Optimization problems depending on a probability measure correspond to many applications. These problems can be static (single-stage), dynamic with finite (multi-stage) or infinite horizon, single- or multi-objective. It is necessary to have complete knowledge of the "underlying" probability measure if we are to solve the above-mentioned problems with precision. However this assumption is very rarely fulfilled (in applications) and consequently, problems have to be solved mostly on the basis of data. Stochastic estimates of an optimal value and an optimal solution can only be obtained using this approach. Properties of these estimates have been investigated many times. In this paper we intend to study one-stage problems under unusual (corresponding to reality, however) assumptions. In particular, we try to compare the achieved results under the assumptions of thin and heavy tails in the case of problems with linear and nonlinear dependence on the probability measure, problems with probability and risk measure constraints, and the case of stochastic dominance constraints. Heavy-tailed distributions quite often appear in financial problems \cite {Meer 2003)} while nonlinear dependence frequently appears in problems with risk measures \cite {Kan (2012a),Pflu (2007)}. The results we introduce follow mostly from the stability results based on the Wasserstein metric with the "underlying" L1 norm. Theoretical results are completed by a simulation investigation.
Acidic methanolic extracts of haemolymph, cuticle and eyes of larvae and adults of the migratory locust, Locusta migratoria migratorioides (R. et L.), were subjected to thin layer chromatography. The Rf-values as well as the fluorescent colour of the spots under ultraviolet illumination at 350 nm, were compared to those of 12 pteridine standards. Most of the standards showed a major spot, as well as up to 3 additional minor spots, probably due to the presence of isomers and degradation products. The extract of the haemolymph of untreated larvae and adults yielded 6 different spots. Cuticle and eyes had their own specific pattern. Application of methoprene (analogue of juvenile hormone) induced solitary phase-like pigmentation of the cuticle and green-coloured haemolyph. The content of pterin, biopterin, leucopterin, isoxanthopterin, and probably also of lumazin, increased. The melanization of the cuticle nearly completely disappeared. Similar, but weak effects were observed in neem-oil treated locusts. Application of precocene caused a number of changes in the pigment pattern of all extracts. It also induced some melanization of the cuticle in particular in larvae. Many pigment spots were observed which did not correspond to any of the 12 standard pteridines. The classical concept about the pigment composition of locust haemolymph, namely that it is restricted to melanin, carotenes and biliverdin, needs modification.
In the framework of the Israel formalism the closed universe consisting of two spherical voids separated by he thin shell of matter is studied. It is shownt hat there is no horizon in this model. The naive quantisation removing the singularity is performed.
Číslování arabské v horních rozích. Signatury. Písmo lat., antikva, kurs., obojí minuskula. Iniciálky bílé konturové v listoví přes 6 ř., černé ve volném prostoru přes 2 ř. kustody. Ozdobná linka. Místo viněty jen lipový list. Titul vsazen do mědirytiny zobrazující následovníky Kristovy pod kříži. Vazba: žlutá kůže, natřená na hřbetě barvou světle hnědou.
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