Letos uplyne 150 let, co se 3. listopadu 1865 narodil český národohospodář, profesor politické ekonomie Univerzity Karlovy, rytíř rakouského císařského řádu Železné koruny III. třídy a držitel zlatého Záslužného kříže s korunou Josef Gruber. A zároveň 90 let od jeho úmrtí 3. května 1925. and Jan Chodějovský.
We first recall the main features of Mach's radical attitude to the "philosophy of science", illustrated best by his criticism of absolute space and time, and discuss the impact of Mach's ideas on the birth of special and general relativity. The experiment to demonstrate "Machian effects" of dragging of inertial frames by a rotating body (carried out by four gyroscopes placed in an orbit around the Earth) was conceived in 1959 but only in 2014 was the satellite launched. The last results from the experiment were finally summarised at the end of 2015: they confirm the dragging as predicted by general relativity with an accuracy of 19 %. We show that a rotating black hole can even drag magnetic field lines and indicate possible astrophysical meaning of processes of this type. in the concluding parts, our investigation of dragging effects by gravitational waves and the study of Mach's principle in the context of cosmology, obtained in collaboration with Donald Lynden-Bell (Cambridge) and Joseph Katz (Jerusalem), are briefly reviewed., Jiří Bičák., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Článek přibližuje významnou osobnost světové vědy Marii Curie-Skłodowskou, dvojnásobnou nositelku Nobelovy ceny, objevitelku prvků polonium a radium, první ženu profesorku na pařížské Sorbonně a nepřehlédnutelnou postavu v historii vědy a techniky 20. století., The paper portrays famous physicist and chemist Maria Curie-Skłodowska - a distinguished personality of the world science, double Nobel Prize winner, discoverer of polonium and radium, the first female professor at the Sorbonne, personage who cannot be overlooked in the history of the science and technology in the 20th century., Ivana Lorencová., and Obsahuje bibliografii