Nunberg maintains that there are cases like ''I am traditionally entitled to a last meal'', as uttered by a condemned prisoner facing the firing squad, which suggest that an indexical like ‘I’ does double duty as a vehicle of singular and general reference. I argue against this claim. My position is that the sentence should be factored out into two: ''Traditionally, a condemned prisoner is entitled to a last meal'' and ''I am a condemned prisoner''. Nunberg’s sentence is generated by means of an illicit substitution of ‘I’ for ‘a condemned prisoner’ inside the scope of ''traditionally''. The morale is that sloppy or literally nonsensical speech like Nunberg’s sentence is not suitable as data for logical analysis of natural language. What is suitable data is the two-premise argument I put forward., Nunberg tvrdí, že existují případy, jako například ,,tradičně mám nárok na poslední jídlo'', jak vyslovil odsouzený vězeň, který čelí střelbě, což naznačuje, že indexové označení ,,I'' má dvojí povinnost jako prostředek jednotného a obecného odkazu. Proti tomuto tvrzení argumentuji. Můj postoj je takový, že věta by měla být zohledněna ve dvou: ,,Odsouzený vězeň má tradičně nárok na poslední jídlo'' a ,,Jsem odsouzený vězeň''. Nunbergův rozsudek je vytvářen nedovolenou náhradou slova ,,I'' za ,,odsouzeného vězně'' v rozsahu ,,tradičně''. Morálka je, že nedbalý nebo doslova nesmyslný projev jako Nunbergova věta není vhodný jako data pro logickou analýzu přirozeného jazyka. Vhodnými daty jsou argumenty, které jsem navrhl., and Bjørn Jespersen
Since the beginning of the 19th century, the comparative and ontogenetic branches of developmental physiology were cultivated in our country. Evidence was given that development of the gastrointestinal tract in tadpoles is dependent on the quality of proteins in their food. A complete metamorphosis of Amblystoma mexicanum, was entirely accomplished by feeding with powderized thyroid gland. The definition and chronological delimitation of both the suckling and weaning period in experimental animals opened the investigation of the effect of disturbance of the natural environment caused by premature weaning on the ensuing development of an individual. A new term was coined "late effects of early adaptations". Analysis was provided by impressive research of the development of energetic metabolism and development of gastrointestinal tract functions, water and electrolyte exchange and endocrine functions including the role of the pineal gland in control of circadian rhythms (12 references).
With the gradual improvement of the telecommunication infrastructure in China, the Internet and other new technologies have been frequently used. The Internet technology also brings many network security threats, for example, botnet, while bringing convenience. Botnet is a network formed between hosts controlled by malicious code. One of the most serious threat to network security faced by the Internet is a variety of malicious network attacks on the carrier of botnet. Back propagation (BP) neural network is proposed to detect botnet threat transmission. In this study, a botnet detection model was established using BP neural network system. BP neural network classifier could identify the botnet traffic and normal traffic. Moreover a test was carried out to detect botnet traffic using BP neural network; the performance of the BP neural network classifier was evaluated by the detection rate and false positive rate. The results showed that it had high detection rate and low false positive rate, which indicated that the BP neural network had a good performance in detecting the traffic of botnet threat transmission.
Trafficking of the rhoptry chimeric protein RhopH2-GFP, which contains RhopH2 signal peptide plus the downstream five amino acids, was dissected by treating parasites with Brefeldin A at three different time points. Twenty eight hrs-stage trophozoites accumulated the chimera within the parasite endoplasmic reticulum. In 32 hrs-stage schizonts, the chimera was distributed in the parasite cytoplasm but not in the parasitophorous vacuole. In 36 hrs stage-schizonts, the chimera was detected in the individual parasitophorous vacuoles of the developing merozoites and, in contrary to non-treated parasites, no immature rhoptry vesicles could be detected in the cytoplasm of immature merozoites. These data show that this chimera is trafficked to the rhoptries via Brefeldin A-sensitive pathway indicating that this trafficking is similar to that of the endogenous rhoptry proteins, and that the five amino acids downstream of the signal peptide cleavage site may contain the sorting signal required for rhoptry targeting.