We studied the demography, movement, behaviour and choice of nectar plants by adults of Aporia crataegi. This study was done in a dense network of different types of habitats (total size of study area 16.26 ha) from open landscape to shrubland, the latter being a result of abandonment of traditional agricultural practices such as extensive mowing and grazing. Total population size was estimated to be approximately 1700 and 2700 for females and males, respectively. Median and maximum distances moved by males were 134 and 3493 m, and by females 138 and 3165 m, respectively. The average lifespan was ca. 7.1 and 7.5 days, with maximum recorded lifespans of 21 and 17 days for males and females, respectively. The greater capture probability recorded for males indicates their high activity, as they spend most of their time in flight patrolling and searching for mates. A parabolic recruitment curve and protandry were also recorded. Both sexes are highly mobile. The spatial distribution of both sexes was roughly similar. The adult behaviour differed in different habitats, with more time spent feeding and resting when nectar plants were plentiful and more time spent flying when they were rare. Although adults utilized nine nectar sources, only two were recorded in over 80% of all the feeding occasions. In order to re-establish open grassland with some shrubland, traditional and mosaic management of the landscape should be revived at least to some extent., Jure Jugovic, Mitja Črne, Martina Lužnik., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Mravenec lužní (Liometopum microcephalum) dosahuje na jižní Moravě (v jihovýchodních Čechách) severozápadní hranice svého rozšíření, a druhu se tak dostávalo velké pozornosti mezi českými přírodovědci. Mnohé informace publikované v literatuře nebo na internetu však jsou spíše mýty než fakta. O areálu druhu se často uvádí, že se rozkládá od Iberského poloostrova do východní Evropy a nejzápadnější části Asie, někdy dokonce až na ruský Dálný východ. Ve skutečnosti neexistují žádné doklady o historickém ani současném výskytu mravence lužního na západ od Alp (severní Itálie). Populace na Dálném východě byla již před dlouhou dobou odlišena jako samostatný druh. Článek detailně popisuje historické a současné rozšíření tohoto mravence na jižní Moravě. Ačkoli jde o nejsevernější populaci druhu, populace na Ukrajině a v Rusku dosahují téměř stejné zeměpisné šířky. Mravenec lužní kolonizuje staré, ale živé stromy s dutinami, zpravidla duby, v lesích i mimo les. Na severní hranici svého areálu dává jednoznačně přednost lužním stanovištím, na jihu je preferuje mnohem méně. Jasné doklady uváděné ochrany hnízdních stromů mravenčími koloniemi scházejí. Přes protichůdné názory publikované v literatuře tvoří trofobióza významnou součást potravní strategie druhu, ale stanovení důležitosti jednotlivých složek potravy stále chybí. Druh se vyznačuje jasným polymorfismem dělnic, ale stupeň polymorfismu se liší mezi koloniemi, mění se v průběhu roku a také závisí na podmínkách prostředí, jako je přítomnost silných kompetitorů. Mnohé otázky týkající se biologie a ekologie mravence lužního zatím zůstávají nezodpovězeny., The arboricolous ant Liometopum microcephalum, which reaches the north-western edge of its range in South Moravia (south-eastern Czechia), has been receiving substantial attention by Czech naturalists. However, many pieces of information presented in the literature or on the internet are more myth then fact. Its range is often reported to reach from the Iberian Peninsula to Eastern Europe and western-most Asia, sometimes even to the Russian Far East. In fact, there is no evidence of its historic or present occurrence west of the Alps (northern Italy). The Far Eastern population has been recognized as a separate species a long time ago. The historic and current range in South Moravia is described in detail. Although being indeed the northern-most population of the species, populations in the Ukraine and Russia reach almost the same latitude. Old but living trees with cavities, mostly oaks, are colonized both in and outside of forests. There is a clear preference for alluvial habitats in the northern part of its range, much less so in the south. There is hardly any evidence for the reported protection of nest trees by its ant colonies. Despite contrary opinions published, trophobiosis is an important part of the species’ foraging behaviour, but an assessment of the importance of different components of its diet is still lacking. Worker polymorphism is apparent but its degree varies among colonies and changes in the course of the year and also mirrors environmental variables such as the presence of strong competitors. Many questions regarding the species’ biology and ecology remain open., and Jiří Schlaghamerský, Lenka Petráková.
Muchničky jsou známy v mnoha oblastech jako trapiči člověka i dobytka, ale také jako přenášeči parazitárních onemocnění, z nichž nejvýznamnější je říční slepota. Muchnička Simulium colombaschense byla v minulosti považována za jeden z nejnebezpečnějších druhů v rámci čeledi, protože na následky napádaní samičkami tohoto druhu uhynuly na Balkánském polostrově desetitisíce kusů dobytka. V současnosti se však zdá, že může být považována za ohrožený druh, především v důsledku regulace velkých řek. Podle předběžných výsledků analýzy polytenních chromozomů představuje S. colombaschense komplex druhů s menšími areály. Typová lokalita druhu S. colombaschesne byla zničena po přehrazení Dunaje v oblasti Železných vrat a následně z této oblasti postupně zmizelo i S. colombaschense. Podobný osud může v blízké době postihnout, nebo už postihl také další blízce příbuzné druhy z tohoto komplexu., Black flies (Simuliidae) are known in several areas as pests to humans and cattle, but also as transmitters of parasitic diseases, among which river blindness is the most important. In the past, the black fly Simulium colombaschense was considered to be one of the most dangerous species of the family, because it caused the death of tens of thousands of cattle in the Balkan peninsula. However, at present it seems that it can be considered an endangered species, especially due to large river regulation. Moreover, according to preliminary analysis of polytene chromosomes S. colombaschense is a complex of species with smaller distribution areas. The type locality of S. colombaschense was destroyed after the Danube was dammed in the Iron Gate region and subsequently S. colombaschense disappeared from this area. In the near future the same might possibly happen, or has already happened as to other species from this complex., and Tatiana Brúderová, Matúš Kúdela.
Muga silkworm (Antheraea assamensis Helfer) is endemic to Assam and adjoining areas in North-Eastern India, and naturally produces golden silk. From time immemorial, many ethnic and tribal groups have produced muga silk. Muga silkworms are mostly wild unlike the mulberry silkworm, which is completely domesticated. The muga silkworm is a single species with little genetic variation among populations, survives harsh climatic conditions and is subject to various diseases, pests and predators. Due to the high incidence of disease and natural enemies, and variations in climatic conditions, the production of muga silk has recently declined dramatically. In order to improve the productivity of this silkworm it is important to have a better knowledge of both its host plants and biology. Lack of knowledge of its genetics and host plants is a major bottleneck. This paper reviews various aspects of muga silkworm culture, including the availability of different populations, and methods used to select for improvement in survival, cocoon yield, disease resistance, conservation and egg production., Amelendu Tikader, Kunjupillai Vijayan, Beera Saratchandra., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
a1_Imaging the four fluorescence bands of leaves, the red (F690) and far-red (F740) chlorophyll (Chl) fluorescence as well as the blue (F440) and green (F520) fluorescence of leaves and the corresponding fluorescence ratios is a fast and excellent nondestructive technique to detect the photosynthetic activity and capacity of leaves, of gradients over the leaf area as well as the effect of various strain and stress parameters on plants. This review primarily deals with the first and pioneering multi-colour fluorescence imaging results obtained since the mid-1990s in a cooperation with French colleagues in Strasbourg and in my laboratory in Karlsruhe. Together we introduced not only the joint imaging of the red and far-red Chl fluorescence but also of the blue and green fluorescence of leaves. The two instrumental setups composed for this purpose were (1) the Karlsruhe-Strasbourg UV-Laser Fluorescence Imaging System (Laser-FIS) and (2) the Karlsruhe Flash-Light Fluorescence Imaging System (FL-FIS). Essential results obtained with these instruments are summarized as well as the basic principles and characteristics of multi-colour fluorescence imaging. The great advantage of fluorescence imaging is that the fluorescence yield in the four fluorescence bands is sensed of several thousand up to 200,000 pixels per leaf area in one image. The multi-colour FIS technique allows to sense many physiological parameters and stress effects in plants at an early stage before a damage of leaves is visually detectable. Various examples of plant stress detection by the multi-colour FIS technique are given. Via imaging the Chl fluorescence ratio F690/F740 it is even possible to determine the Chl content of leaves. The FIS technique also allows to follow the successive uptake of diuron and loss of photosynthetic function and to screen the ripening of apples during storage., a2_Particularly meaningful and of high statistical relevance are the fluorescence ratio images red/far-red (F690/F740), blue/red (F440/F690), and blue/green (F440/F520) as well as images of the fluorescence decrease ratio RFd, which is an indicator of the net CO2 assimilation rates of leaves., H. K. Lichtenthaler., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
This paper describes the technical information and performance of a new multi-objective chamber system enabling the control of environmental variables (e.g., temperature, CO2, air humidity, wind speed, and UV-B radiation) for understanding plant responses to climate change. Over a whole growing season, four different climate scenarios were evenly programmed into the system’s 16 chambers as ambient environment (AMB), elevated temperature (ET), elevated CO2 concentration (EC) and elevated temperature and CO2 concentration (ETC). Simultaneously, the chamber effects were assessed regarding the physiological responses and growth of a boreal perennial grass (reed canary grass, Phalaris arundinacea L.). During the growing season, the chamber system provided a wide variety of climatic conditions for air temperature (T a), relative humidity (RH) and CO2 concentration (C a) in the AMB chambers following outside conditions. The target temperature (+3.5°C) was achieved to a good degree in the ET and ETC chambers, being on average 3.3°C and 3.7°C higher than ambient conditions, respectively. The target concentration of CO2 (700 ppm) was also well achieved in the EC and ETC chambers, being on average 704 ppm and 703 ppm, respectively. The stable airflow condition inside all of the chambers provided a homogeneous distribution of gases and temperature. The decreases in RH and increases in vapour pressure deficit (VPD) in the elevated temperature chambers were also maintained at a low level. Chamber effects were observed, with some physiological and growth parameters of plants being significantly lower in the AMB chambers, compared to outside conditions. The plant growth was negatively affected by the reduced radiation inside the chambers., X. Zhou ... [et al.]., and Obsahuje bibliografii
In social insects, the high variability in the number of queens per colony raises fundamental questions about the evolution of altruism. It is hypothesized, for instance, that nestmate recognition should be less efficient in polygynous than in monogynous colonies because the presence of several breeders increases the diversity of genetically determined recognition cues, leading to a less specific colonial signature. Recent studies, however, have shown that the link between the number of queens in a colony and the recognition abilities of its members is more complex than previously suggested. Here, we studied intraspecific aggression, diversity of potential recognition cues and genetic structure of colonies in the highly polygynous ant Crematogaster pygmaea. Our results reveal that workers of this species are clearly aggressive towards non-nestmates in field experiments but not in more artificial bioassays conducted in Petri dishes, underscoring the importance of context-dependent aspects of the assessment of nestmate recognition. Behavioural, genetic and chemical data show that C. pygmaea is a multicolonial species, forming spatially restricted and well-defined entities. Therefore, the postulated negative correlation between recognition ability of workers and queen number in a colony is not supported by the results of this study., Rachid Hamidi ... [et al.]., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Giardiasis is a common gastrointestinal infection of humans and animals with a worldwide distribution. Eight genetic groups (known as assemblages A to H) are currently recognised within the species complex of Giardia duodenalis (Lambl, 1859), of which assemblages A and B are responsible for infection of humans and other mammalian hosts. Genotyping data on giardiasis are not available from Slovenia. In this work, we have characterised isolates of G. duodenalis from 85 human symptomatic cases collected during 2002-2013. Genomic DNAs were first tested by a real-time (rt) PCR assay and then by conventional PCR at three loci (beta-giardin, bg; triose phosphate isomerase, tpi; and glutamate dehydrogenase, gdh). We found that the threshold cycle (Ct) values in rt-PCR testing were higher for samples collected during 2002-2005 and that this was paralleled by a low amplification rate in conventional PCR (6 of 32, i.e. 19%). In contrast, lower Ct values and higher amplification rate (45 of 53; 85%) were observed for samples collected during 2006-2013, suggesting an adverse effect of prolonged freezing of stools. Assemblages A and B were found with an almost identical frequency in the 51 genotyped samples. In agreement with previous studies, sequences from assemblage B isolates were characterised by larger genetic variability and by the presence of heterogeneous positions, which made assignment to specific genotypes difficult. Less variability was observed in sequences from assemblage A isolates, which belonged to the human-specific subassemblage AII. These data showed that the genotypes of G. duodenalis that circulate in humans in Slovenia are similar to those previously identified in Europe., Barbara Šoba, Sabina Islamović, Miha Skvarč, Simone M. Cacciò., and Obsahuje bibliografii