Po zahájení činnosti v roce 1953 v Československé akademii věd v rámci její IV. biologicko-lékařské sekce fungovalo pouze pět samostatných pracovišť. Vedle mohutného Biologického ústavu šlo o Laboratoř pro výzkum vyšší nervové činnosti, Laboratoř pro elektronovou mikroskopii v biologii, Sbírka autotrofních rostlin a na Slovensku sídlící Virologický ústav. Článek sleduje postupný rozrod pracovišť, zejména ve dvou etapách - první zvýšení počtu akademických institucí zabývajících se živou přírodou přišlo již na počátku roku 1954, i když se jednalo spíše o laboratoře představující pouhé zárodky pozdějších ústavů. Důležitou roli v celém procesu sehrávala i Geobotanická laboratoř navazující na Geobotanickou komisi fungující již od roku 1952. K dalšímu "velkému třesku" a zvýšení počtu pracovišť ČSAV bádajících v oblasti živé přírody došlo v roce 1962. Jeho základem se stalo rozčlenění Biologického ústavu na několik samostatných institucí. Z dosavadních oddělení a dalších útvarů v rámci Biologického ústavu vznikly např. Parazitologický ústav, Entomologický ústav nebo Ústav experimentální botaniky. V roce 1962 se také definitivně zformoval samostatný Botanický ústav navazující na Geobotanickou laboratoř. Do 60. let tak již Československá akademie věd vstoupila s široce vybudovanou badatelskou strukturou pro vědy o živé přírodě, v níž působila celá řada špičkových vědců pracujících na nejvyšší mezinárodní úrovni. Přispěl k tomu jistě i rozvoj zahraničních kontaktů spojených i s velkými mezinárodními programy, jako byl např. IBP (Mezinárodní biologický program)., A key role was played in the Czechoslovak Academy by the system of research institutes. This part of the series deals primarily with the structure of these institutes and the changes they underwent, while focusing on the issues surrounding the integration of botanical research. After the launch of activities in 1953 at the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, only five independent departments operated at the Fourth Biological and Medical Section. This article follows the gradual development of these departments. The first increase in the number of academic institutions dealing with life sciences came in 1954. The next "big bang" and increase in the number of CSAS departments researching life sciences took place in 1962. Hence the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences entered the 1960s with a broadly based research structure for life sciences, in which numerous top scientists operating at the highest international standard were working. This was also surely facilitated by the development of foreign contacts associated with large international projects, such as IBP (International Biological Programme)., and Martin Franc.
Půdní semenná banka má vliv na složení vegetace na daném stanovišti. Semena různých druhů rostlin jsou velmi variabilní jak svým tvarem, tak velikostí. Tato variabilita výrazně ovlivňuje vznik a vývoj složení půdní semenné banky a tím i životnost semene. Složení půdní semenné banky je často výrazně odlišné od složení vegetace na daném stanovišti, což je nejvíce patrné u lesních biotopů. Ke studiu půdní semenné banky se využívá zejména dvou rozdílných metod - metoda ruční separace semen a kultivační metoda., The soil seed bank influences the composition of vegetation on the site. Seeds of different plant species are highly variable both in shape and size. This variation strongly affects the formation and composition of soil seed bank, as well as seed persistence. Soil seed bank composition often considerably differs from that of the local vegetation, which is most evident in forest habitats. Two different methods - separation and cultivation - are used for research into the soil seed bank., Jana Kůrová., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
The predation on insects on leaves was measured by direct observation using live larvae of Calliphora vicina (Diptera: Calliphoridae) as bait placed on 15 common species of woody plants in a floodplain forest in the temperate region. The predation rate was measured in terms of the proportion of the larvae that were missing or had been attacked after 30 min of exposure on leaves. Despite the fact that the important predators differed during the course of a season, the most frequently recorded predators were birds and ants and less frequently recorded wasps and spiders. Analysis of the pattern in the distribution of the attacks confirmed that it is best described by a negative binomial distribution, which corresponds to a clumped dispersal of predation. Based on the results of the best-fitted generalized additive model, we could not reject an equal probability of attacks on the different species of woody plants. Further, predation at the forest edge was notably higher than in the forest interior. The model also predicted marked variations in the incidence of attacks during the course of a day and a season, with the attacks occurring mainly in three periods during the year and two during the day. In general, the sampling method used could become the standard measure of the risk of insects living on trees being attacked by predators in future studies., Michaela Drozdová, Jan Šipoš, Pavel Drozd., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
The genome of Bread wheat is still poorly understood, mainly due to its enormous size, hexaploid status and abundant repetitive sequences. Chromosome genomics simplifies the task by targeting single chromosomes and their arms. Advantages of this strategy over awhole-genome approach include the avoidance of problems due to the presence of homoeologs, reduction of work to manageable portions, cost efficiency and an opportunity for collaboration. and Jan Vrána.
Zoo Brno chová kočky pouštní (Felis margarita) od roku 1998. Celkem bylo dovezeno 6 zvířat (3, 3). První úspěšný odchov dvou samců a dvou samic za trvalé přítomnosti kocoura se podařil v roce 2000. Další odchovy následovaly až v letech 2009 - 14, kdy se v 6 vrzích narodilo celkem 17 mláďat (10, 3, 4), z nichž bylo odchováno 10 (8, 2). Úspěšnost z těchto zaznamenaných vrhů tak dosahuje 59 %., Brno Zoo has been breeding the Sand Cat (Felis margarita) since 1998. A total of 6 individuals (3 males, 3 females) have been imported. The first successful breeding involved two males and two females with the constant presence of a male cat in 2000. Other breeding followed so that in 2009-14 there were 6 litters with a total of 17 young (10, 3, and four of unknown gender), of which 10 were raised (8, 2). Hence the success rate of these litters reaches 59 %., Michal Balcar., and Fotografie M. Balcar
Cryptic immigrants are common species incorporated in near-natural biocoenoses that occur only in Holocene, mostly very recent deposits, being absent from older (Pleistocene) formations. This is true of Alinda biplicata, Oxychilus cellarius and other presented species. This also applies to isolated occurrences of Itala ornata or Cochlodina commutata that entered the Bohemian Uplands by aerial dispersal from the south. In the Pleistocene, the very early appearance of some southern species (e.g. Drobacia banatica) from the very be-ginning of the interglacial periods is reminiscent of modern snail invasions. How-ever, the former was initiated by the abrupt increase in temperature and moisture., Vojen Ložek, and 1 barev. fot., 10 čb. fot.
The Council and the European Parliament reached the political agreement on the new LIFE+ Financial Instrument for the Environment. The overall budget foreseen for is just under € 1.9 billion for the period 2007-2013. LIFE+ will bring simplification by regrouping a broad range of existing environmental programs and instruments in a single framework. and Táňa Perglová, Miloslav Kryštůfek.