Cílem přehledové práce je popis v současnosti používaných metod primárního uzávěru střední sternotomie v kardiochirurgii dospělých. V přehledu vycházíme z literárně publikovaných údajů a zaměřujeme se na metodiku, indikace, výhody, limity, biomechanické i klinické výsledky jednotlivých metod, ve vztahu k výskytu hlubokých poruch hojení střední sternotomie po kardiochirurgických operacích., The aim of the overview study is to describe the currently used methods of primary median sternotomy closure in adult cardiac surgery. In the review of published literature, we draw on the data and focus on the methodology, indications, advantages, limitations, biomechanical and clinical results of the different methods in relation to the incidence of deep sternal wound complications after median sternotomy in adult cardiac surgery., and D. Nešpor, P. Fila, J. Černý, P. Němec
Bio-degradable stents are be made of different synthetic polymers (like polylactide or polyglycolide) or their co-polymers (polydioxanone). They can be used for treating benign stenoses of the small and large intestine, particularly in Crohn’s disease. Endoscopic introduction of bio-degradable stents into small and large intestinal stenoses is feasible and relatively simple. Initial results are encouraging and the complication rate is low. However, there are still some difficulties that need to be overcome. The rate of early stent migration is still rather high (up to one third of patients). This might be solved by changes in the shape or rigidity of the stents as well as by further improvement in the design. Proof of long-term efficacy and safety requires further studies., Stanislav Rejchrt, Jan Bureš, Jan Brožík, Marcela Kopáčová, and Literatura 52