The project ETHNOFOLK, fuded by the UE Structural Funds through the Central Europe Programme, integrates central Europe countries (Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Austria and Hungary) and aims to present the Central European folk culture heritage and potential of its actual and future preservation and presentation. The project planned outcome will be an extensive web portal presenting samples of folk architecture, costumes, music, songs, customs, devotion, etc. in visual, audio as well as video form. As another important goal, the Portal will offer numerous results of an ethnographic nature focusing on the essetial scietific background of cultural and visual anthropology theory. The project extends from May 1, 2001 to April 30, 2014 when the Portal is to be launched in a multilingual format. and Matěj Kratochvíl.
Euro-Biolmaging is a large scale pan European research infrastructure project on the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) Roadmap. Euro-Biolmaging will deploy a distributed biological and biomedical imaging infrastructure in Europe in a coordinated and harmonized manner. By providing access to and training in imaging technologies, and by sharing of best practice and image data, Euro-Biolmaging will become an engine that will drive European innovation in imaging research and technologies. and Pavel Hozák, Markéta Morská.