Sexual selection is thought to result in an elongation of genitalia in insects. Part of the genitalia of the leaf beetle Lema (Lema) coronata Baly is approximately twice the body length in both sexes. Nine microsatellite loci were isolated from L. (L.) coronata for use in future studies on the correlation between genital length and reproductive success. The nine loci were polymorphic, with three to six alleles per locus recorded in 40 individuals. Observed heterozygosity ranged from 0.08 to 0.38 and expected heterozygosity from 0.51 to 0.75. The non-exclusive probability of the second parent and the identity calculated from the set of loci were 0.011 and < 0.001, respectively. A deviation from the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium was detected at all nine loci, i.e. significant heterozygote deficiencies, and several hypotheses accounting for this are discussed. The isolated loci carried independent information. Five polymorphic loci were amplified in a related sympatric species, L. (L.) scutellaris, which has relatively short genitalia. These microsatellite makers will be used to determine the paternity of offspring of females multiply mated in the laboratory and compare the selection pressures operating on genital length in these closely related species. and Yoko Matsumura, Izumi Yao.
A strain of Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 expressing the yellow fluorescent protein (YFP) fused to the C-terminus of the PsaF subunit of PSI has been constructed and used to isolate native PSI complexes employing the GFP-Trap®, an efficient immunoprecipitation system which recognizes the green fluorescent protein (GFP) and its variants. The protein analysis and spectroscopic characterization of the preparation revealed an isolate of trimeric and monomeric PSI complexes, which showed minimal unspecific contamination as demonstrated by comparison with the wild type control. Interestingly, we detected CP43 subunits of PSII and small amounts of PSII core complexes specifically pulled-down with the YFP-PSI, supporting the association of PSII assembly modules and intermediate assembly complexes with PSI, as observed in our previous studies. The results demonstrate that the GFP-Trap® system represents an excellent tool for studies of PSI biogenesis and interconnection of PSI and PSII assembly processes., A. Strašková, J. Knoppová, J. Komenda., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
Cílená změna původní identity buňky v identitu jinou neboli reprogramování buněk nachází své uplatnění jak v základním výzkumu, tak i v případné buněčné terapii. Z mnoha postupů reprogramování autoři představují přípravu indukovaných pluripotentních buněk (iPS), transdiferencovaných anebo přímo reprogramovaných buněk. Je popsána cesta přípravy a z ní plynoucí vlastnosti a potenciál indukovaných buněk., Induced change in the identity of the cell known as reprogramming of the somatic cell is applicable both in basic research and cell therapy. Out of many reprogramming approaches the authors introduce the derivation of induced pluripotent stem (iPS), transdifferentiated and direct reprogrammed cells. The workflow for the preparation of induced cells and a comment on their properties and potentials are given., and Jiří Klíma, Irena Lišková, Jan Motlík.
Velká část hmyzu má v temperátní či mediterrání oblasti jednoletý vývojový cyklus, který je dán výraznou sezonní proměnlivostí tohoto prostředí. Mezi druhy s jednoletým cyklem patří i chrobáci rodu Lethrus, kam patří i na Moravě vymizelý chrobák révový (L. apterus). Při pokusech o chov těchto chrobáků bylo zjištěno, že část jedinců pocházejících z volné přírody upustila v pokusných podmínkách od aktivní fáze života a zahrabala se na dno chovných boxů, kde přežila více jak rok a půl od jejich odchycení v terénu. Po jejich násilném probuzení, začali někteří brouci aktivovat a přijímat potravu. Zda se jedná o náhodné pozorování nebo o strategii, při které se brouci rozhodují, zda v danou sezonu aktivovat či nebo „přeležet“ do následujícího roku zůstává nejasné a je předmětem dalších výzkumů., The genus Lethus (Geotrupidae) is believed to be a typical representative of a beetle with one-year life cycle. The adults mate and dig maternal chambers between the end of March and May. The larvae develop inside these chambers and pupate within a few months of eclosion. The inactive imago remains inside the burrow until spring. In our breeding experiments several wild caught beetles abandoned the active phase of life, burrowed themselves, and were inactive for more than a year and half. Some beetles resumed foraging and remained active for another three months after they were dug out., and Petr Šípek, Dana Drožová, Petr Janšta, David Král.
Genetically modified (GM) maize may be - come important as the spread of the Western Corn Rootworm (Diabrotica virgifera) feeding on maize continues. However, its implementation in european agriculture has been hindered by fears of undesirable environmental effects, despite the worldwide cultivation of the GM crop. The presented study compares impacts of the GM maize MON 88017 and the non-transgenic maize on non-target invertebrates. Neither the composition nor the species abundance of invertebrate communities were affected in a field with the GM maize. and Zdeňka Svobodová, Oxana Habuštová, František Sehnal.