Kresba červenou a černou křídou (19, 8 x 15 cm): nahá Venuše (oděv přes ruku a pozdvižené stehno) stojí u sloupku s hořící pochodní v ruce, před ní na zemi toulec se šípy. K bohyni přibíhá Amor s pláství medu v ruce, nad ním roj včel. Napravo police s úlem, další úl leží převrácený na zemi. Za Venuší antikizující architektura, za úly strom a průhled do zahrady., Fučíková 1997#, I/221, and Téma bylo známé z Theokritovy Idyly (Kériokleptés, 19), kde však nemělo moralizující význam. Ravesteynova kresba je variací na kresbu Dürrerovu z roku 1514 (Vídeň), který se inspiroval kresbou Cyrika z Ankony (1391-1452). Obdobná kompozice se objevila s motem "dulcia quandoque amara fieri/ sladké někdy přináší hořké" ve sbírce Alciatiho emblémů, poprvé v roce 1536 (Alciato 1536, M8v) s parafrází příběhu malého Hermonaxe z Řecké antologie (Anth. lyr. 9, 540), u následujícího dřevorytu s Amorem, včelami a oblečenou Venuší byla parafráze Theokritových veršů.
Meaningful ecological studies on insect communities require sampling protocols that take into consideration temporal fluctuations in abundance and species composition. Bees with their specific requirements for nutrition and nesting are good indicators of landscape structure and overall biodiversity, provided the ecological and seasonal patterns they show are taken into consideration. The present two year study traced the ecological and seasonal patterns on 2 km2 of a southern slope in the Swiss Alps, ranging from 1150 to 1550 m above sea level. The study area consisted mainly of grassland under different regimes, mostly hay meadows and pastures. By direct netting at five monthly intervals in each year a total of 247 bee species were recorded. This comprehensive sampling scheme identified one of the most diverse bee faunas in Central and Northern Europe, consisting of a statistically estimated 280 species. Most species were rare with 14.6% represented by a single individual. Ecological analysis of the bee community showed that the primitively eusocial species were over represented among the abundant species and the parasitic species among the rarest.
Both abundance and species richness were subject to marked seasonal variations. A substantial turnover in species composition as well as changes in ecological patterns were observed. More than 25% of all species were recorded in only one of the two years, in particular many of the parasitic species. Singletons accounted for a higher proportion when individual years rather than the pooled data were analysed. All these findings underline the importance of season-long sampling and sampling over more than one year if bees are to be used as indicators in ecological and studies on bee communities.