There is limited data on the role of intestinal parasites in irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) in South America. We evaluated the association between intestinal parasitism and IBS status in Peru. Intestinal parasites were detected in 43% of the IBS cases and in 51% of the controls (P = 0.4). After excluding those infected by any parasite, the IBS prevalence remained high (22%; P = 0.7). No statistically significant difference was noted between IBS cases and controls in terms of monoparasitism, biparasitism or multiparasitism. Furthermore, the protist Blastocystis sp. was inversely associated with IBS., George Vasquez-Rios, Jorge D. Machicado, Maria T. Gamero, Adriana Pezua, Angel B. Betancourt, Angelica Terashima, Luis A. Marcos., and Obsahuje bibliografii
According to previous observations, it was hypothesized that the feeding behavior of some ant species would be deterred by a scavenger deterrent factor (SDF), whereas for other species it would not. The effects of the SDF were studied on 11 ant species in three different subfamilies: Dolichoderinae Forel, 1878, Formicinae Latreille, 1809, and Myrmicinae Lepeletier de Saint-Fargeau, 1835. The experiments were conducted from 2014-2015 in Davis, California, United States, Aydin, Turkey, and Duzce, Turkey. Five-day-old Heterorhabditis bacteriophora (Poinar, 1976), (Hb)-killed and freeze-killed Galleria mellonella (Linnaeus, 1758) were exposed to ant colonies in the field for 3 to 4 h. Seven ant species fed significantly less on Hb-killed insects than freeze-killed insect. On the other hand, there was no significant difference in cadaver consumption with five species, but Liometopum occidentale Emery, 1895 did consume a higher rate of Hb-killed insects than freeze-killed insects and was not deterred by SDF. It was also observed that four ant species took Hb-killed insects into the nests, but two Myrmicinae species, Pogonomyrmex subdentatus Mayr, 1870 and Messor meridionalis (André, 1883) removed the cadavers after 30 min, whereas two Formicinae species, Cataglyphis nodus (Brullé, 1833) and Formica fusca Linnaeus, 1758, retained the cadavers in the nest. It was assumed that the latter two species consumed both Hb-killed and freeze-killed insects. Further studies are needed to explain why L. occidentale C. nodus and F. fusca are not deterred by SDF., Baris Gulcu, Selcuk Hazir, Edwin E. Lewis, Harry K. Kaya., and Obsahuje bibliografii
In order to determine when during the development of H. armigera CYP6B6 is expressed, we measured the width of the head capsule, the length of the body and weight of the different life stages of the cotton bollworm reared under laboratory condition. The larvae took about 20 d to complete their development under these conditions, the pre-pupae about 4 d, pupae about 9 d, and the adults lived for about 9 d and the eggs took about 4 d to hatch. Knowing this it was possible to determine the pattern of cytochrome P450 CYP6B6 expression at different stages in the life cycle of H. armigera using real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR). The CYP6B6 gene was expressed in all the developmental stages of the cotton bollworm. The results indicate that the level of expression was lower in the egg, pre-pupal, pupal and adult stages than in larvae. The level of expression of CYP6B6 decreased from the 1st to the 3rd instar larva, with the lowest level recorded in the 3rd instar larvae and then increased reaching its highest value in 6th instar larvae. A similar trend in the expression of CYP6B6 was detected using immunohistochemistry. As the results show, more efficient control of the cotton bollworm can be achieved if insecticides are applied when the larvae of H. armiger are in the 3rd instar, because at that stage the eat little food and there is a low level of detoxifying enzymes in the larvae., Xuetao Zhang ... [et al.]., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Until recently, the Canadian distribution of the blueberry maggot, Rhagoletis mendax Curran (Diptera: Tephritidae), was restricted to Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and New Brunswick. The insect was first mentioned in southern Quebec in 1996 and, to date, it has not reached the Lac St-Jean region, where 34% of Canadian blueberry acreage is located. Two questions concerning the northern limit of distribution of the blueberry maggot in Quebec were addressed. First, are wild plants suitable hosts for larval development? We collected the fruit of five wild plants, (e.g. Vaccinium corymbosum, Vaccinium angustifolium, Vaccinium myrtilloides, Gaylussacia baccata, and Aronia melanocarpa) growing in southern Quebec and allowed larvae to complete their development into pupae. Blueberry maggot pupae were recovered from Vaccinium corymbosum, Vaccinium angustifolium, and Gaylussacia baccata, indicating that these plants are suitable for larval development. Second, are harsh winter temperatures a factor limiting the northern distribution of the blueberry maggot? Pupae collected in Quebec and Nova Scotia were put in the soil in the fall and were brought back to the laboratory to determine their supercooling points at different times during winter. The supercooling points of pupae collected in Quebec and Nova Scotia averaged -22.6°C. In natural conditions, air temperatures <-20°C are frequently observed in Quebec in January, February and March. However, due to snow cover, soil temperatures are rarely <-12°C. If -22.6°C constitutes the lower limit for the survival, then winter temperatures are probably not a limiting factor to its northern distribution in Quebec, because blueberry maggot pupae overwinter in the soil., Charles Vincent, Pierre Lemoyne, Sonia Gaul, Kenna Mackenzie., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Thrips are important agricultural pests and accurate identification is important for their effective management. In order to determine species, however, they need to be mounted on slides and the traditional process is time-consuming. The aim of this paper is to describe a simple and fast method to prepare temporary slides for the routine identification of thrips, which is not dependent on their colour and hardness. Four species of thrips of different colours were used in the preparations: Frankliniella occidentalis (yellow with brown tergal markings), Frankliniella schultzei (entirely brown), Haplothrips gowdeyii (dark brown to carmine) and Caliothrips phaseoli (brown to black). Slides of each species were prepared using three different methods: traditional (3 days), simplified (6 h) and fast method (10 min). The thrips on the resulting slides were observed under a microscope and important structures used in their identification were compared. The quality of the slides prepared using the traditional method was superior to those prepared using the other two methods if only the transparency and general position of the insects on the slides were considered. The transparency of the slides prepared using the simplified method was also good, but only for the pale coloured species (yellow and grey-brown). The fast method, on the other hand, was very efficient for routine identification since it resulted in slides of sufficient quality for identifying species regardless of their colour. It is important, however, to stress that the fast method is only suitable for preparing temporary slides for routine identification and is not a substitute for the traditional method of preparing permanent slides., Luís C.P. Silveira, Marcelo M. Haro., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Faunistika není mrtvý obor zoologie. V prvním dílu diskutujeme záludnosti faunistiky a rozdíly mezi faunistikou a sběratelstvím. Měkkýši byli vybráni jako modelová skupina organismů, na nichž ukazujeme historii vývoje oboru v Českých zemích a vývoj měkkýší faunistiky., Faunistics is not a dead subject of zoology. The challenges of faunistics and the difference between faunistics and collecting are discussed. Molluscs were chosen as a model group to show the history of the subject in the Czech Republic and the development of mollusc faunistics., and Vojen Ložek, Lucie Juřičková.
Detailní výzkum recentní fauny umožňuje srovnání s výskytem jednotlivých druhů v období od glaciálu, přes oteplení na počátku holocénu, klimatické optimum holocénu i s nástupem zemědělství až po zhoršení podmínek v mladším holocénu. Fosilní záznamy mohou pomoci při vysvětlení absence konkrétních druhů na určitém místě v současnosti. Autoři článku také diskutují vliv ekologických fenoménů na lokální druhovou diverzitu - některé z nich druhovou bohatost zvyšují (říční, krasový a vrcholový fenomén), jiné ji snižují (hadcový a pískovcový fenomén). Faunistický výzkum musí probíhat ruku v ruce s taxonomickými studiemi. I v tak malakologicky prozkoumaných zemích, jako je Česká republika, jsou stále objevovány pro dané území nové druhy, včetně invazních – žádné území není prozkoumané jednou provždy. Článek zmiňuje některé důležité faunistické objevy na území České republiky, tak připomíná zásadní význam tohoto dnes podceňovaného oboru a nastiňuje také jeho výhled do budoucnosti., It is important to study the occurrence (presence vs. absence) of extant species; fossil records can help explaining the patterns. The role of ecological phenomena on local species diversity is discussed. The impact of ecological phenomena on local species diversity is discussed – some of them increase (river, karst and hilltop phenomena), while others decrease the species diversity (serpentine and sandstone phenomena). Faunistic research must go hand in hand with taxonomic research. Even in a well-explored country such as the Czech Republic, new species for this area are constantly being discovered including some invasive species, making faunistic research a never-ending story., and Lucie Juřičková, Vojen Ložek.