If $G$ is a connected graph of order $n \ge 1$, then by a hamiltonian coloring of $G$ we mean a mapping $c$ of $V(G)$ into the set of all positive integers such that $\vert c(x) - c(y)\vert \ge n - 1 - D_{G}(x, y)$ (where $D_{G}(x, y)$ denotes the length of a longest $x-y$ path in $G$) for all distinct $x, y \in V(G)$. Let $G$ be a connected graph. By the hamiltonian chromatic number of $G$ we mean \[ \min (\max (c(z);\, z \in V(G))), \] where the minimum is taken over all hamiltonian colorings $c$ of $G$. The main result of this paper can be formulated as follows: Let $G$ be a connected graph of order $n \ge 3$. Assume that there exists a subgraph $F$ of $G$ such that $F$ is a hamiltonian-connected graph of order $i$, where $2 \le i \le \frac{1}{2}(n + 1)$. Then $\mathop {\mathrm hc}(G) \le (n - 2)^2 + 1 - 2(i - 1)(i - 2)$.
Internal and external features of the head of Ascioplaga mimeta (Coleoptera: Archostemata) were studied with micro X-ray computertomography (µCT) and nuclear magnetic resonance imaging (NMRI). These methods allowed the reconstruction of the entire internal anatomy from the only available fixed specimen. The mouthparts and their associated musculature are highly derived in many aspects. Their general configuration corresponds to that of Priacma serrata (the only other archostematan studied in comparable detail). However, the mandible-maxilla system of A. mimeta is built as a complex sorting apparatus and shows a distinct specialisation for a specific, but still unknown, food source. The phylogenetic analysis resulted in the identification of a new monophylum comprising the genera [Distocupes + (Adinolepis +Ascioplaga)]. The members of this taxon are restricted to the Australian zoogeographic region. The most prominent synapomorphies of these three genera are their derived mouthparts.
Competencies develop and changes throughout a persons life, they can gain or lose, going through various age stages. Their development does not end in youth, but continue on through the adult life. The ability to thing and reflect those thoughts specifically come forward in the center of structure of competency, which grows at the same time as the individual matures. One of the competency types is health competency. Health competency is a relatively new concept; it is not sufficiently researched. Aim of the study was to determine the factors of an adult individual health competency. 827 respondents participated in the study, in the processing of data was used SPSS. Was used factor analysis, analysis of variance with ANOVA and KruskalWallis test and Pearsons correlation. It was found that health competency is affected by several factors. These are: health education, health behavior, and the value of the environment. Each of the sets was distributed to key factors. It is the main factors affecting the health competence, but additional factors are: gender, education and income., Inara Upmale, Andrejs Geske, and Literatura
In 1938, L. C. Young proved that the Moore-Pollard-Stieltjes integral R b a f dg exists if f ∈ BVϕ[a, b], g ∈ BVψ[a, b] and ∑∞ n=1 ϕ −1 (1/n)ψ −1 (1/n) < ∞. In this note we use the Henstock-Kurzweil approach to handle the above integral defined by Young.
In this paper we prove an existence theorem for the Cauchy problem \[ x^{\prime }(t) = f(t, x(t)), \quad x(0) = x_0, \quad t \in I_{\alpha } = [0, \alpha ] \] using the Henstock-Kurzweil-Pettis integral and its properties. The requirements on the function $f$ are not too restrictive: scalar measurability and weak sequential continuity with respect to the second variable. Moreover, we suppose that the function $f$ satisfies some conditions expressed in terms of measures of weak noncompactness.
The article deals with the use of the pluperfect as a narrative device in six short stories writen by the Hindi-author Kamlesvar and published in 1964. The article distinguishes two ways of using the "absolute" pluperfect, that is, the pluperfect found in a context other than retroversions. The first type is the pluperfect that signalizes Free Indirect Discourse. In the second type, the pluperfect expresses a feeling of helplessness, as experienced by a character or narrator. The use of the pluperfect in FID is a result of the tense shift that characterizes this semi-direct style. Its occurerence in the second type, on the other hand, comes close to the central meaning of the Hindi pluperfect of indicating and action that (according to Montaut´s explanation) does not go on to and is separated by a time interval from, the present. Here, however, that meaning should be taken metaphorically.
A salvage excavation carried out in Hlinsko quarry in 2006 yielded a collection of Aurignacian-like artifacts supplemented by a bifacial triangular point. Recently, a refitting attempt documented on-site reduction of a carinated burin-core and shaping/thinning of the bifacial point. Subsequently, a use-wear study supported the homogeneity of the assemblage. The assemblage relates to the Morava-type Aurignacian (B. Klíma) or Míškovice-type Upper Paleolithic industry (M. Oliva) previously known in Moravia for lithic assemblages originating only from surface find spots. At the same time, some similar excavated Upper Paleolithic assemblages combining Aurignacian-like and Szeletian-like features are also known in Eastern Europe., Yuri E. Demidenko, Petr Škrdla, Joseba Rios-Garaizar., and Obsahuje seznam literatury