The study investigates the relationship between the labile iron pool (LIP) in circulating monocytes and markers of iron metabolism, inflammation, oxidative stress, endothelial dysfunction and arterial elasticity in patients with chronic cardiovascular disease and in healthy volunteers. The patie nts with a history of CVEs had significantly higher LIP values tha n did the control group (1.94± 0.46 μM vs. 1.62 ±0.49 μM, p=0.02). Except for the leukocyte number (WBCs), the groups did not differ in other inflammatory markers (CRPus, CD 163, MPO, MMP-1). Similarly, there were no differences in the markers of endothelial dysfunction (ICAM, VCAM, E-selectin, vWF). The CVE group had higher pulse pressures, levels of markers of impaired arterial elasticity (AI, Young's modulus, pulsatility, stiffness index), I MT values and ABI values. The LIP concentration was significantly correlated with the transferrin receptor⁄ferritin ratio, hepcidin levels, VFT content and the ABI and ET values. Patients with a history of CVE have significantly higher concentrations of ir on in their intracellular LIP in circulating monocytes than do healthy controls. The independent and significant correlation of LIP with markers of the progression of atherosclerosis and arterial stiffness suggests LIP as a possible novel marker of atheros clerotic activity., P. Riško, J. Pláteník, R. Buchal, J. Potočková, P. J. Kraml., and Obsahuje bibliografii
1_The ladybird beetle Harmonia axyridis (Pallas 1773) has been used for biological control in several countries. However, it became invasive in some of those countries. Coccinella septempunctata (Linné 1758) is a native species in Europe. It feeds mainly on aphids and can be very abundant. As far as is known there are no effective natural enemies of the grape phylloxera Daktulosphaira vitifoliae (Fitch 1855) in Europe. The potential of the above two ladybird species for reducing the abundance of the grapevine pest D. vitifoliae has not been previously investigated. In this study, the consumption and developmental parameters of H. axyridis and C. septempunctata fed on D. vitifoliae were determined in the laboratory. In a field trial, the occurrence of H. axyridis on grapevines with or without leaf galls of D. vitifoliae was compared. In contrast to C. septempunctata, H. axyridis was able to complete its development using D. vitifoliae as a source of food. In addition, adult H. axyridis consumed significantly more D. vitifoliae eggs than C. septempunctata. Within 24 h H. axyridis consumed up to 1400 eggs of D. vitifoliae. However, based on the fitness parameters "developmental time", percentage "survival" and "adult weight", this diet was less suitable for H. axyridis than the eggs of Ephestia kuehniella., 2_During field observations over a period of two years H. axyridis was repeatedly observed feeding on grape phylloxera leaf galls, which indicates that H. axyridis uses grape phylloxera as prey. H. axyridis was significantly more abundant on leaves with leaf galls of D. vitifoliae than on leaves without galls. C. septempunctata was rarely found on grape leaves with or without leaf galls. These results indicate that overall H. axyridis, unlike C. septempunctata, is a predator of D. vitifoliae and could potentially reduce grape phylloxera numbers in vineyards., Susanne Kögel, Manuela Schieler, Christoph Hoffmann., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
The Laplacian spectral radius of a graph is the largest eigenvalue of the associated Laplacian matrix. In this paper, we improve Shi's upper bound for the Laplacian spectral radius of irregular graphs and present some new bounds for the Laplacian spectral radius of some classes of graphs.
The Laplacian spread of a graph is defined as the difference between the largest and second smallest eigenvalues of the Laplacian matrix of the graph. In this paper, bounds are obtained for the Laplacian spread of graphs. By the Laplacian spread, several upper bounds of the Nordhaus-Gaddum type of Laplacian eigenvalues are improved. Some operations on Laplacian spread are presented. Connected $c$-cyclic graphs with $n$ vertices and Laplacian spread $n-1$ are discussed.
After a brief presentation of some historical, taxonomical and biological data on the Chironidae, the third instar larva of Chiron senegalensis Hope & Westwood, 1845 is described and illustrated on the basis of larval characteristics. The systematic position of the genus Chiron Mac Leay, 1819 within the Scarabaeoidea complex is discussed.
The least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO) is a popular technique for simultaneous estimation and model selection. There have been a lot of studies on the large sample asymptotic distributional properties of the LASSO estimator, but it is also well-known that the asymptotic results can give a wrong picture of the LASSO estimator's actual finite-sample behaviour. The finite sample distribution of the LASSO estimator has been previously studied for the special case of orthogonal models. The aim in this work is to generalize the finite sample distribution properties of LASSO estimator for a real and linear measurement model in Gaussian noise. In this work, we derive an expression for the finite sample characteristic function of the LASSO estimator, we then use the Fourier slice theorem to obtain an approximate expression for the marginal probability density functions of the one-dimensional components of a linear transformation of the LASSO estimator.
a1_The Miocene Ishim Formation is characterized by a considerable distribution area within the southwestern Siberia. These deposits are highly dispersed and are composed mainly of angular quartz grains of aleuritic and pelitic fractions. The study of the Ishim Formation is of interest both for investigating the origin of the sediments, and for justifying these rocks as a new type of mineral raw material for the local construction materials industry. This paper presents the results of first complex studies of the Ishim Formation deposits from two outcrops Masali and Bigila. The studies included determination of the particle size distribution on the laser particle analyzer, semiquantitative determination of the mineral composition (X-ray diffraction analysis), as well as, determination of contents of sesquioxides (X-ray fluorescence analysis), rare and trace elements (Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry) and measurement of specific surface area. The most representative samples were chosen for petrographic studies. In certain extent these deposits are characterized by quite high degree of homogeneity of the mineral, chemical, and granulometric compositions. The main component is SiO2 (about 70 %); other most important components are Al2O3 (about 14 %) and Fe2O3 (2-5 %). At the same time, deposits of the upper part of the Ishim Formation are depleted in CaO, MnO, MgO, TiO2, and P2O5. This is probably due to the fact that the proportion of clayey minerals in the upper part of the formation is lower than that in the lower one. The contents of trace elements in the Ishim Formation are lower or close to their clarke values in the Earth's crust. This is with the exception of such elements as Eu, Tb, Cr, and Sb, which form a strong anomaly and, to a lesser extent, a number of other elements that is probably related to the tectonic setting during the period of sedimentation., a2_The CIA values vary from 68-70 in the lower unit of the Ishim Formation at the transition to the sandy facies to 75-80 in the upper one, which indicates a moderate weathering of rocks. The results obtained testify to the fact that these deposits were formed under the conditions of degrading shallow water bodies. A distinct geomorphological confinement to boundaries of the Neogene river paleovalleys, continuity, high dispersion and, predominantly, quartz composition allow us to consider these deposits as a promising type of filler for construction materials industry., Alexander O. Konstantinov, Pavel V. Smirnov, Olga B. Kuzmina, Irina V. Khazina, Georgii A. Batalin and Bulat I. Gareev., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The layering of the soil profile can influence the accumulation of infiltrated water and the way in which subsurface runoff is formed. This paper examines a mountain podzol characterized by clearly developed soil horizons. After these horizons had been identified, distinct soil layers were defined (the eluvial horizon, the spodic horizon (undifferentiated), and weathered bedrock). Saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks), particle size distribution and bulk density were measured in these layers. A visualization of the distribution of infiltrated water in the podzolic profile was performed using a dye tracer experiment. The accumulation of dyed water and a distinct lateral flow were detected in the eluvial layer. Only limited entry of water into the spodic layer was observed. These effects were caused by changes in soil hydraulic properties (SHP) among the investigated layers. For the spodic horizons, the measured Ks value (crucial SHP) was significantly lower than the Ks values for the other tested horizons. The probable reason for the lower Ks was an accumulation of fine particles and various substances in the spodic horizons, and corresponding changes in the porous system. The observed effects of layering indicate that water can be accumulated and subsurface runoff can be formed over the spodic layer during intensive rain or snow melting.
The occurrence of LDE flares in the last three solar cycles
has been investigated. Generally, in all the cycles considered, LDE flares mainly originated during a 6-year interval of the respective cycle (2 years before and 4 years after the cycle maximum). The highest LDE flare occurrence was observed in the ascending phase of the 22nd cycle (monthly mean number in 1989 - 32, in 1970 - 19 and in 1980 - 14 LDE (M-X) flares).