About 75% of water for irrigation in Bangladesh comes from groundwater. As the crop yield is directly related to quality of water used for irrigation, an assessment of groundwater suitability for irrigation is essential for the growth of food production and poverty eradication. An attempt has been made in this paper to study the suitability of groundwater for irrigation in Bangladesh. Geographic information system (GIS) is used for the processing of groundwater quality data collected from 113 locations sporadically distributed over the country and the preparation of groundwater quality maps. The result shows that groundwater of the southwestern part of Bangladesh, which comprises 22.5% area of the country, is highly affected by salinity and sodium hazards. Groundwater in 10.54% area of the country is also contaminated by Arsenic above the permissible level recommended for irrigation. and Okolo 75 % vody pre závlahy v Bangladeši pochádza z podzemných vôd. Pretože úroda priamo závisí od kvality závlahovej vody, posúdenie vhodnosti vody pre závlahy je podstatné pre produkciu potravín a odstránenie chudoby. V štúdii je prezentovaný pokus o zhodnotenie vhodnosti podzemnej vody pre závlahy v Bangladeši. Na spracovanie údajov o kvalite podzemnej vody zo 113 lokalít rozmiestnených sporadicky po krajine a na prípravu máp kvality podzemnej vody sa použil geografický informačný systém (GIS). Výsledky naznačujú, že podzemná voda v juhozápadnej časti krajiny zaberajúcej 22,5 % jej plochy je silne ohrozená zasolenosťou a obsahom sodíka. Podzemná voda na ploche 10,54 % krajiny je tiež kontaminovaná obsahom arzénu nad prípustnú hranicu pre závlahovú vodu.
Archaeological sources provide a wide range of information to help understand the social structure of human society in the past. In this paper, the authors deal with the information potential of grave pit modifi cations and wooden structures in graves at burial sites in the central region of Great Moravia (southeast Moravia, southwest Slovakia). The goal at this point is to defi ne the basic hypotheses and describe the methodological basis along with the research methodology. The authors treat the sources holistically, which means that one of the methodological foundations is the claim that the properties of the whole are not a simple sum of its parts. This means that all recognized elements of the funeral rite and their mutual relations and functions are the center of attention of this research. The primary basis for the research is the assumption that the presence of various wooden structures or wooden burial receptacles in the graves of the Great Moravian period is a common cultural occurrence. It further tests the hypothesis that there was intent behind choosing of these different wooden structures and grave pit modifi cations and their usage, as well as a potential differentiation based on age or gender in the frequency, quality and selection of these modifi cations/arrangements and structures. The main methodological tools are statistical and GIS analysis and the results are compared with published fi ndings from the wider Central European region., Marian Mazuch, Marek Hladík., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
The number of little owls, Athene noctua is decreasing in many European countries. In order to evaluate causes of the decline in Poland, habitat preferences of this species were analysed. Using GIS methods, 25 settled territories of the little owl, recorded during field surveys between 2000 and 2005, were compared with 50 unsettled locations. It was found that the proportion of built-up areas was higher in the occupied territories than in the random locations. No differences in grassland, forest and field proportion, habitat diversity and edge length were recorded between the occupied, and the random locations. The amount of forest and the proportion of built up areas appeared to be the best predictor of the occurrence of the little owl. Next, habitat use at 7 additional territories, which were occupied by little owls in 1980–90s and later abandoned, was analysed. In 2006, as compared to the period 1980–90, numbers of pollard willows decreased, whereas the number of buildings increased in these territories. The overall results lead to a conclusion that the little owl shows a high degree of habitat plasticity. The decrease of the area of grasslands and numbers of pollard willows is not likely to explain the population decline of the species.