Five Trichoptera species, representing four different families of three suborders, have been examined for sex chromatin status in relation to their sex chromosome system. These were Hydropsyche sp., Polycentropus flavomaculatus (Pictet), Rhyacophila sp., Anabolia furcata Brauer and Limnephilus decipiens (Kolenatý). None of the species displayed sex-specific heterochromatin in highly polyploid nuclei of the Malpighian tubule cells. Such sex chromatin is a characteristic trait of the heterogametic female sex in the sister order Lepidoptera; it is derived from the heterologous sex chromosome W. Hence, the absence of sex chromatin in somatic nuclei of Trichoptera females indicated the lack of a W chromosome in their karyotype. Correspondingly, diploid chromosome sets of the females consisted of an odd chromosome number, two sets of autosomes and one sex chromosome Z. Thus, the Z/ZZ chromosome mechanism of sex determination has been confirmed. In pachytene and postpachytene oocytes, the Z chromosome having no pairing partner formed a univalent. In Hydropsyche sp., the Z-univalent was distinct as a compact, positively heteropycnotic element. Whereas, in two other caddis-flies, P. flavomaculatus and L. decipiens, it formed a negatively heteropycnotic thread. In postpachytene nuclei of nurse cells of A. furcata, two sister chromatids of the Z chromosome separated as a result of chromosome degeneration and formed a negatively heteropycnotic pseudobivalent. The species-specific differences in pycnosis may reflect a transcriptional activity/inactivity of the Z chromosome during meiotic prophase. The absence of sex chromatin and the sex chromosome system in Trichoptera are characters in common with the "primitive" Lepidoptera. This supports a hypothesis that the commcommon with the "primitive" Lepidoptera. This supports a hypothesis that the common ancestor of both orders had a ZJZZ sex chromosome
Marssoniella elegans Lemmermann, 1900, a parasite of ovarial tissues of the copepod Cyclops vicinus Uljanin, 1875, was studied as a representative of aquatic-clade microsporidia which form ''heteroinfectious spores'' (spores not infective to the original host as opposed to ''homoinfectious spores'' which are infective for the original host) and which thus should require an alternate host. Several structural characters of this microsporidian are similar to those of copepod morphs of microsporidia infecting mosquitoes. However, small subunit ribosomal DNA phylogeny indicates that caddis flies (Insecta, Trichoptera) might be the alternate hosts of Marssoniella. Ultrastructural data obtained are used to redefine the genus Marssoniella Lemmermann, 1900 and its type species Marssoniella elegans.