This article is focused on describing conditions of the recognition of the civil status of transsexual and transgender people (trans persons) in the Czech Republic, or former Czechoslovakia. It is based on a questionnaire created for the purposes of the XX International Congress of Comparative Law, Japan, Fukuoka, 2018. The Czech Republic' national report aims to be a basic but thorough resource of legal information relating to the civil status of trans persons for future comparative analyses of the International Academy of Comparative Law., Zdeňka Králíčková., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
Two new species (Hemiptera, Fulgoromorpha, Cixiidae) included in a new genus, Meenocixius gen. n., and associated with Acanthophœnix rubra (Bory) H. Wendl. (Arecaceae) are described from the island of La Réunion: M. bebourensis sp. n. and M. virescens sp. n. This genus shows several autapomorphies in its tegmina venation, very particular within the Fulgoromorpha. Borbonomyndus gen. n., is proposed for another new species, B. pandanicola sp. n. associated with Pandanus purpurascens Thouars (Pandanaceae), and B. pallidus (Synave), previously described as a member of the genus Eumyndus Synave. According to morphological and ethological data, E. bistriatus is synonymized with B. pallidus, of which three different forms are recognized. All species of Borbonomyndus are found associated with Pandanus. These two new genera are endemic to La Réunion. Without taxonomic standing, the subspecies of Brixia belouvensis are synonymyzed and restricted to four different forms. A key is proposed for the Cixiidae of La Réunion, which now includes 12 species belonging to 6 different genera: Achaemenes, Aselgeoides, Brixia, Oliarus (but we show that the species placed in this genus need to be reviewed), Borbonomyndus, and Meenocixius. Monophyly of Eumyndus, from which E. perinetensis Synave is excluded, is substantiated. Following the new interpretation, this genus is now restricted to Madagascar. The species Cubana insularis Muir, from the island of Rodrigues, is transferred to a new genus: Achaebana gen. n. Finally, cixiid endemism and their host-plant associations in the Mascarenes are discussed.
A digraph is associated with a finite group by utilizing the power map f: G → G defined by f(x) = xkfor all x \in G, where k is a fixed natural number. It is denoted by γG(n, k). In this paper, the generalized quaternion and 2-groups are stud- ied. The height structure is discussed for the generalized quaternion. The necessary and sufficient conditions on a power digraph of a 2-group are determined for a 2-group to be a generalized quaternion group. Further, the classification of two generated 2-groups as abelian or non-abelian in terms of semi-regularity of the power digraphs is completed., Uzma Ahmad, Muqadas Moeen., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Whereas the classification of plant communities has a long tradition that of animal assemblages remains poorly developed. Here we propose a classification scheme for orthopteran communities based on regional "character species", "differential species" and "attendant species" at different levels of habitat complexity, which is also applicable to other insect groups. In this context there are three main points of special importance: (i) the geographical reference area, (ii) the hierarchical spatial level (e.g. habitat complex, habitat and microhabitat) and (iii) precise constancy criteria for the definition of character species and differential species. We develop this new approach using a study on orthopteran communites of central German semi-dry calcareous grasslands. Within this habitat, we describe seven structural types that are characterized by specific orthopteran communities. For the arrangement of the structural types several environmental parameters (e.g. height and density of vegetation) were collected. Orthopteran densities were sampled at 80 sites using a biocoenometer (box quadrat). Regional character species of semi-dry grasslands include Myrmeleotettix maculatus, Metrioptera brachyptera, Stenobothrus lineatus and Tetrix tenuicornis. Within this habitat, Chorthippus parallelus, Metrioptera roeselii, Omocestus viridulus, Pholidoptera griseoaptera and Tettigonia viridissima were designated as differential species for particular structural types. Furthermore, Tettigonia cantans and Tettigonia viridissima act as altitudinal differential species. Chorthippus biguttulus is the only attendant species with high constancy values in all structural types. This classification is a powerful tool for arthropod conservation, since it allows one to determine community completeness of very important and threatened habitats, like semi-dry calcareous grasslands.
A Lie algebra $\mathfrak {g}$ is called two step nilpotent if $\mathfrak {g}$ is not abelian and $[\mathfrak {g},\mathfrak {g}]$ lies in the center of $\mathfrak {g}$. Two step nilpotent Lie algebras are useful in the study of some geometric problems, such as commutative Riemannian manifolds, weakly symmetric Riemannian manifolds, homogeneous Einstein manifolds, etc. Moreover, the classification of two-step nilpotent Lie algebras has been an important problem in Lie theory. In this paper, we study two step nilpotent indecomposable Lie algebras of dimension $8$ over the field of complex numbers. Based on the study of minimal systems of generators, we choose an appropriate basis and give a complete classification of two step nilpotent Lie algebras of dimension $8$.
Let $\Delta$ be a pure simplicial complex on the vertex set $[n]=\{1,\ldots,n\}$ and $I_\Delta$ its Stanley-Reisner ideal in the polynomial ring $S=K[x_1,\ldots,x_n]$. We show that $\Delta$ is a matroid (complete intersection) if and only if $S/I_\Delta^{(m)}$ ($S/I_\Delta^m$) is clean for all $m\in\mathbb{N}$ and this is equivalent to saying that $S/I_\Delta^{(m)}$ ($S/I_\Delta^m$, respectively) is Cohen-Macaulay for all $m\in\mathbb{N}$. By this result, we show that there exists a monomial ideal $I$ with (pretty) cleanness property while $S/I^m$ or $S/I^{(m)}$ is not (pretty) clean for all integer $m\geq3$. If $\dim(\Delta)=1$, we also prove that $S/I_\Delta^{(2)}$ ($S/I_\Delta^2$) is clean if and only if $S/I_\Delta^{(2)}$ ($S/I_\Delta^2$, respectively) is Cohen-Macaulay., Somayeh Bandari, Ali Soleyman Jahan., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
Both collective publications (Prefab houses 1: Fifty prefab housing schemes in the Czech Lands. A critical catalogue of the “Prefab house story” series of exhibitions and Prefab houses 2: History of housing schemes in the Czech Lands 1945–1989. A critical catalogue of the “Residence – prefab housing scheme: Planning, realization, housing 1945–1989” exhibition) are products of a broadly conceived interdisciplinary research project the deliverables of which included, inter alia, exhibitions in Prague and all regional capitals of the Czech Republic and which were awarded the prestigious Magnesia Litera prize in 2018 as an extraordinary feat in the fi eld of professional and educational literature. In the reviewer’s opinion, they bring the fi rstever systematic attempt to periodize the prefab-based building projects in the Czech part of the former Czechoslovakia between the mid-1940s and the end of the 1980s, at the same time providing a multifaceted characterization based on a representative sample of fifty prefab housing schemes in Bohemia and Moravia. and Each of them was subjected to a thorough artistic-historical analysis outlining the development of the housing scheme’s concept, providing brief information about its authors, describes its urbanistic concept, prefab technology used, and artefacts and decorations. Added to the above is a set of interdepartmental studies analyzing different aspects of the historical development of prefab housing schemes. The compact collective of authoresses and authors has succeeded in presenting the prefab housing schemes, no matter how similar they may seem, as a varied and dynamically developing phenomenon, which fact is underlined by excellent work with archival photographs and the generally outstanding graphic layout of the publications. The only critical comment the reviewer has is that the authors were so absorbed by the architectural aspect of the matter that they tended to overlook substantial changes of the socialist urbanism in Czechoslovakia.
The Purpose of the study: define the indications and contraindications to, combined operation in locally invasive tumor of the rectum. The Material and methods of the study: we have analysed results combined operation in cancer of the rectum with germination in genital organs, performed in department of coloproctology in National Oncological Scientific centre during 20052009 years. Under observation were 118 women at age from 21 to 68 years. This before 45 years 26 patients, from 46 to 59 years 54 patients, 60 and above years. The Results and their discussion: Postoperative complications suppurativeinflammatory character appeared beside 36 patients (30,5%), most of all after abdomeno perineal extirpation of rectum (35,5%) and abdominoanal resection of the rectum (33,3%). In lesser extend after front resection of the rectum and after operation Hartman (28,5% and 22,7%). The General lethality has formed 3,4%, have died after combined operation 4 patients from 118 operated patients. The Conclusion: thereby, brought data evident that such important factors, as frequency of the origin relapse (28%), 5year probability of survival (37,1%), under combined interference and operation of the standard volume in the cancer of the rectum practically the same., H. B. Bobokulov, A. M. Hakimov, and Literatura
Cíl práce: Externí hodnocení kvality z dlouhodobého pohledu ukazují, že výsledky analýz stejného vzorku různými imunoanalytickými metodami často nejsou porovnatelné. Našim cílem bylo hledat příčiny těchto diferencí. Materiál a metody: Práce vychází z výsledků získaných sedmi rozdílnými imunoanalytickými metodami: DELFIA (PerkinElmer), Elecsys 2010 (Roche), Kryptor (B.R.A.H.M.S.), enzymové imunoanalýzy na imunosorbentu DRG a tří imunoradiometrických metod (DiaSorin, Immunotech and Schering-CIS). Výsledky: Hodnotili jsme následující parametry: profil přesnosti jednotlivých metod, linearitu po ředění, výtěžnost (modifikovanou) a porovnatelnost imunoanalytických metod. Výsledky analýz u některých vzorků s nízkými koncentracemi NSE korelovaly dobře, zatímco jiné nesouhlasily (diference byla až pětinásobná), zvláště v případě uměle připravovaných kontrolních materiálů. Proto se jeví současná příprava kontrolních materiálů, prováděná bez standardizace, jako sporná. V oblasti hraničních hodnot nepřesahují rozdíly v analytických výsledcích biologických vzorků dvojnásobek. Kolísání hodnot výsledků vyšších než 100 μg/l bylo mezi rozdílnými metodami do 40 %. Všechny hodnocené imunoanalytické metody jsou vhodné a velmi dobře porovnatelné (Korelační koeficienty do 0,994). Závěr: Naše výsledky potvrzují očekávané interference matric, které se projevují zvláště v oblasti normálních a hraničních koncentrací NSE. Dalším zdrojem diskrepancí může být rozdílná afinita protilátek vůči izoenzymům αγ- a γγ-enolázy., Objective: Long-term external quality assessments suggest that the individual results of different immunoassays are often not comparable. Our goal was to assess the possible sources of these differences. Methods: The paper is based on the results of analyses using seven different immunoassays: DELFIA (PerkinElmer), Elecsys 2010 (Roche), Kryptor (B.R.A.H.M.S.), the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay DRG and three methods based on immunoradiometric assays (DiaSorin, Immunotech and Schering-CIS). Results: The following parameters were evaluated: precision profile of individual methods, linearity on dilution, modified recovery and comparability of immunoassays. The analytical results for certain low concentration specimens correlate well while others do not (up to five – fold difference), especially in the case of controls prepared synthetically. Therefore, the current non-standardized preparation of controls seems to be questionable. In the cut-off range, the difference in the results of native samples does not exceed its double value. The variation in values higher than 100 μg/l obtained with different assays is under 40 %. All the evaluated immunoassays are efficient and highly comparable (The correlation coefficients are up to 0.994). Conclusion: Our results confirm the expected matrix interference occurring especially in the range of normal and cut-off NSE concentrations. Another source of discrepancies can be put down to different antibody affinity to αγ- and γγ-enolase isoenzymes., Petr Štern, V. Bartoš, J. Uhrová, and Lit. 19
The comparative biology of the solitary endoparasitoid Meteorus gyrator (Thun.) was investigated in five noctuid pest species. Meteorus gyrator parasitized all larval stages of the noctuid pests Lacanobia oleracea, Mamestra brassicae, Spodoptera exigua, Spodoptera littoralis and Chrysodeixis chalcites. When female parasitoids were offered host larvae of all developmental stages, host larvae in their third stadium were parasitized most frequently in all species. When the parasitoid was offered a choice of third stadium larvae from each of the five lepidopteran host species, L. oleracea was the most frequently parasitized, followed by M. brassicae. The growth of L. oleracea and M. brassicae was markedly reduced when larvae were parasitized by M. gyrator, with the effect of parasitism on the remaining species being much less pronounced. In excess of 94% of parasitized hosts gave rise to live wasps in L. oleracea, whilst in M. brassicae only 52% of parasitized hosts gave rise to a live wasp, the remainder dying (44.6%) or pupating (3.1%).
The larval development of the parasitoid was also strongly influenced by the host species. Thus, the development (egg to cocoon) of female wasps was most rapid in C. chalcites (9.7 ± 0.09 days), and longest in M. brassicae (17.2 ± 1.08 days). The cocoon weight of wasps was also significantly affected by host species, with the heaviest female cocoons being derived from C. chalcites (10.4 ± 0.16 mg) and the lightest female cocoons being derived from M. brassicae (7.0 ± 0.14 mg). In all cases, the development times and cocoon weights of male parasitoids were less than those of female wasps.