This article presents a critical evaluation of the growing popularity of online social surveys for the exploration of attitudes and behaviours within higher educational institutions. More specifically this article addresses a number of key issues: the construction of representative online samples, and the presentation of the results from an institutional census constructed from an online survey with a low response rate. The improper use of statistical significance tests, and the reporting of systematic errors when quota sampling is employed in surveys is also discussed. This study compares and evaluates four recent academic surveys: (a) the Czech wave of the EUROSTUDENT IV survey fielded by SC&C, (b) A Research Survey on Academic Staff at Czech Colleges and Universities undertaken by SC&C in 2009, (c) surveys of students and (d) employees at Palacky University Olomouc undertaken by the newly established Laboratory of Social Research. This article shows that an improper interpretation of online surveys resulted in a missrepresention of the views of university students and academic staff on the state of Czech higher education and opinions concerning different tertiary education reform measures., Dan Ryšavý., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
The aim of this article is to provide an overview of the problems associated with the fielding of questions of a socially sensitive nature typically dealing with crime, health, and sexual activity in nationally representative sample surveys. This article presents an overview of previous research on this topic and associated themes such as the definition of sensitive survey questions, the emergence and impact of social desirability effects and application of the Cognitive Aspects of Survey Methodology (CASM) to mechanisms of question response on sensitive topics. Thereafter, this article maps out specific sources of error that are likely to occur when fielding sensitive survey questions; and highlights methods that may used to minimise measurement error, thereby enhancing data validity. The article concludes with an appraisal of some of the most influential criterion-validity used in this sub-field of survey research., Johana Chylíková., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
Techniky využívající vizuálních stimulů jsou v sociálněvědním výzkumu přítomny od konce 19. století. Jejich metodologické ukotvení, zejména pak v kvantitativně orientovaných studiích, však není příliš pevné. V této přehledové stati se proto zaměřuji na metodologické aspekty jednotlivých skupin vizuálních technik a následně formuluji doporučení pro design studií, které se takový typ výzkumu rozhodnou použít. V textu se po stručném historickém úvodu postupně věnuji psychologickým projektivním metodám, využití vizuálních materiálů v hloubkových rozhovorech a kvantitativních dotazníkových šetřeních. V diskusi pak shrnuji metodologická specifika tohoto typu technik, doporučení pro design instrumentu a problémy validity., Techniques using visual stimuli have existed in social research since the late 19th century. However, the methodological framework in which they are embedded remains limited in scope, especially with respect to quantitative research. In this article, the author focuses on the methodological aspects of various types of visual techniques. Subsequently, he proposes some recommendations for methodological design. After a brief historical review, the main part of the article discusses psychological projective methods, photo-elicitation techniques and the application of visual stimuli in in-depth interviewing and quantitative questionnaire surveys. Final discussion focuses on the methodological specifics of visual methods, design recommendations and the problem of validity., Martin Buchtík., and Seznam literatury
Stať převážně empirického charakteru čerpá z archivních dat, ze zdrojů Centra pro výzkum veřejného mínění a z první fáze realizace projektu Grantové agentury ČR s názvem „Sociologický výzkum historického vědomí obyvatel České republiky”. Teoretická část textu vychází z konceptu kolektivní paměti, zejména z myšlenky selektivity a proměnlivosti obsahů uložených v paměti. Článek dále prezentuje kvantitativní data týkající se veřejného mínění o české historii a kvalitativní zjištění výzkumu o historickém vědomí získaná prostřednictvím metody focus groups., The article of a mostly empirical character is drawn from archive data, from the sources of the Centre for Public Opinion Research, and from the first phase of the undertaking of a project of the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic entit - led „The Sociological Research of the Historical Consciousness of Inhabitants of the Czech Republic“. The theoretical part of the text is based on the concept of collective memory, especially on the idea of the selectivity and changeability of contents saved in the memory. This article also presents quantitative data concerning the perspective held by public opinion on Czech history, and qualitative perspectives on historical consciousness attained through the use of focus groups., and Jiří Šubrt, Štěpánka Pfeiferová.
The article compares the level of dependence of four justice ideologies on the structural position of an individual and his/her personal traits. First, the theoretical concept of distributive justice is introduced within the framework of GridGroup Theory. Second, Czech public opinion of justice is analysed with data from the ISJP 2006 survey. Egalitarianism is the most structurally embedded ideology that is infl uenced by all socio-demographic attributes. Nevertheless, psychological factors affect the other ideologies to some extent. Ascriptivism is more characteristic of extroversion, agreeableness, and conscientiousness; individualism of openness to experience; fatalism of closeness to experience. Against structural effects, the psychological dimension does not yield considerable improvement in the explanation of justice ideologies., Jiří Šafr, Ivo Bayer., and Seznam literatury
Advances in the statistical analysis of longitudinal data has been so rapid, that it has been difficult for empirically oriented social scientists to remain informed of all new developments in this important area of social methodology. This article offers some guidance on the use of various types of panel data analysis techniques, paying particular attention to the analysis of longitudinal panel data. The aim of this article is to describe in a succinct manner the logic underpinning a number of panel analysis techniques; outlining the types of inferences that can be drawn from employing specific techniques, and providing the reader with references to the literature associated with particular forms of panel data analysis. Five types of panel data analysis are discussed: Event history analysis, Sequential analysis, Hierarchical linear (or multi-level) modeling (with application to longitudinal data analysis), Structural equation modeling with longitudinal data, and use of Log- linear and Markov chain models for longitudinal data with categorical variables., Petr Pakosta, Petr Fučík., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
This article summarizes previous sociological research on higher education students in the Czech Republic. It identifies the most important surveys carried out in the field and provides detailed information about twenty one higher education studies. Special attention is paid to a number of longitudinal surveys. The information presented in this review article identifies the main topics covered in previous higher education research. This article concludes by making suggestions for further research by highlighting those topics that have been examined in greater detail and those themes that have suffered relatively neglect thus far., Lenka Minksová., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
Markéta Škodová v tomto čísle mluvila s Ing. Josefem Bečvářem o situaci ve výzkumu veřejného mínění v 60. a 70.letech, a také o jeho působení v Ústavu veřejného mínění. Ing. Josef Bečvář (* 1929) byl v letech 1967-1972 výzkumným pracovníkem Ústavu pro výzkum veřejného mínění Československé akademie věd. Předkládaný rozhovor s tímto sociologem je součástí kontinuální snahy CVVM o mapování různých aspektů dějin výzkumu veřejného mínění v České, resp. Československé republice., Markéta Škodová., and Seznam literatury
The aim of this article is to present a specific method for the study of the life-course, which focuses on life-course trajectories as a whole through the use of sequence analysis. In the first part, two approaches for the quantitative analysis of the life-course are distinguished: an event-oriented perspective and a trajectory-based (holistic) perspective. The holistic perspective is based on sequence analysis and more specifically on optimal matching. The trajectory-based perspective does not focus on single life events, but on whole sequences of events. In the second part, using the Czech wave of the ISSP 2002 dataset, which includes partnership and family histories, this article presents several examples of the use of sequence analysis of family trajectories. This study shows that sequence analysis can help identify patterns associated with typical and distinctive life-course trajectories., Jana Chaloupková., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy