Borneo je ostrovem se zajímavou geomorfologií a překvapivě různorodou geologií. Oba faktory se spolu s historickým vývojem určujícím migrace druhů podílely na současné pestrosti bornejské flóry. Pozoruhodné funkční a taxonomické skupiny rostlin najdeme nejen v zapojeném lese, ale také nad horní hranicí lesa, v pobřežních prostředích, podél vodních toků a jinde. V krátkosti jsou představeny vybrané funční skupiny epifyty, epifyly, liány, masožravé rostliny s význačným rodem láčkovka, nezelené rostliny, rheofyty a alpinské rostliny, mezi kterými nalezneme i trávy temeprátních oblastí. Z pozoruhodných taxonomických skupin představujeme zázvory, áronovité, begonie a pěnišníky, které mají na Borneu jedno z center své diverzity., Borneo is an island with conspicuous geomorphology and variable geology. Both factors have contributed, along with historical development determining species migrations, to the present richness of the flora of Borneo. Remarkable functional and taxonomic groups of herbs occur not only in closed forests, but also above the timberline, in coastal and riparian habitats, and elsewhere. Selected functional groups are briefly introduced: epiphytes, epiphylles, rheophytes, carnivorous, achlorophyllous and alpine plants. From conspicuous taxonomic groups, we introduce gingers, aroids, begonias and rhododendrons., and Martin Dančák ... [et al.].
Tropické deštné lesy jihovýchodní Asie jsou známé vysokou druhovou i morfologickou diverzitou rostlin a stromy jsou logicky klíčovou složkou tohoto ekosystému. Ostrov Borneo, se svými přibližně 3 000 druhy dřevin, není v tomto ohledu žádnou výjimkou. Determinace druhů je zde právě kvůli vysoké diverzitě mimořádně složitým a komplexním úkolem, který vyžaduje mnohem větší úsilí než při práci v temperátních ekosystémech. Kromě běžných znaků se při určování tropických dřevin využívají i speciální znaky, jako je např. zásek do borky, barva exudátu či charakteristická vůně. Článek v krátkosti představuje jak významné stromové dominanty deštných lesů Bornea, jako jsou dvoukřídláčovité, tak i další čeledi stromů, jejichž zástupci jsou v lesích bohatě zastoupeni. Zajímavý je také výskyt evolučně starých linií, které nesou primitivní znaky krytosemenných rostlin. Tento článek uzavírá čtyřdílný seriál o tropických lesích Bornea., The tropical rain forests of south-east Asia are famous for their tall plant species and morphological diversity, with trees forming a key component of this ecosystem. The island of Borneo with more than 3,000 species of woody plants is no exception. Due to this high diversity, species identification is a very demanding and complex task, especially in comparison with temperate ecosystems. Apart from traditional characteristics, special traits are also useful for identification, e.g. bark slash and the resulting colour of exudate or typical odour. This article concludes the four-part series and presents a brief overview of dominant tree families of the tropical forests of Borneo including Dipterocarpaceae. The remarkable ancient evolutionary lineages are also introduced., and Michal Hroneš, Radim Hédl, Martin Dančák.
Troponin T (TnT) is recently being considered to be an important diagnostic marker of myocardial damage in adults, but this marker has not yet been used in neonates. The present study was designed to determine the normal level of cardiac TnT in the cord blood of healthy term neonates. Cardiac troponin T concentration in cord blood was measured in 15 healthy term neonates using commercial kit (Enzymun-Test System, Boehringer, Mannheim). TnT serum concentration was 0.05±0.04 /ig/1 in 10 of 15 babies whereas in the remaining 5 haemolysed samples its concentration was elevated (mean 0.19±0.07 /vg/1). It is important to consider that incidental haemolysis of blood samples can mimic pathological elevation of TnT by interfering with the assay.
Why is great to be small. We discuss the ecology of land snails in fens and refer to our study with Brandon Schamp, a botanist from Canada, in which we investigated whether coexisting snail species in 145 treeless fen communities in the Western Carpathian Mountains differed more in size than would be expected by chance under limiting similarity theory. Contrary to expectation, coexisting snail species were significantly more similar with respect to body size. Specifically, smaller snail species were over-represented in fen communities in general, and this effect was accentuated in increasingly calcareous fens. Our findings support suggestion that traits related strongly to environmental conditions are more likely to be convergent, as small smail species have an advantage in tolerating freezing conditions over winter when refuges are limited.
Results of a study on trypanorhynch ccstodes of fishes from Indonesian coastal waters are presented. A new species, Dasyrhynchus thomasi sp. n., is described, and five species are recorded which all represent new locality records: Tentacularia coryphaenae Bose, 1797; Nyhelinia africana Dollfus, 1960; Nybelinia scoliodoni (Vijayalakshmi, Vijayalakshmi et Gangadharam, 1996); Sphyriocephalus dollfusi Bussieras et Aldrin, 1968; and Otobothrium penetrans Linton, 1907, Their known ranges of distribution are extended to the East-Indian Ocean. Scanning and transmission electron microscopy was used to clarify details of the tentacular armature and surface morphology of T. coryphaenae, D. thomasi and O. penetrans. In T. coryphaenae, hook-like microtriches along the bothridial tegument are embedded in the distal cytoplasm, sometimes showing a split base. The solid tentacular hooks are embedded into a fibrillar, highly ordered tentacular wall. D. thomasi is distinguished by its characteristically shaped bothridia and a triple chainette with winged hooks on the external surface of the tentacle. Tufts of microtrichcs with ciliated sensory receptors arc regularly arranged on the bothridial surface of O. penetrans. They show similarities to sensory receptors reported from other trypanorhynch cestodes. Otobothrium pephrikos Dollfus, 1969 is considered a junior synonym for O. penetrans, and the variability of the scolex within trypanorhynch cestodes is emphasised.