We studied the effects of the overstory canopy cover on ground-dwelling harvestmen communities in European beech forests in the Western Carpathian Mts. We analyzed the differences in species richness, abundance and composition in two tree canopy cover categories (closed and open canopy). Overall, 1765 individuals belonging to 16 species were caught using pitfall traps. Repeated-measures ANOVA revealed that under both closed and open canopies a similar absolute and rarefied species richness and number of individuals (standardized to 100 pitfall trap days) were caught, and that both species richness and abundance were affected by the season (i.e., time of trap replacement); yet the total number of individuals trapped was more than two times greater under the open canopy than under the closed canopy. Despite the subtle differences in the taxonomic composition of the catches under the open and closed canopies revealed by DCA followed by RDA, the composition of ground-dwelling harvestmen assemblages differed under the two canopy covers. The open canopy was more suitable for heliophilic, xerothermic eurytopic harvestmen species typical for open and ecotonal habitats, such as Egaenus convexus (C.L. Koch) and Oligolophus tridens (C.L. Koch) but still suitable for hemihygrophilic Lophopilio palpinalis (Herbst). The closed canopy stands were preferred by shade-tolerant, hygrophilic eurytopic harvestmen species, such as Trogulus sp. Latreille, Dicranolasma scabrum (Herbst) and Platybunus bucephalus (C.L. Koch). Our results highlight the importance of intra-habitat heterogeneity of a harvestmen community., Ľudmila Černecká, Ivan Mihál, Benjamín Jarčuška., and Obsahuje bibliografii
In this paper the strictly attaphilous Central- and South American genus Phoxonotus Marseul, 1862 is revised. Based on the structure of their antennal cavities, the species of Phoxonotus are newly split into two subgenera: Phoxonotus Marseul, 1862 and Alienosternus subgen. n. (type species Saprinus venustus Erichson, 1834). The subgenus Phoxonotus contains three species: Phoxonotus (P.) tuberculatus Marseul, 1862 (French Guyana, Suriname, Brazil: Pará, Mato Grosso), P. (P.) lectus Lewis, 1902 (eastern Peru) and the newly described P. parvotuberculatus sp. n. (Guatemala, Costa Rica). The subgenus Alienosternus subgen. n. contains two species: Phoxonotus (Alienosternus) venustus (Erichson, 1834) (Brazil: Bahia) and P. (Alienosternus) fryi Lewis, 1879 (Brazil: Rio de Janeiro and Bahia). P. tuberculatus Marseul, 1862 is synonymized with P. suturalis Lewis, 1907, syn. n. Lectotype of Phoxonotus fryi Lewis, 1879 is designated. Genitalia of the males for the species for which they are available are illustrated, most type specimens are imaged and scanning electron micrographs of P. tuberculatus provided. Mouthparts and sensory structures of the antennal club of P. tuberculatus are depicted., Tomáš Lackner., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Mravenci jsou jednou z nejpočetnějších skupin bezobratlých živočichů žíjících v korunách tropických stromů. Tým vědců z Českých Budějovic objasnil otázky ohledně biodiverzity a ekologických nároků stromových společenstev mravenců za pomoci nejrůznějších metod od vykácení a rozebrání celých kusů pralesa, sestrojení experimentálních pastí až po počítačové simulace. Výzkum pomohl získat klíčové poznatky nejen o tropických lesích pro vědu, ale přispět i k jejich ochraně a vzdělání domorodých obyvatel, kteří v nich žijí., Ants are one of the most abundant groups of invertebrates living in the canopies of tropical trees. In their research a team of scientists from České Budějovice clarified the drivers of high diversity and the ecological preferences of ant arboreal communities using a variety of techniques from felling and dissecting trees in entire forest plots and the construction of special experimental traps to computer simulations. This research helped to advance not only our knowledge about tropical rainforests, but it was also significant for tropical forest conservation and the education of the native people depending on them., and Petr Klimeš, Ondřej Mottl.
Morphological and molecular analyses of cestode specimens collected during survey work of batoid elasmobranchs and their parasites in Senegal revealed two new species of the rhinebothriidean cestode genus Stillabothrium Healy et Reyda 2016. Stillabothrium allisonae Dedrick et Reyda sp. n. and Stillabothrium charlotteae Iwanyckyj, Dedrick et Reyda sp. n. are both described from Fontitrygon margaritella (Compagno et Roberts) and Fontitrygon margarita (Günther). Both new cestode species overlap in geographic distribution, host use and proglottid morphology, but are distinguished from each other, and from the other seven described species of Stillabothrium, on the basis of their pattern of bothridial loculi. Phylogenetic analyses based on sequence data for 1,084 bp from the D1-D3 region of 28S rDNA that included multiple specimens of both new species and eight other species of Stillabothrium corroborated the morphologically-determined species boundaries. The phylogenetic analyses indicate that S. allisonae sp. n. and S. charlotteae sp. n. are sister species, a noteworthy pattern given that the two species of the stingray genus Fontitrygon they both parasitise, F. margaritella and F. margarita, are also sister species. Although species of Stillabothrium vary widely in their patterns of facial loculi, the variation does not appear to correlate with phylogeny. Most species of Stillabothrium parasitise myliobatiform elasmobranch genera of the Dasyatidae Jordan. This study brings the number of described species of Stillabothrium to nine, three of which occur in the eastern Atlantic, two of which occur off the northern coast of Australia, and four of which are from coastal Borneo., Elsie A. Dedrick, Florian B. Reyda, Elise K. Iwanyckyj, Timothy R. Ruhnke., and Obsahuje bibliografii
„Velké druhy“ racků je označení zahrnující racky z druhového komplexu racka bělohlavého (Larus cachinnans), racka středomořského (L. michahelis) a racka stříbřitého (L. argentatus). Jejich populace v Evropě a Severní Americe za posledních ca 50 let značně narostly. Šíření tak oportunistických druhů vyvolalo obavy z jejich možného negativního vlivu na biodiverzitu, početnost a hnízdní úspěšnost jiných druhů vodního ptactva. Naskýtá se otázka, zda je vhodné začít velké druhy racků na našem území potlačovat, a pokud ano, jaká opatření by bylo vhodné zavést., The populations of „large gulls“ from the species complex Larus cachinnans, L. michahelis and L. argentatus have undergone a widespread demographic increase in the last 50 years, particularly in Europe and North America. The spread of such opportunistic species can negatively influence biodiversity and the breeding success of other bird species breeding at the same site. The question of population control and different methods used is nowadays also a frequently discussed topic in the Czech and Slovak Republics., and Hana Latková.
Parasitological examination of freshwater fishes of the Phongolo River in north-eastern KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa resulted in the discovery and morphological and molecular characterisation of a new species of Wenyonia Woodland, 1923 (Cestoda: Caryophyllidea). The new species from the plain squeaker, Synodontis zambezensis Peters (Siluriformes: Mochokidae), is morphologically most similar to Wenyonia acuminata Woodland, 1923, a species reported from three species of Synodontis in north-eastern, western and central Africa (Sudan, Nigeria, Democratic Republic of the Congo). Both these species are markedly different from congeners by having a nematoform body and a digitiform scolex. Wenyonia gracilis sp. n. differs from W. acuminata in its general body size, length and width of main body regions (testicular and uterine regions), a posterior extension of the testes into the uterine region, numerous postovarian vitelline follicles filling the entire medulla, eggs c. 1/3 larger in size, and a scolex with an apical introvert but devoid of longitudinal furrows and a well-defined base. Wenyonia gracilis is the seventh species in the genus and the first autochthonous caryophyllidean ever reported and described from southern Africa (south of the Zambezi River)., Bjoern C. Schaeffner, Divan van Rooyen, Ruan Gerber, Tomáš Scholz, Nico J. Smit., and Obsahuje bibliografii