The male genitalia of the fritillary butterfly Issoria lathonia (L.) were examined and reconstructed based on sagittal and horizontal sections. Nine intrinsic muscles were identified consistent with previous results. The retractor of the anal tube probably operates the "rectal plate", a large, sclerotised, arched plate present ventral to the rectum and dorsal to the phallus in all Issoria s. str. species. The function of the rectal plate is still largely unknown, but it has presumably an important function during copulation. The retractor of the phallus inserts on the phallus, and also on a small, ventral sclerite in the anellus. The retractor of the vesica is smaller in I. lathonia than its counterpart in other Argynnini and originates more centrally inside the phallus. The tergal sclerite, common in most Argynnini, has no attaching muscle and its evolutionary origin remains unclear. The presence of an intrinsic muscle (i3) originating on the tegumen and inserting on the valve in Argynnini cannot be confirmed here. Though generally absent in butterflies, this muscle has been reported once in the North American Argynnis subgenus Speyeria.
The male of Tetanoptera leucodactyla Verbèke, a genus and species of Sciomyzidae known until now only from one female specimen from the Congo, is described, and the genus is more fully characterized. The external morphology is illustrated and the male genitalia are described and figured for the first time. The relationships of Tetanoptera to genera of the Sepedon group and certain other genera of Tetanocerini are discussed. Tetanoptera appears to be related to Verbekaria, and intermediate in an evolutionary lineage between the relatively primitive Tetanocera and the advanced Thecomyia., Lloyd V. Knutson, Jean-Claude Vala, and Lit
Charcot foot neuropathic osteoarthropathy is a disorder affecting the soft tissues, joints, and bones of the foot and ankle. The disease is triggered in a susceptible individual through a process of uncontrolled inflammation leading to osteolysis, progressive fractures and articular malpositioning due to joint subluxations and dislocations. The progression of the chronic deformity with a collapsed plantar arch leads to plantar ulcerations because of increased pressure on the plantar osseous prominences and decreased plantar sensation. Subsequent deep soft tissue infection and osteomyelitis may result in amputation. The Charcot foot in diabetes represents an important diagnostic and therapeutic challenge in clinical practice. Conservative treatment remains the standard of the care for most patients with neuropathic disorder. Offloading the foot and immobilization based on individual merit are essential and are the most important recommendations in the active acute stage of the Charcot foot. Surgical realignment with stabilization is recommended in severe progressive neuropathic deformities consisting of a collapsed plantar arch with a rocker-bottom foot deformity. and P. Sponer, T. Kucera, J. Brtková, J. Srot
A pattern-welded knife dated to the 13th century was found during an archaeological excavation conducted on the site of Kobilić 1 in 2010. Nowadays, pattern-welded knives are very popular due to their decorative appearance and supposedly excellent mechanical properties. This paper introduces some new experimental results gained during the manufacturing of a copy of the medieval pattern-welded knife using historical techniques. During this experimental work some new practical observations were taken in general about smelting and processing bloomery iron and concerning the decorative effect of phosphoric-iron used in pattern-welding. and Damaskovaný nůž ze 13. století byl nalezen při archeologickém výzkumu lokality Kobilić 1 roku 2010. V současné době jsou damaskované nože velmi oblíbené pro svůj dekorativní vzhled a údajně vynikající mechanické vlastnosti. Tento článek představuje některé nové experimentální výsledky získané při výrobě kopie daného středověkého nože s použitím autentických technologií. Během experimentálních prací byly vypozorovány nové praktické poznatky ohledně výroby a zpracovávání svářkového železa i ohledně zdobného účinku fosforového železa používaného v damaskových kompozitech.
Contrary to proponents’ claims, methodological naturalism is not metaphysically neutral. Consequently, its acceptance as a practice requires justification. Unfortunately for its advocates, attempts to justify it are failures. It cannot be defended as a definition, or a self-imposed limitation, of science, nor, more modestly, as an inductively justified commitment to natural causes. As a practice, it functions not to further scientific investigation, but rather to impose an explanatory straitjacket., Na rozdíl od tvrzení zastánců není metodologický naturalismus metafyzicky neutrální. Proto jeho přijetí jako praxe vyžaduje odůvodnění. Bohužel pro své obhájce jsou pokusy ospravedlnit to neúspěchy. Nelze ji obhajovat jako definici nebo samoobmedzení vědy, ani skromněji jako indukčně odůvodněný závazek k přirozeným příčinám. Jako praxe, to funguje ne k dalšímu vědeckému zkoumání, ale poněkud uložit vysvětlující kazajku., and Robert A. Larmer
Maternal effects of heat shock are reported for some species of insects, but little is known about such effects in the western flower thrips (WFT) Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae). WFT is a pest of vegetables in greenhouses worldwide. It is susceptible to high temperatures in its natural environment and is controlled using heat treatment in China. WFT population growth is suppressed by a brief exposure to a high temperature of 40°C or 45°C in the laboratory. To explore the mechanism by which high temperatures suppress the growth of WFT populations, as well as the effects of multiple heat treatments on WFT, we recorded the duration of development and survival of immature WFT, and the sex ratio (female/male) and fecundity of F1, F2, F3 and F4 adult females that developed after a single heat shock, and those of F2 offspring after a double heat shock. We also recorded the longevity and ovarian structure of adult females of the treated generation (P) and their F1, F2 and F3 offspring after a single heat shock. In addition, we determined whether the effects of a heat shock on second instar nymphs and adults differed. The results indicate that exposure of the parental generation to 41°C or 45°C for 2 h significantly prolonged the duration of development, reduced survival of immature WFT and altered the sex ratio (female/male), longevity and fertility of their adult female offspring. The effects of a heat shock of 41°C persisted for two generations, whilst the effect of heat shock of 45°C persisted for three generations. In addition, double heat shocks had more pronounced effects than a single heat shock. Heat shock administered to second instar nymphs resulted in a decrease in the number of ovarioles, whilst a heat shock administered to adults resulted in ovariole deformity. The maternal effects of heat shock in terms of the biological parameters of WFT, structure and number of ovarioles, are critical in determining the suppression of the growth at high temperatures of WFT populations.