Current philosophical debates about perception have largely ignored questions concerning the ontological structure of perceptual experience, so as to focus on its intentional and phenomenological character. To illustrate and put pressure on this tendency, I revisit the controversy between doxastic views of perception and Gareth Evans’s objection from over-intellectualization. I suggest that classic versions of the doxastic view are to a good extent driven by an ontological characterization of perceptual attitudes as nonfactive states or dispositions, not by a cognitively complex picture of perceptual content. Conceived along these lines, the doxastic view unveils an ontologically significant story of perceptual experience for at least two reasons: on the one hand, that characterization avoids the line of reasoning leading up to sense-datum theories of perception; and, on the other, it bears on recent discussions about the temporal structure of perceptual experience. Although I do not endorse the doxastic view, my goal is to highlight the importance of the relatively neglected ontological motivations thus driving that kind of account.
Th e emergence of the New Materialisms from a critique of the cultural or linguistic turn in social theory and its inability to adequately deal with questions of matter seems to be quite similar to the starting point of historical Materialism. But, in its reformulation of such crucial concepts and relations as subject-object- or nature-culture divisions (or, in that case, non-divisions), as well as its emphasis on the concept of contingent assemblages as an ontology of the emergence of matter and things, it is no longer human praxis which is being highlighted but the event (Ereignis) of materialization of non-human/human assemblages. Th us, it is only the contingency of matter which is leading to changes. Hence, the ontology of New Materialisms is deeply problematic. Th erefore, the paper aims to provide a critique of the main concepts of the New Materialisms by means of Marxian approaches. Th e theses are, fi rst, that the New Materialisms de-socialize things through de-socializing categories and concepts; second, that they can be assumed to represent more of an “ontological turn” than a “material turn,” which has serious epistemological consequences; and, third, they are mirroring in their negation of the subject the methodological individualism of neoliberal theory because both approaches defi ne a non-society of super-individual processes, a kind of spontaneous order which cannot be controlled by humans. In order to substantiate these assumptions the paper fi rst traces back the main categories of New Materialisms, then takes a deeper look at the subject-object- and the nature-culture relation before relating it to neoliberal society. Finally, the ontology of open-endedness and contingency will be criticized as an ontological apologia of what is.
We establish necessary and sufficient conditions under which the linear span of positive AM-compact operators (in the sense of Fremlin) from a Banach lattice $E$ into a Banach lattice $F$ is an order $\sigma $-complete vector lattice.
By a commutative term we mean an element of the free commutative groupoid $F$ of infinite rank. For two commutative terms $a$, $b$ write $a\le b$ if $b$ contains a subterm that is a substitution instance of $a$. With respect to this relation, $F$ is a quasiordered set which becomes an ordered set after the appropriate factorization. We study definability in this ordered set. Among other things, we prove that every commutative term (or its block in the factor) is a definable element. Consequently, the ordered set has no automorphisms except the identity.
Theories of the origin of the Oort ctoud are examined in the light of recent observations of comets and of star-forming environments, and some popular hypotheses are found to meet with difficulties. In particular chemical and experimental evidence that comets grow in an extremely cold, quiescent environment is proving difficult to reconcile with recent CO and IR observations showing that the environment of a star-forming region is characterised by turbulent,
high-velocity flows and that young stars are prone to recurrent, violent outbursts. The aggregation around young stars of
planetesimals pre-existing in molecular ciouds avoids these problems. However formed, the Oort cloud is disturbed through
interactions with its galactic environment. A record of these past disturbances, episodic or regular, is in principle recoverable through impact cratering and other geological signatures, and these terrestrial records therefore provide a further new constraint on the structure and evolution of the Oort cloud. The concepts of
r 'dense inner cloud' or a 'solar companion star' are difficult to reconcile with the impact cratering history. The debris from the very largest comets are expected to play a dominant role in producing galactic modulations of such fundamental phenomena as the rise and fali of oceans, ice ages, geomagnetic reversals and the origin of life. A ~15 Myr galactic cycle in particular is predicted. Power spectrum analyses applied to cratering, vulcanism and geomagnetic reversal records for the last -200 Myr reveal the presence of a 16 ± 2 Myr cycle.
Nearly 60 years has elapsed since the first isolation and identification of 7α-hydroxy-dehydroepiandrosterone, and in that time much information has been gained on its occurrence, metabolism, ontogeny, immunomodulatory activity, cell proliferation, cortisol control in local tissues and neuroactivity. Additional knowledge about this steroid may elucidate its role in obesity, neurodegenerative disturbances such as Alzheimer’s disease, or psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia or depression. This review aims to provide a comprehensive summary of the available literature on 7α-hydroxydehydroepiandrosterone., L. Stárka., and Obsahuje bibliografii
In 1422-1423 a trial between the Teutonic Order and the Polish Kingdom took place in the presence of the pope´s envoy Zeno. Around 120 witnesses brought by the Polish side confirmed Poland´s rights to the disputed lands (including Pomerania). The author studies witnesses´ claims regarding the early history of Poland, namely its origins and the first decades of the existence of the kingdom. Witnesses recounted the establishment of the kingdom in AD 1000, during the meeting between the Emperor Otto III and Bolesław I Chrobry. They talked about the introduction of a special payment for the pope, the so-called denarius sancti Petri, usually associated with the activity of Kazimierz I, but also about the loss of the royal crown by Polish rulers, usually explained as a punishment for the murder of the bishop of Cracow Stanislaus by the King Bolesław II. According to the author, the witnesses´ knowledge about the beginnings of Poland was rather extensive, although it was very inaccurate. It was superficial, vague, imprecise, or simply false. It seems that the majority of the inhabitants of the Polish Kingdom, including its political and intellectual elites, were only familiar with a few historical characters and events. and Piotr Węcowski.
(Rezjume) Cel'ju nastojaščego truda javljajetsja obobščenije svedenij iz teorii raspredelenija i pojavlenija solnečnych pjaten na diske Solnca. V etoj svojej rabote avtor ischodit kak iz rjada trudov drugich avtorov, tak i iz svoich sobstvennych trudov, pomeščennych v raznych žurnalach, dopolnjaja eti trudy nekotorymi novymi svedenijami. Eta rabota javljajetsja sozdat' obobščenoje predstavlenije o teorii raspredelenija i pojavlenija solnečnich pjaten na diske Solnca.
Nastojaščaja rabota, odnako ne zanimajetsja osveščenijem voprosov etoj teorii s obščej točki zrenija, tak kak boleje obščaja teorija ne byla do sich por v soveršenstve razrabotana. Eta teorija osnovljajetsja na opredelinii uproščennych predpoloženij, iz kotorych samymi prostymi javljajutsja sledujuščije:
1) Vse solnečnyje pjatna pojavljajutsja tol'ko na ekvatore, kotoryj vsegda prochodit po seredine diska Solnca, t. e. čto "korolevskij pojas" pojavljenija solnečnych pjaten možno sebe predstavit' v vide cilindra, na ktoryj smotrim v napravlenii normali i jego poverchnosti.
2) V dejstvitel'nosti predpoložim, čto grupy solnečnych pjaten sostavljajutsja iz odnogo pjatna okrugloj formy.
Eti predloženija pozvoljajut nam sozdat' vozmožno polnuju osnovnuju teoriju raspredelenija i pojavlenija pjaten, kotoraja neobchodima dlja ocenki rezul'tatov raznych statistik pjaten i iz kotoroj možno ischodit' dlja sozdanija boleje obščej teorii.
Nastojaščaja rabota zanimajetsja prežde vsego sledujuščimi voprosami: opredelenijem osnovnych otnošenij i funkcij, umen'šenijem količestva pjaten v napravlenii k kraju solnečnogo diska, količestvom pojavšichsja i isčeznuvšich pjaten na raznych rasstojanijach ot central'nogo meridiana, podsčetom količestva voznikšich grupp na vsem Solnce i srednej prodolžitel'nosti ich žizni i značenijem etich veličin dlja issledovanija periodičnosti solnečnych pjaten.