Evropsky významná lokalita (EVL) v regionu Trojstátí Čech, Bavorska a Saska nabízí přírodovědně a turisticky zajímavé území. Místní příroda ukrývá ohrožené a významné druhy fauny i flóry. Nejvýznamnějším zástupcem je kriticky ohrožený mlž perlorodka říční (Margaritifera margaritifera). Oblast je možné projít po naučné stezce Na cestě k Trojstátí, která představuje místní zajímavosti., The Site of Community Importance (SCI) located in the region of the Bohemian, Bavarian and Saxon borders is an interesting area from the viewpoint of natural sciences and tourism. The local landscape hosts rare and endangered species of fauna and flora. The most important representative is the critically endangered Freshwater Pearl Mussel (Margaritifera margaritifera). The area can be explored along the nature trail called „Na cestě k Trojstátí“ which introduces all local places of interest., and Josef Levý.
The Joaquín Costa reservoir contains a mixed fish assemblage of native and exotic species. Feeding habits and feeding relationships of species in the fish assemblage were analysed over a one year cycle. Differences in diet composition were found both between species and within species among seasons. Food overlap and trophic similarity among species also showed seasonal variations. Cluster analysis differentiated four groups of predominant diet: (1) macroinvertebrates (trout and largemouth bass), (2) detritus (nase), (3) cladoceran crustaceans and (4) an omnivorous feeding regime, with large seasonal variations in food habits. Food of fish species included in groups 3 and 4 (roach, white bream, barbel, common and mirror carp) varied seasonally. Using graphical models of feeding strategies, similarity indexes, cluster and multivariate analyses based on the relative importance of food categories in the diet of the species, we illustrate that the fish assemblage showed food resource partitioning according to food habits and foraging habitats within the reservoir.
Ovipositing females from invasive (Krasnodar Territory of Russia) and native (Far East of Russia) populations of Harmonia axyridis were fed one of a set of diets ranging from 50 Myzus persicae aphids every day to 1 aphid every 10 days and all were also provided with a 10% sugar solution. The experiment was conducted at 20°C under short (12 h) and long (18 h) day conditions. Most of the females from the native population that consumed 50 or 10 aphids per day continued to oviposit under both long and short day conditions. Females that consumed 1 aphid per day or every 2 days practically stopped laying eggs but under long day conditions their ovaries were still active, whereas under short day conditions ca 50% of them were reproductively inactive (only germaria present) and had a well-developed fat body. Further reduction in diet resulted in an increase in the proportion of reproductively inactive females. However, about half of the females that terminated oogenesis under long day conditions had poorly developed fat bodies, which indicates that diapause was not induced. For the females from the invasive population, both photoperiodic and trophic effects were weak: under short day conditions, some females entered diapause when prey was abundant, whereas about 50% (independent of photoperiod) did not enter diapause when starved. This risk-spreading strategy, possibly, facilitates the adaptation of this invasive ladybird to unpredictable environmental conditions., Antonina A. Ovchinnikova, Andrey N. Ovchinnikov, Margarita Yu. Dolgovskaya, Sergey Ya. Reznik, Natalia A. Belyakova., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Tropické lesy ostrova Borneo v jihovýchodní Asii jsou celosvětově výjimečné vysokou biodiverzitou různých skupin organismů. Jejich podoba byla formována mimo jiné během čtvrtohorního kolísání hladiny světových oceánů, kdy byly ostrovy sundské oblasti vzájemně propojeny či odděleny, což mělo vliv na migraci organismů. Současná diverzita lesů Bornea sleduje gradient nadmořské výšky a vlastnosti substrátů, přičemž můžeme rozlišit několik hlavních typů lesa. V posledních desetiletích jsme svědky masivní těžby lesů, které jsou mnohde převáděny na plantáže palmy olejné., Tropical forests of the island of Borneo in South East Asia harbour an extraordinary high biodiversity of various groups of organisms. They have been shaped, among other influences, by the Quaternary fluctuations of the level of world’s oceans, connecting or dividing islands within the Sundaland, which has affected migration of species. The present diversity of forests in Borneo follows an elevational gradient and substrate properties, thus forming several main forest types. Over the past few decades, we have witnessed massive logging and transformation of forests into oil palm (Elaeis guineensis) plantations., Radim Hédl., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Forest dynamics, taxonomic diversity and synchronization of flowering are important ecological aspects of woody species of tropical forests in Borneo. Repeated measurements on permanent plots show that forest dynamics are driven by gap formation. Attempts have been made to explain high tropical diversity by a number of theories, ranging from the ecological equitability of species to narrow niche specialization. Finally, the conspicuous flowering synchronicity, principally of three species of the family Dipterocarpaceae, may be explained as a reaction on predation in regeneration phase. This phenomenon is triggered by climatic fluctuations connected to the El Nino-Southern Oscillation.