Studie Janky Petőczové se zabývá osobností hudebního skladatele Jána Šimráka (Johann Schimrack) a věnuje se také problému varianty jména Šimbracký, která byla v slovenské muzikologii užívána ještě nedávno., Janka Petőczová., Rubrika: Studie, and Slovenské resumé na s. 314, anglický abstrakt na s. 273.
The early months of 2014 have been marked with two important
elections in two of the Visegrad Four (V4) countries. Both have been first order elections with very high stakes. Slovak presidential election was to be a test of Robert Fico’s risky maneuver, his attempt to capture the presidential office from amidst his PM mandate. Hungarian legislative election was to decide whether Viktor Orban’s unprecedented 2010 triumph would be reaffirmed
or not. One of these electioans has been characterized by astonishing result continuity (in comparison to the previous election), while the other one by a fundamental change. Contraintuitively, however, this article aims to show that it is Hungary, the country displaying election outcome stability, which
has actually been undergoing a party system change. And, conversely, in case of Slovakia, the country with a seemingly discontinuous election outcome, it would be at least premature to envisage a fundamental party system change.This article, obviously, goes beyond a narrow 2014 comparison of two single
electoral events where, moreover, two different types of elections took place. It sets the current stories into context, i.e., analyzes both party systems, compares their differing logics and offers some tentative explanations for their divergent dynamics of development. and Článek zahrnuje poznámkový aparát pod čarou
Dňa 2. júla 2017 nás vo veku 80 rokov navždy opustil prof. RNDr. Ivan Baník, PhD., slovenský fyzik, vysokoškolský učiteľ, ale aj človek s dobrým srdcom a všestranným talentom. Po niekoľko desaťročí bol významným členom slovenskej fyzikálnej komunity a jeho nečakaný a rýchly odchod vyvolal smútok nielen v jeho rodine, ale aj medzi kolegami, študentmi a slovenskými fyzikmi. Preto sme sa rozhodli, pripomenúť si v tejto stručnej spomienke jeho výnimočnú osobnosť ako aj niektoré zaujímavosti z jeho života. and Marcela Chovancová, Jozef Leja.
This article looks at the marginalization of the Roma from the perspective of socio-psychological dynamics of society. The author takes the specific case of Roma settlements in Slovakia, where he has conducted anthropological research, to illustrate how the mechanism of marginalisation functions. Drawing on the work of Tzvetan Todorov and Peter L. Berger, he argues that at the heart of human sociability - the ability and necessity to live among others - is the constant human need for attention and recognition from others. This basic human need affects the socio-psychological dynamics of society, including the marginalisation as well as integration of some of its groups. This need for attention and recognition leads to the emergence of complex 'counterworlds' or 'counter-societies', with their alternative value systems. The Roma settlements and urban ghettoes represent such counter-worlds that provide their inhabitants with attention, recognition, positive self-interpretation, and confirmation of their values. If the inhabitants of these counter-worlds are unable to fulfil this need anywhere else, then their integration into wider society cannot be achieved.