Investigations on the epizoic fauna of Gadus morhua (L.), Piatichthys flesus (L.) and Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum) from the Kiel Fjord and Kiel Bight were carried out from September 1996 to March 1997. Smears from 120 G. morhua and 92 P. flesus caught using fish traps and trammel nets, and of 35 O. mykiss obtained from a local fish farm in the Kiel Fjord revealed the presence of three species of trichodinid ciliatcs, Trichodina claviformis sp. n., Trichodina jadranica Haider, 1964 and Trichodina raahei Loin, 1962. The new species can be distinguished from other trichodinids by its large size in combination with the characteristically shaped adhesive disc containing denticles with club-like formed thorns. The thorns are directed anteriorly and not towards the centre of the adhesive disc. As the Kiel Bight and Kiel Fjord are new locality records for T. jadranica and T. raabei, morphological data are provided for both species. Trichodina claviformis is the first record of a pcrilrichous mobiline ciliate from Atlantic cod of the Baltic Sea. An identification Icey for 16 Trichodina species occurring on Baltic Sea fishes is provided based on the morphology of the adhesive disc and other well-established features The occurrence of trichodinid ciliates on G. morhua and P. flesus in the Baltic Sea is discussed, especially considering the biology of the host and a possible host specificity of the species.
During parasitological surveys in the Okavango Delta and Panhandle in Botswana, two species of climbing perches belonging to the family Anabantidae were investigated for ectoparasites. The fishes were the blackspot climbing perch, Microctenopoma intermedium (Pellegrin) and the manyspined climbing perch, Ctenopoma multispine Peters. Five trichodinid species were found from the skin, fins and gills of these anabantids. One is a known species, i.e., Trichodina microspina Van As et Basson, 1992, for which a comparative description is provided. Four other species are described as new species using silver impregnation, i.e., Trichodina labyrinthipiscis sp. n., Trichodina anabantidarum sp. n., Tripartiella microctenopomae sp. n., and Tripartiella ctenopomae sp. n.
During surveys of parasites of the whitemouth croaker Micropogonias furnieri (Desmarest) and the mullet Mugil platanus Günther from Samborombón Bay, Argentina, Trichodina puytoraci, T. lepsii, T. jadranica, T. murmanica, Diparitella simplex and Trichodina scalensis sp. n. were morphologically studied. Taxonomic and morphometric data for these trichodinids based on dry silver nitrate-impregnated specimens are presented. This study is the first formal report of these trichodinids from the southwest Atlantic Ocean, and the description of a new species from M. platanus.
Článek stručně shrnuje základní adaptace xerotermních rostlin. K těm patří i povrchové struktury vzniklé z epidermis. Blíže je v textu pojednáno o krycích chlupech (trichomech), jejich funkci a morfologii. Článek doplňuji fotografie různých typů těchto trichomů., This article briefly summarises essential adaptations of xerothermic species. These include epidermal structures covering plant surface. The plant hairs (trichomes), their function and morphology are described in detail. The text is supplemented with photos of some trichome types., and Hana Mašková.
The protein pattern of Trichuris chilensis obtained by sodium dodecyl sulfatc-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis was analyzed. Complex protein band patterns covering a wide range of molecular weights were obtained. The molecular weights of the major proteins present in different tissue homogenatcs were estimated. Antisera raised in rabbits against homogenates of T. chilensis and sera from naturally infected Ctenomys australis were used in Western blotting, Immunoelectrophoresis and passive hemagglutination to compare the antigenicity of the adult male, adult female, eggs, oocytes, stichosome and cuticle of this parasite. Specific antibodies to parasite antigens were also detected in faecal preparations and caecum mucosal extracts of C. australis naturally infected with T, chilensis.
Experimental infection of rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum) with the monogenean Discocotyle sagittata (Leuckart, 1842) allowed comparison between trickle and single exposure, two infection modes demonstrated to occur in the wild. Both types of infection resulted in mean larval attachment success around 50%, which was significantly dependent on dose of infective larvae used (P < 0.0001), but was not affected by mode of infection (P = 0.244). Worms recovered from fish exposed to the same number of oncomiracidia but different mode of infection differed in their rate of development. The developmental stage attained by parasites was significantly affected by number of infective larvae used (P = 0.005), and by the interaction between dose and mode of infection (P = 0.026), suggesting competition among attached larvae. Statistical analysis demonstrated that in the early stages of infestation, worm distribution over the gill arches can be explained by the relative amount of water flowing over them. One, two and three months post-infection parasite numbers were comparable (P = 0.805), but their observed distribution gradually decreased in gill arches III and IV and increased in gill arch I, suggesting that parasites migrate after initial attachment. These results reproduce phenomena observed in the field, indicating that the experimental infection system could be employed to study infection dynamics and host-parasite interactions under controlled conditions.
The paper deals with the changes of meaning of gender relations in the Czech working-class and the forming socialist movement during the period from 1870 to 1914. It focuses on the relationship between the struggle for recognition, i. e. on the critical articulations of a misrecognition as well as on the imagination of ideal social order, and the constitution of mass socialist party. The attention is paid to the roles, which men (or/and masculinity) and women (and/or feminity) should have held. and Článek zahrnuje poznámkový aparát pod čarou
Historický ústav Akademie věd ČR Praha CZ ST F1510 přív. 5, Książnica Cieszyńska Cieszyn PL I DD I 4, Knihovna Národního muzea Praha CZ 48 A 14 adl. 1, Královská kanonie premonstrátů na Strahově - Strahovská knihovna Praha CZ CO V 14 adl. 5, Královská kanonie premonstrátů na Strahově - Strahovská knihovna Praha CZ CY V 14 adl. 9, Národní knihovna ČR Praha CZ 25 D 313, Národní knihovna ČR Praha CZ 47 A 6, Klášter dominikánů - knihovna Praha CZ C II 43, Klášter dominikánů - knihovna Praha CZ C II 43a, Knihovna Akademie věd ČR Praha CZ TD 206 adl., Vědecká knihovna v Olomouci Olomouc CZ III 2.945, Vědecká knihovna v Olomouci Olomouc CZ II 35.321, and BCBT41965
Interscapular brown adipose tissue (IBAT) activity is controlled by sympathetic nervous system, and factors that influence thermogenesis appear to be centrally connected to the sympathetic outflow to IBAT. Cold exposure produces a rise in BAT temperature, which is associated with an increased thyroid activity, elevated serum levels of 3,5,3’-triiodothyronine (T3), and an increased rate of T3 production. This study evaluated the effect of swimming training on 5’-triiodothyronine deiodinase (5’-D) activity in IBAT under normal environmental conditions and after short (30 min) cold exposure (TST stimulation test). 5’-D activity is lower in trained rats at basal condition, and TST increases 5’-D in IBAT of both untrained and trained rats. However, this increase is lower in trained rats. Training reduces the deiodinating activity in normal environmental conditions as well as after short cold exposure. Probably, other compensatory mechanisms of heat production are active in trained rodents.