones, J. S. Thompson, A. H. Morice., and Obsahuje bibliografii
In this work, the injuries caused by clethodim herbicide application as well as the use of exogenous salicylic acid (SA) as a protective agent against clethodim in Zea mays leaves were examined. Although the target for clethodim is the inhibition of acetyl coenzyme A carboxylase (ACCase) which is the key enzyme for fatty acid biosynthesis, it can indirectly affect the photosynthetic machinery, gaseous exchange and some biochemical parameters. Clethodim application caused chlorosis and yellowing of leaf-tip parts. Higher doses caused browning or reddening of leaves and sometimes dead parts of the leaf margins were observed. The rate of photosynthesis was significantly lowered and the pigments content was highly reduced as a response to clethodim spraying. Moreover, other gas-exchange properties were altered. Furthermore, accumulation of high amounts of carbohydrates, proteins and proline were detected. SA spraying three days prior clethodim application caused partially or totally disappearance of clethodim injuries and kept the leaves similar to those of control. Improved photosynthesis and enhanced pigments content were observed in leaves treated with SA. Other analyzed parameters showed values similar to those of the corresponding control. From the experimental work, an evidenced role of SA working against clethodim effects was suggested and discussed in this paper., D. E. M. Radwan, D. M. Soltan., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Using the localization of nonspecific esterases, the nervous system of Polystoma indicum Diengdoh et Tandon, 1991 could be revealed in toto. The nervous system is bilaterally symmetrical. Cerebral ganglia, which are connected by a thick dorsal commissure, are present dorsal to the pharynx. From the cerebral ganglia arise five anterior pairs and four posterior pairs of nerve trunks. The anterior nerves and/or their fine branches join to form a conspicuous circumoral nerve ring complex. The posterior nerves unite in the opisthaptoral region to form two main haptoral nerves, the branches from which innervate the components of the opisthaptor. Presence of nerve cells is also revealed in association with the main nerves, more predominantly in the vicinity of the opisthaptoral suckers.
The aim of the present study was to investigate the distribution and density of noradrenergic nerve fibres (NNFs), content of catecholamines (CATs) and steroids in the cystic ovaries of gilts receiving DXM from middle luteal phase. Cystic status of ovaries was induced by i.m. DXM injections on days 7-21 of the estrous cycle. During the same time, gilts in the control group received saline. The ovaries were collected on predicted day 11 of the second studied estrous cycle. The cystic ovaries were supplied by more numerous NNFs than the control gonads. Moreover after DXM injections, the content of CATs and progesterone and androstendione (A4) in the cystic wall were elevated, while the levels of A4, testosterone and estradiol-17β in the cystic fluid were lowered. Our results show that in the porcine cystic ovaries, induced by DXM injections from middle phase of estrous cycle, increased the density of NNFs and level of CATs, and that it was accompanied by changes in the content of steroids. Moreover, this study is a further confirmation that the morphological and functional changes of cystic ovaries are partly dependent on phase of the estrous cycle in which the induction of the ovarian cysts was initiated., A. Kozłowska, ... [et al.]., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Studie otevírá diskusi s názory o původu a vývojových proměnách keramiky vytáčené kompletně na hrnčířském kruhu a opatřené pásovou výzdobou. Tato keramická třída byla používána v raném středověku (po dobu asi jednoho století) komunitami žijícími na jihu Velkopolska a v severovýchodní části Dolního Slezska. Dosavadní představy naznačující úzký vztah s obdobně zdobenou keramikou produkovanou v severních částech Čech jsou přehodnoceny s poukazem na vnitřní rozmanitost celé keramické třídy. Inspirační zdroje nepřicházely pouze z jihu (tj. z Čech), ale také ze severu (Pomořansko) a ze západu (oblast středního toku Labe). V rámci tohoto druhu keramiky lze pozorovat proměny, které se v produkci malých lokálních komunit objevují nezávisle na vnějších impulsech. and The article underlines the need to re-discuss the prevailing views in archaeological literature on the provenance and transformation stages of completely wheel-turned ceramics decorated with zoned ornament. This class of ceramics was used in the Early Middle Ages (for about 100 years) by communities living in the area of southern Greater Poland and the north-eastern part of Lower Silesia. The previous ideas suggesting a close relationship between zoned ceramics and vessels produced in northern Bohemia are reconsidered, with the internal diversity of zoned ceramics being pointed out. We argue that inspiration in ceramics manufacturing came not only from the south (Bohemia), but also from the north (Pomerania) and the west (the middle Elbe region), and that there were also changes that appeared independently of these impulses in the ceramics production of small, native communities.