The ways how water from rain or melting snow flows over and beneath the Earth‘s surface affects the timing and intensity at which the same water leaves a catchment. Several mathematical techniques have been proposed to quantify the transit times of water by e.g. convolving the input-output tracer signals, or constructing frequency response functions. The primary assumption of these techniques is that the transit time is regarded time-invariant, i.e. it does not vary with temporarily changing e.g. soil saturation, evaporation, storage volume, climate or land use. This raises questions about how the variability of water transit time can be detected, visualized and analyzed. In this paper we present a case study to show that the transit time is a temporarily dynamic variable. Using a real-world example from the Lower Hafren catchment, Wales, UK, and applying the Continuous Wavelet Transform we show that the transit time distributions are time-variant and change with streamflow. We define the Instantaneous Transit Time Distributions as a basis for the Master Transit Time Distribution. We show that during periods of elevated runoff the transit times are exponentially distributed. A bell-shaped distribution of travel times was observed during times of lower runoff. This finding is consistent with previous investigations based on mechanistic and conceptual modeling in the study area according to which the diversity of water flow-paths during wet periods is attributable to contributing areas that shrink and expand depending on the duration of rainfall. The presented approach makes no assumptions about the shape of the transit time distribution. The mean travel time estimated from the Master Transit Time Distribution was ~54.3 weeks.
We study the weak hereditary class $S_{w}(\mathcal K)$ of all weak subalgebras of algebras in a total variety $\mathcal K$. We establish an algebraic characterization, in the sense of Birkhoff’s HSP theorem, and a syntactical characterization of these classes. We also consider the problem of when such a weak hereditary class is weak equational.
We present a weaker version of the Fremlin generalized McShane integral (1995) for functions defined on a $\sigma $-finite outer regular quasi Radon measure space $(S,\Sigma ,\mathcal {T},\mu )$ into a Banach space $X$ and study its relation with the Pettis integral. In accordance with this new method of integration, the resulting integral can be expressed as a limit of McShane sums with respect to the weak topology. It is shown that a function $f$ from $S$ into $X$ is weakly McShane integrable on each measurable subset of $S$ if and only if it is Pettis and weakly McShane integrable on $S$. On the other hand, we prove that if an $X$-valued function is weakly McShane integrable on $S$, then it is Pettis integrable on each member of an increasing sequence $(S_\ell )_{\ell \geq 1}$ of measurable sets of finite measure with union $S$. For weakly sequentially complete spaces or for spaces that do not contain a copy of $c_0$, a weakly McShane integrable function on $S$ is always Pettis integrable. A class of functions that are weakly McShane integrable on $S$ but not Pettis integrable is included.
In the paper a simple proof of the Weierstrass approximation theorem on a function continuous on a compact interval of the real line is given. The proof is elementary in the sense that it does not use uniform continuity.
The relation of power, state, law and poverty. State according to law (Rule of Law) and social policy. The origin, definition and development of the welfare state. Welfare state in the framework of the European Union. The relation of the welfare state and social state. Constitutional, legal and socio-economical targets of the welfare (social) state. The welfare state typologies. The three worlds of the welfare state. Global processes and the welfare state reforms and transformations. Welfare state and bureaucracy, centralization and de- centralization in the implementations of the welfare state. The welfare state and highly developed countries and central european countries of the European Unio
The wing stalk in Diptera is examined, and its structures are re-evaluated and re-interpreted. The non-homology of A2 in Tipulomorpha and "A2" in other Diptera is claimed. Some notes are presented on the higher-level phylogeny of Diptera, especially those concerning Tipulomorpha. The family Trichoceridae is restored among Tipulomorpha, and the Tipulomorpha are re-affirmed as the sister group of the remaining Diptera. The clade Anisopodidae + Culicomorpha + Bibionomorpha is suggested as the sister group of Brachycera.
This work is a contribution to archaeometallurgical studies on the Únětice axes in Poland. The research was initiated by a single find of the Wrocław–Szczytniki flanged axe recovered from the village of Koperniki (Lower Silesia, Poland). The axe was examined in terms of raw–material profile (ED–XRF) as well as its micro-, and macrostructure (OM). The spatial distribution, deposition context, and raw–material profiles of the remaining Únětice axes from Central-Eastern Europe, with a special emphasis put on those recovered from the Polish land, were also juxtaposed throughout this work. It has been established that the axe from Koperniki was cast in standard Sn–bronze alloyed from so-called Eastern Alpine copper, and thus, the axe may be considered as one of the very last Wrocław–Szczytniki specimens emerging in the Odra and Vistula
Basins. Although the casting was intensively plastic-worked out, the axe from Koperniki itself was not used in the past. Hence, the statement that the axe was intended to serve as a prestigious or insignia metal object rather than fulfil utilitarian functions seems reasonable. The obtained conclusions indicate that the single wet–findings of the Wrocław–Szczytniki axes (including the specimen from Koperniki) reflect indeed the aquatic hierophanies of single hoards. Furthermore, having analysed the results of the research performed we can state that the raw–material profile of some Únětice axes presents the chronological sensitivity, and thus, confirms their usability for raw-material dating, especially concerning so-called single finds. and Článek je příspěvkem k archeometalurgickému studiu únětických seker s lištami v Polsku. Výzkum byl iniciován solitérním nálezem sekery s lištami typu Wrocław–Szczytniki učiněným v obci Koperniki (Dolní Slezsko, Polsko). Analýza sekery zahrnovala stanovení jejího prvkového složení (ED-XRF analýza) i posouzení mikro- a makrostruktury (optická mikroskopie). Pozornost byla věnována rovněž prostorové distribuci, nálezovému kontextu a základní materiálové charakterizaci ostatních seker únětické kultury ze středovýchodní Evropy, se zvláštním zřetelem na nálezy z polského území. Bylo prokázáno, že sekera z lokality Koperniki je odlitkem ze standardního cínového bronzu s příměsemi charakteristickými pro tzv. východoalpskou měď. Nález lze proto považovat za jednoho z posledních zástupců seker typu Wrocław–Szczytniki objevujících se v povodí Odry a Visly. Přestože byl odlitek podroben intenzivnímutváření, sama sekera z Kopernik pro práci použita nikdy nebyla. Proto soudíme, že měla sloužit spíše jako symbol prestiže a moci než jako pracovní nástroj. Výsledky výzkumu naznačují, že jednotlivé nálezy seker typu Wrocław–Szczytniki z vodního prostředí (včetně exempláře z lokality Koperniki) skutečně odrážejí hierofanii takového prostředí u jednotlivých depotů. Na základě analýzy výsledků daného průzkumu lze rovněž konstatovat, že základní materiálové charakteristiky některých únětických seker vykazují chronologickou citlivost, což potvrzuje jejich využitelnost pro datování pomocí základní charakterizace materiálu; týká se to především tzv. solitérních nálezů.