We suggest a nonparametric version of the probability weighted empirical characteristic function (PWECF) introduced by Meintanis {et al.} \cite{meiswaall2014} and use this PWECF in order to estimate the parameters of arbitrary transformations to symmetry. The almost sure consistency of the resulting estimators is shown. Finite-sample results for i.i.d. data are presented and are subsequently extended to the regression setting. A real data illustration is also included.
Text rozebírá situaci, kdy pacient odmítající transfuzi krve vyhledá lékaře s žádostí o poskytnutí zdravotní péče, tedy s požadavkem předejít škodám na zdraví, upevnit zdraví nebo navrátit zdraví, a současně ale odmítá výkon, bez kterého nelze jeho požadavek splnit. I když v současné době existuje řada přípravků, které lze v terapii použít, žádný současný přípravek nemůže plně nahradit transfuzi krve. Autoři popisují možnosti řešení situace a jejich rizika. Docházejí k závěru, že různorodost názorů i postupů v praxi, a to v případě laiků, zdravotnické i právnické veřejnosti, vede k pocitu nejistoty jak na straně pacientů, tak na straně lékařů. Závěrem navrhují řešení. and Lubomír Vondráček, Vladimíra Nováková
BACKGROUND: Intussusception of the large bowel in adults is a very rare pathological condition. However, it has its clinical importance because intussusception is very often associated with an intraluminal lesion. CASE REPORT: We report two cases of the large bowel intussusception, ileocolic and colorectal. Both intussusceptions were associated with a malignant tumor. However, the clinical presentation was different. One of the intussusceptions was of non-transient character, while the second one resolved spontaneously before operation. Both patients underwent surgery and malignant tumors were found and removed. RESULTS: The purpose of the article is to draw attention to intussusception and emphasize that intussusception, either transient or non-transient, should be further examined. CONCLUSIONS: The intussusception may be the first and the only signal of the existence of a malignant tumor, very often colorectal carcinoma. and R. Vobořil, J. Fanta, P. Bačkovský, D. Ehrenberger, J. Vobořilová
Cadmium is a heavy metal causing toxicity especially in kidney
cells. The toxicity is linked also with enhanced oxidative stress
leading to cell death. On the other hand, our recent experiments
have shown that an increase of total intracellular dehydrogenases
activity can also occur in kidney cells before declining until cell
death. The aim of the present study, therefore, was to evaluate
this transient enhancement in cell viability after cadmium
treatment. The human kidney HK-2 cell line was treated with
CdCl2 at concentrations 0-200 µM for 2-24 h and intracellular
dehydrogenase activity was tested. In addition, we measured
reactive oxygen species (ROS) production, glutathione levels,
mitochondrial membrane potential, and C-Jun-N-terminal kinase
(JNK) activation. We found that significantly increased
dehydrogenase activity could occur in cells treated with 25, 100,
and 200 µM CdCl2. Moreover, the results showed an increase in
ROS production linked with JNK activation following the
enhancement of dehydrogenase activity. Other tests detected
no relationship with the increased in intracellular dehydrogenase
activity. Hence, the transient increase in dehydrogenase activity
in HK-2 cells preceded the enhancement of ROS production and
our finding provides new evidence in cadmium kidney toxicity.
This paper presents a new technique for fingerprint image matching in biometric security applications, based on the hybrid of Neural Network and Delaunay Triangulation methodology. The Delaunay triangulation of the minutiae set is transformed to a set of points in the discretized space using duality. This translation results in a sampling method be acquiring which the system tolerates displacement and noise of the input image. Finally, Transiently Chaotic Associative Network (TCAN) is used to learn the obtained pattern. Experimental results show a significant improvement in the False Rejection Rate over both the traditional Delaunay Triangulation based approach and direct Neural Network application.
Transientní monoklonální gamapatie je stav spojený s přechodnou přítomností monoklonálního imunoglobulinu v séru a/ nebo moči. V článku je popsáno několik kazuistik pozorování přechodné monoklonální gamapatie., Transient monoclonal gammopathy is state involved in present monoclonal immunoglobulin in serum and urine. In article is described several cases observation of transient monoclonal gammopathy., Spáčilová J., Šolcová L., Tichý M., and Literatura 4
Autoři probírají kazuistiku 12leté pacientky s alergickou dispozicí, u níž v průběhu akutního horečnatého stavu s řadou komplikací byl v séru zachycen paraprotein IgM lambda. Při kontrolní elektroforéze, provedené za 4 měsíce, již nebyl prokazatelný. V článku je uvedena literatura zabývající se problematikou transientních paraproteinemií, diskutovány možné vztahy a příčiny. Transientní paraproteinemie jsou zřejmě častější, než se předpokládá., The case study of a 12 - year-old girl with allergic disposition is discussed. During an acute feverish condition accompanied with a number of complications, the IgM lambda paraprotein was found in the serum sample. In the subsequent control electrophoresis which was carried four months later, this paraprotein was not found any more. Literature dealing with the problems of transient paraproteinemias is included in this work and possible causal relations are discussed. Transient paraproteinemias seem to be more frequent than originally assumed., Jan Buryška, B. Mlejnková, M. Nieslaniková, and Lit. 13