Ministerstvo práce a sociálních věcí ČR v posledních měsících opakovaně informuje veřejnost o svém záměru zpřístupnit asistovanou reprodukci (ART) osobám bez partnera. Zdůvodňuje to lidskými právy a demografickou situací. Článek je analýzou vyslovených důvodů a možných konsekvencí. Text volně navazuje na moje dvě předchozí analýzy v minulých číslech ČZPB 2016, první řešící záměr rozšířit platbu ART zdravotními pojišťovnami a legislativně ukotvit náhradní mateřství, druhá zaměřená na věkové limity pro samoplátce. and In recent months, Czech Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs repeatedly informs the public of its intention to make assisted reproduction techniques (ART) to single persons, reasoning that human rights and demographic situation. The article is an analysis of reasons expressed by the Ministry and possible consequences of the steps. Text loosely builds on my two previous analyzes published in ČZPB 2016, the first dealing with the intention to extend the health insurence payment of ART and to anchore legislatively surrogacy in CR. The other analysis is focused on age limits for ART at private patients.
Author examines the strategies used to set the borders and limits of assisted reproduction for postmenopausal women. In the Czech Republic women can undergo the assisted reproduction only till 48 years nowadays. There are two main images of postmenopausal women in the public space. The first one is negative and it treats these women like old grandmas who are not able to rear their child proprely because of their age. On the other hand women after menopause can be seen as more responsible and as having enough financial resources to devote all of their time to their children. The paper discusses the discursive strategies of doctors which are mostly based on biological and natural limits of women´s reproduction. These natural limits are significantly influenced by social norms and values, the lifestyle of women etc. The author points out that the limits of reproductive age are socialy shaped according to the social definition of legitimate form of the motherhood.
Assisted reproduction has shifted from being an experimental technique to becoming a part of mainstream reproduction medicine. It has become a common and increasingly prevalent method of procreation in the 21st century. The boundaries of what is and is not normal in reproduction (and therefore desired, in the foucauldian sense) are not determined by what is medically possible; rather, they are bound by the legislation, public demand, and ethical and religious norms. Effort to redefine the boundaries determined by the legislation governing assisted reproduction occurred in the Czech Republic between 2008 and 2011. This effort was part of the so-called reformation package, which also included the Act on specific medical services. The Act regulates the conditions under which assisted reproduction is available. One issue that turned out to be controversial was the age barriers for women receiving assisted reproduction. Age barriers together with the issue of availability of assisted reproduction for women without a partner had not been previously clearly defined in the legislation. The main purpose of the paper is to analyse the discussions that occurred in the Parliament when the Act was debated. The paper will focus particularly on the three following issues: how was nature and normality discussed in the context of assisted reproduction; how were these topics related to nature and to society; and how does the adopted Act reflect on the position of a woman as an actor of reproduction.
Surrogate motherhood (SM) is a procedure, when a woman undergoes assisted reproduction, pregnancy and childbirth in order to give up her child and transfer parental rights and obligations someone else, who she previously agreed with. The complexity of the procedure entails many legal problems; the most important are the determination of legal parenthood, enforceability of agreements concluded before the child's birth or before commencement of treatment, compensation of costs, registration of the newborn, the search for a surrogate mother, the right of the child to know her/his parents. Our article is a response to the article Surrogate motherhood in Legal Practice, published in JMLB (2015, Vol. 5, No. 2), and we mainly address the issue of seeking a surrogate mother., Náhradní mateřství (NM) je procedura, kdy asistovanou reprodukci, těhotenství a porod podstoupí žena s cílem vzdát se narozeného dítěte a rodičovská práva a povinnosti převést na někoho jiného, předem domluveného. Složitost procedury s sebou přináší mnoho právních problémů; hlavními jsou určení právního rodičovství, vymahatelnost dohod uzavřených před porodem dítěte či před zahájením léčby, kompenzace nákladů, registrace novorozence, cesty hledání náhradní matky, právo dítěte znát své rodiče. Náš článek je reakcí na článek Náhradní mateřství v právní praxi, uveřejněný v Časopise zdravotnického práva a bioetiky (2015, Vol. 5, No. 2), reagujeme především na problematiku hledání náhradní matky., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
There is no separate course in the medical curriculum summarizing all aspects of human reproduction in most medical school curricula. At the same time, such a course would logically connect knowledge from clinical embryology and assisted reproduction, encompassing the issue of female and male infertility, mechanisms of birth defect formation, their prenatal diagnosis and subsequent specialized neonatal care. The aim of a wide team of university teachers comprising embryologists, gynecologists, neonatologists, endocrinologists, geneticists and others was to create and implement a new course entitled "Clinical Embryology and Reproductive Medicine" into the fourth-year curriculum of the study program General Medicine at the Faculty of Medicine, Comenius University in Bratislava. There has been a great interest in the course, as evidenced by the number of medical students enrolled. The lecture syllabuses have been divided into several thematic areas: 1) Clinical embryology including a laboratory part of assisted reproduction, 2) Cause and treatment options of female and male infertility, 3) A comprehensive view of the issue of birth defects, 4) The issue of preconception education, prenatal and childbirth training, family planning, 5) Reproductive immunology and endocrinology. Despite the complexity of human reproduction being a mainstay of gynecology and obstetrics, it is underemphasized in the medical school curricula worldwide. It is often reflected in shorter hospital / practical trainings during undergraduate studies and lower requirements at the final exam. Therefore, as students almost unanimously valued, this new course is extremely helpful in preparing for the final state exam.
The article considers the issue of how the Czech legal order deals with homosexual couples and homo-parental families. The authors predominantly focus on the subject of assisted reproduction. Using the example of the legal order of United Kingdom, where the legal regulation provides the possibility to undergoassisted reproduction to nearly anybody, the authors analyse the Czech legal order and the changes introduced by the New Civil Code.
Výzkum je zaměřen na životní spokojenost a copingové strategie žen, které podstupují své první umělé oplodnění. Cílem bylo také vytipovat strategie, které se ukazují pro tuto situaci jako adaptivní nebo neadaptivní. Výzkumu se zúčastnilo celkem 139 žen, které vyplnily Dotazník životní spokojenosti (Fahrenberg, Myrtek, Schumacher, & Brahler, 2001) a Cope Inventory (Carver, Scheier, & Weintraub, 1989) v době začátku své léčby.
Z výsledků vyplývá, že ženy jsou ve srovnání s ostatními aspekty životní spokojenosti nejvíce spokojené se svým partnerstvím, bydlením a sexualitou, nejméně spokojené pak se svým trávením volného času a finanční situací. Z copingových strategií užívají tyto ženy nejčastěji strategie Plánování, Pozitivní reinterpretaci a Aktivní coping. Jako adaptivní strategie pro situaci neplodnosti a její léčby se ukázaly strategie Vyhledávání sociální opory a Pozitivní reinterpretace, naopak strategie Popření se ukázala jako neadaptivní.
Výzkum také naznačuje možné implikace do psychologického poradenství ženám, které se v této situaci nacházejí. and This research is focused on life satisfaction and coping strategies of women undergoing their first IVF treatment. The aim was also to find coping strategies which are adaptive or non-adaptive for this situation. The sample of 139 women filled in two questionnaires: Life satisfaction questionnaire (Fahrenberg, Myrtek, Schumacher, & Brahler, 2001) and COPE Inventory (Carver, Scheier, & Weintraub, 1989) at the beginning of their treatment.
Results show that women are most satisfied with their partnership, housing and sexuality in compared with other aspects of life satisfaction, and they are at least satisfied with their leisure time and financial state. From coping strategies they use the most often Planning, Positive reinterpretation and active coping. As adaptive coping strategies we found Seeking of social support and Positive reinterpretation, on the contrary we found coping strategy Denial not adaptive.
There are some useful implications forms this research for psychological counseling for women undergoing IVF treatment.