Body lean response to bilateral vibrations of soleus muscles were investigated in order to understand the influence of proprioceptive input from lower leg in human stance control. Proprioceptive stimulation was applied to 17 healthy subjects by two vibrators placed on the soleus muscles. Frequency and amplitude of vibration were 60 Hz and 1 mm,
respectively. Vibration was applied after a 30 s of baseline. The vibration duration of 10, 20, 30 s respectively was used with following 30 s rest. Subjects stood on the force platform with eyes closed. Postural responses were characterized by center of pressure (CoP) displacements in the anterior-posterior (AP) direction. The CoP-AP shifts as well as their
amplitudes and velocities were analyzed before, during and after vibration. Vibration of soleus muscles gradually increased backward body tilts. There was a clear dependence of the magnitude of final CoP shift on the duration of vibration. The amplitude and velocity of body sway increased during vibration and amplitude was significantly
modulated by duration of vibration as well. Comparison of amplitude and velocity of body sway before and after vibration showed significant post-effects. Presented findings showed that somatosensory stimulation has a long-term, direction-specific influence on the control of postural orientation during stance. Further, the proprioceptive input altered
by soleus muscles vibration showed significant changes in postural equilibrium during period of vibration with interesting post-effects also.
The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of surgical reconstruction of anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) on postural stability and responses to lower limb (LL) muscles vibrations.Centre of pressure (CoP) was measured in 17 subjects during stance on firm/foam surface with eyes open/closed and during unilateral vibrations of LL muscles (
m. triceps surae – TS, m. quadriceps femoris – Q, m. quadriceps femoris and hamstrings simultaneously – QH). The measurements were performed: 1) preoperatively, 2) six weeks and 3) three months
after the reconstruction. Decreased postural stability was documented six weeks after the reconstruction compared to preoperative measurement. Three months after the reconstruction significant improvement was observed during stance on foam surface with eyes closed. Preoperatively, altered reactions of LL with ACL lesion compar
ed to intact LL were manifested by slower response in first 3 s of TS vibration and by increased CoP shift in last 5 s of QH vibration. After the reconstruction, we observed slower CoP reaction and decreased
CoP shift during TS vibration of LL with ACL lesion compared to
preoperative level. Posturography during quiet stance and during TS vibration reliably detect postural changes due to ACL reconstruction and can be potentially useful in clinical practice.
We investigated how postural responses to galvanic vestibular stimulation were affected by standing on a translating support surface and by somatosensory loss due to diabetic neuropathy. We tested the hypothesis that an unstable surface and somatosensory loss can result in an increase of vestibulospinal sensitivity. Bipolar galvanic vestibular stimulation was applied to subjects who were standing on a force platform, either on a hard, stationary surface or during a backward platform translation (9 cm, 4.2 cm/s). The intensity of the galvanic stimulus was varied from 0.25 to 1mA. The amplitude of the peak body CoP displacement in response to the galvanic stimulus was plotted as a function of stimulus intensity for each individual. A larger increase in CoP displacement to a given increase in galvanic current was interpreted as an increase of vestibulospinal sensitivity. Subjects with somatosensory loss in the feet due to diabetes showed higher vestibulospinal sensitivity than healthy subjects when tested on a stationary support surface. Control subjects and patients with somatosensory loss standing on translating surface also showed increased galvanic response gains compared to stance on a stationary surface. The severity of the somatosensory loss in the feet correlated with the increased postural sensitivity to galvanic vestibular stimulation. These results showed that postural responses to galvanic vestibular stimulus were modified by somatosensory information from the surface. Somatosensory loss due to
diabetic neuropathy and alteration of somatosensory input during stance on translating support surface resulted in increased vestibulospinal sensitivity.