The present study analysed the taxonomic status and phylogenetic relationships of two species of xiphidiocercariae of the ʻmicrocotylaeʼ group, Cercaria pugnax La Valette St. George, 1855, from Viviparus viviparus (Linnaeus) in the Ukraine and Cercaria helvetica XII Dubois, 1928 from Bithynia tentaculata (Linnaeus) in Lithuania. Molecular phylogenetic analyses based on sequences of the ITS2 region and partial 28S gene of the nuclear rDNA revealed that both these xiphidiocercariae belong to the Lecithodendriidae Lühe, 1901 and represent larval stages of lecithodendriids parasitic in bats. Cercaria helvetica XII clustered with the typical representatives of the genus Lecithodendrium Looss, 1896, being very close, but not identical, to Lecithodendrium linstowi Dollfus, 1931. Sequences of C. pugnax matched exactly the sequences of adult Paralecithodendrium chilostomum (Mehlis, 1831). Morphological descriptions of the cercariae are included; these represent the first report of non-virgulate xiphidiocercariae belonging to the family Lecithodendriidae. Until now, the presence of glandular virgula organ in the region of the oral sucker was considered a robust synapomorphy for the Lecithodendriidae and several closely related families. Our results have shown that the relative importance of this character is in need of a re-assessment., Olena Kudlai, Virmantas Stunžėnas, Vasyl Tkach., and Obsahuje bibliografii
This article focuses on the problems and contradictions of sociological theories of action. It investigates critically the development of the theory of action after the Parsonian synthesis, drawing attention to the limitations of articulating the concept of action systematically within a presuppositional framework of analytical theory. Having exposed Parsons general theory of action and some interpretations and criticisms, the paper addresses the so-called “return of grand theory”, spearheaded in the early 1980s by authors such as Alexander, Habermas, Giddens and Luhmann. The article analyses the conceptual innovations introduced by their theories according to Parsons own definition of theoretical work, which - as he said - consists in reconstruction and transformation of categories in the moments of their failure. While it is argued that sociological theory cannot do away with general concepts, it is also argued that these need not have the form of a synthetic theory of action of the kind outlined by Parsons and the Post-Parsonians. and Jan Balon.
Theoretical models for bipolar flows are discussed with particular emphasis on new observational developments over the last year that have added significant constraints and understanding.
Implications of these flows for the cloud environment in which they are embedded are outlined. Associated objects such as masers and Herbig-Haro objects are analysed. It is shown that all
reasonable axisymmetic magnetohydrodynamic flows have some collimation along the symmetry axis. Observational tests of the theories are proposed. A connection between H2O masers and
protoplanetary systems in molecular disks is put forward.
Globalization – multifactor phenomenon. Dimensions of globalization. The erosion of state power,global integration of the world and of most states result in the removal of barriers between national and internationalpolicies. The theory of governance: public power is no longer exercised exclusively by state, but its exerciseis participated in significantly by private supranational corporations and nongovernmental organizations. Onstate and global level governance includes the process of participation, negotiation and co-ordination. Its keyinstruments are projects, partnership and consensus – in the first place the knowledge of the process leading tothe achievement of consensus. There are know founding conditions within the existing international order thatrepresent something like a global constitution. Contemporary transition stage to it is global governance.
Agrimonia eupatoria L. is an herb of the Rosaceae family, widely used in traditional (folk) medicine for its beneficial effects. Its water extracts (infusions and decoctions) are used in the treatment of airway and urinary system diseases, digestive tract diseases, and chronic wounds. Phytochemical analyses of Agrimonia eupatoria L. identified a variety of bioactive compounds including tannins, flavonoids, phenolic acids, triterpenoids and volatile oils possessing antioxidant, immunomodulatory and antimicrobial activities. The authors review the available literature sources examining and discussing the therapeutic and pharmacological effects of Agrimonia eupatoria L. at the molecular level in vitro and in vivo.
Chemické vizualizace a modely jsou zvláštními druhy médií myšlení. Tato studie zkoumá několik historických případových studií – archív obrazů z muzeí, specializovaných sbírek a populárně-vědeckých časopisů – emergentních praktik materiálního modelování coby teoretické hry, jež se staly základem molekulární biologie a strukturní chemie. Sleduji dědictví nástrojů vizualizace počínaje Archibaldem Scottem Cooperem a Friedrichem Kekulé na konci 19. století, jejich vyústění do materiálních manipulativů Van’t Hoffa a užití jeho skládaných papírových "hraček“ Linusem Paulingem i jejich následné pronikání do populární obraznosti díky modelu DNA Jamese Watsona a Francise Cricka. Sleduji dále jejich vliv na současné praktiky modelování a zdůrazňuji, že materiální modely, jež tradičně stály za hranicemi deduktivní, pozitivistické vědy, jsou nyní v těchto oblastech chemie akceptovány jako způsob vědeckého uvažování., Chemical visualizations and models are special kinds of media for thinking. In this paper, I examine several historical case studies-an archive of images from museums, special collections, and popular magazines- as examples of emergent practices of physical modeling as theoretical play which became the basis for molecular biology and structural chemistry. I trace a legacy of visualization tools that starts with Archibald Scott Cooper and Friedrich Kekulé in the late 1800s, crystallizes as material manipulatives in Van’t Hoff and his folded paper “toys”, is legitimized in the California lab of Linus Pauling, and is glorified in the popular imaginary with James Watson and Francis Crick’s model of DNA. My tracing then follows several threads into contemporary modeling practices. I ultimately argue that modeling play, originally outside of the boundary of deductive, positivist science, is now an accepted mode of reasoning in these related chemical fields., and Kate McKinney Maddalena.