This issue presents complete preliminaries on voting for a new president of Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. The new president will assume his office on March 25, 2013 and serve for four years. As head of the ASCR, he is its chief representative and also administrator of the Academy's budget. After his selection, he will be nominated to the post by the president of the Czech Republic. The candidate will be selected at the XLI Meeting of Academic Assembly. The list of proposed nominees for the members of Academic Board and Scientific Board of ASCR will be published in the second issue of Academic bulletin 2013.
Společnost pro podporu německé vědy, umění a literatury v Čechách and Professors of Classical Philology, Classical Archaeology and Ancient History and Their Activities in the Gesellschaft zur Förderung deutscher Wissenschaft, Kunst und Literatur in Böhmen.
Komise pro životní prostředí Akademie věd ČR uspořádala 22. listopadu 2010 v hlavní budově AV ČR na Národní třídě seminář o výsledcíchZnečištění ovzduší v Moravskoslezském kraji (MSK) lze považovat z hlediska koncentrací jemných prachových částic PM 2,5 (< 2,5 μm) a karcinogenního benzo[a]pyrenu (B[a]P) za nejhorší v Evropské unii. and Radim Šrám.
We highlight an interwiew with Svatopluk Halada from the Eureka secretariat. Eureka was founded to challenge the increasing migration to Asian and North American countries of R&D and industrial innovation. Eureka now unites 38 member countries. Working together, they promote international, market-oriented research and innovation thorugh the support they offer to small and medium-sized enterprises, large industry, universities and research institutes. Through Eureka, these organizations introduce new products, processes and services to the market, helping make Europe economically strong and socially sound. and Martin Kašpárek.