Flat disk models for galaxies are studied on the basis of osscillations of distributed mass around equilibrium configuration. Convincing perspectives to existing galaxy types are available. Several kinds of galactic orbits are possible with peculiar rotation curves. Supersonic and very high velocities seem likely in the central region. Conventional rotation curve breaks into two, inner to the Solar circle and spiral arms. A new model for our galaxy is proposed.
Obraz centra naší galaxie je skryt pod pláštíkem mezihvězdných mračen. Ostrých obrysů nabírá s tím, jak se prohlubuje naše poznání. Takto nám bylo zjeveno i relativistické stáčení dráhy hvězdy centru nejbližší, jež výrazně překonává klasickou hodnotu Merkurovu., The true nature of the galaxy centre has been unknown for a long time, in fact the centre itself is occulted by opaque interstellar clouds. This contribution briefly presents the history of uncovering of the central engine as a parallel for the development of both science and technology, along with the increase of general knowledge during the past century. Recently, an observation of the orbitral relativistic precession of a star in the close vicinity of the central black hole yielded a value beyond the classical result for Mercury., and Filip Hroch.