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477072. Tosca
- Creator:
- Pellegrini
- Format:
- electronic
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Language:
- Czech
- Rights:
- and policy:public
477073. Tosca na jihočeské scéně
- Creator:
- bd
- Format:
- electronic
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Language:
- Czech
- Rights:
- and policy:public
477074. Tosca v pražském Národním divadle
- Creator:
- K.Š.
- Format:
- electronic
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Language:
- Czech
- Rights:
- and policy:public
477075. Toscanini
- Creator:
- Burian, Karel
- Format:
- electronic
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Language:
- Czech
- Rights:
- and policy:public
477076. Toselliho serenáda
- Creator:
- Vomáčka, Boleslav
- Format:
- electronic
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Language:
- Czech
- Rights:
- and policy:public
477077. Total accessibility number of graphs
- Creator:
- Kilic, E. and Dündar, P.
- Format:
- bez média and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- graph theory, accessibility number, total reduncance, and total accessibility
- Language:
- English
- Description:
- One of the most important problems in communication network design is the stability of network after any disruption of stations or links. Since a network can be modeled by a graph, this concept is examined under the view of vulnerability of graphs. There are many vulnerability measures that were defined in this sense. In recent years, measures have been defined over some vertices or edges having specific properties. These measures can be considered to be a second type of measures. Here we define a new measure of the second type called the total accessibility. This measure is based on accessible sets of a graph. In our study we give the total accessibility number of well known graph models such as Pn, Cn, Km,n, W1,n, K1,n. We also examine this new measure under operations on graphs. A simple algorithm, which calculates the total accessibility number of graphs, is given. We observe that when any two graphs of the same size are compared in stability, it is inferred that the graph of higher total accessibility number is more stable than the other one. All the graphs considered in this paper are undirected, loopless and connected.
- Rights:
- and policy:public
477078. Total HIP arthroplasty in patients with Parkinson's disease
- Creator:
- Pradeep, George Mathew, Šponer, Pavel, Kučera, Tomáš, Grinac, Michal, and Knížek, Jiří
- Format:
- print, text, and regular print
- Type:
- model:article, article, Text, časopisecké články, práce podpořená grantem, and TEXT
- Subject:
- staří, staří nad 80 let, náhrada kyčelního kloubu, kohortové studie, ženské pohlaví, nekróza hlavice femuru--komplikace--chirurgie, fraktury kyčle--komplikace--chirurgie, lidé, mužské pohlaví, Parkinsonova nemoc--komplikace--chirurgie, periprotetické fraktury--komplikace--chirurgie, selhání protézy, reoperace, and výsledek terapie
- Language:
- English
- Description:
- The aim of this study is to evaluate the results of total hip arthroplasty in patients with Parkinson's disease during a period of five years, focusing on the assessment of the risks and benefits of surgery. During this period we performed total hip arthroplasty in 14 patients (15 hips) with Parkinson's disease. Patients were evaluated by subjective symptoms and objective findings, with a focus on the use of support while walking and walking distance, severity of Parkinson's disease before surgery and at the time of the last follow-up. During the postoperative period, the following parameters were assessed: length of ICU stay, mobilization, complications, the total duration of hospitalization and follow-up care after discharge. Of the 11 patients (12 hips) followed-up 1-5 years with an average of 3 years after operation 8 cases showed progression of neurological disability. 5 patients (6 hips) showed an increased dependence on the use of support when walking and reduced distance that the patient was able to walk. Subjectively, 10 hip joints were completely painless and 2 patients complained of only occasional mild pain in the operated hip. Complications that were encountered were urinary tract infection (5 patients), cognitive impairment (3 patients) and pressure ulcer (2 patients). We did not observe any infection or dislocation of the prosthesis. Three patients fell and fractured the femur and 3 patients in our cohort died during follow up. Implantation of total replacement is possible with judicious indication after careful evaluation of neurological finding in patients with minimal or mild functional impairment of the locomotor system. Prerequisite for a good result is precise surgical technique and optimal implant position with balanced tension of the muscles and other soft tissues around the hip. and PG. Mathew, P. Sponer, T. Kucera, M. Grinac, J. Knízek
- Rights:
- and policy:public
477079. Totalitarismus a nekonečný čas plodnosti
- Creator:
- Bernasconi, Robert
- Type:
- article, model:article, and TEXT
- Subject:
- infinity, totality, history, Eros, and fecundity
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- It is clear that Levinas’s critique of the dominance within Western philosophy of the concept of totality in Totality and Infinity was intended as a response to totalitarian-ism, but the extent to which this determines the organization of the book and the way in which this takes place has been largely misconceived. This is because of the failure to take seriously the opening question of whether or not we are duped by morality. The ethical resistance of the face of the Other does not adequately address that question until morality is secured against the challenge issued by a philosophy that equates being with war and that takes place only through the account of the infinite time of fecundity. Fecundity concretized in the family is the site of resistance to the totalitarian tendencies of any state that seeks for the sake of its preservation to legislate procreation. Hence fecundity and Eros are “beyond the face.” This reading draws on the important role given to fecundity in Time and the Other as well as the texts newly available in the first three volumes of Levinas’s Oeuvres.
- Rights:
- and policy:public
477080. Totalitarismus a posttotalitarismus v Čechách
- Creator:
- Znoj, MIlan and Koubek, Jiří
- Type:
- article and TEXT
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- Tento příspěvek přibližuje, jak se měnily interpretace konceptu totalitarismu od dvacátých let minulého století v příslušném ideologickém kontextu. Autoři vidí v Havelkově úvaze pokus o sociologizující redefinici totalitárního konceptu a komentují ji spíše skepticky. Upozorňují na to, že pokud pomineme čistě ideologická tvrzení, dají se za totalitární v pravém slova smyslu označit pouze dvě období v českých dějinách: německý protektorát (1939–1945) a první roky komunistické nadvlády (1948–1953). Pokud jde o pozdější období československého komunismu (od Stalinovy smrti), autoři navrhují uplatňovat na ně koncept posttotalitarismu, jak jej formuloval Juan J. Linz. To by na jednu stranu umožnilo rozlišovat mezi záměry vládnoucího systému a společenskou realitou, a tím také například pomohlo lépe popsat proměnlivý význam ideologie a mobilizace mas. Na druhou stranu nabízí tento model odlišnou terminologii pro ranou, vrcholnou a pozdní („zmraženou“) etapu posttotalitarismu v období takzvané normalizace. and This article traces the changes in interpretations of the concept of totalitarianism in various ideological contexts since the concept emerged in the 1920s. The authors argue that if one discounts claims of a purely ideological nature, only two periods in twentieth-century Czech history were truly totalitarian: the ‘Protectorate’ (1939–45) and the first few years of Communist rule, that is, from 1948 to 1953. Concerning the post-Stalinist period, the authors suggest that the concept of post-totalitarianism proposed by Juan Linz should be applied. This would make it possible, on the one hand, to distinguish between the goals that the system claimed to be putting into practice, and the reality prevailing in society. It would thus describe, for example, the changing importance of ideology and mass mobilization; on the other hand, the model offers a differentiated terminology for the early, mature, and, ultimately, ‘frozen’ stages of post-totalitarianism during the period of ‘normalization’.
- Rights:
- and policy:public