Článek se zaměřuje na psychologické aspekty využívání blogů (online deníků) v období mladší a střední adolescence. Ptali jsme se, co blogování dospívajícím přináší, jaké jsou motivace, co a komu dospívající prostřednictvím blogu sdělují. Zdrojem dat byly polostrukturované rozhovory s 8 dospívajícími chlapci a dívkami ve věkovém rozmezí 13- 17 let. Pro analýzu rozhovorů byla použita metoda zakotvené teorie. Bylo zjištěno, že adolescenti zakládají blogy především s úmyslem prezentovat se jejich prostřednictvím před čtenáři z řad vrstevníků. Ti jim poskytují sociální oporu a zpětnou vazbu, která ovlivňuje jejich sebepojetí a sebehodnocení. Pro vztahy vznikající v blogosféře mezi adolescenty je klíčová podobnost v zájmech a názorech. Z hlediska volby tématu jsou zajímavé např. „pro ana“ blogy, tedy blogy o hubnutí, které v některých případech mohou podporovat tendenci k chorobnému hubnutí. V článku představujeme blogy jako možný nástroj, který může pomoci porozumět tématům, jež jsou nyní pro adolescenty důležité. and The paper focuses on psychological aspects of blogging in the period of early and middle adolescence – it deals with the motivation of bloggers, their benefits of blogging as well as with the subjects and objects of their communication via blogs. Semi-structured interviews with 8 adolescent bloggers in the age between 13 and 17 years were conducted and analysed via grounded theory method. The results suggest that adolescents set up blogs with the intent to present themselves through their blogs in front of the peer readers. The peer readers give them social support and feedback which affects bloggers self-concept and self-esteem. Similarity in interests and opinions is also very important for adolescent relationships rising in the blogosphere. Furthermore, the particularity of pro ana blogs – a community of bloggers supporting themselves in pathological eating habits which may lead to anorexia - was mentioned. In our article, we present blogs as a possible tool which can contribute to understanding issues of the utmost importance for adolescents.
This article deals with the issues of introducing web resources into subject literary bibliographies. This issue is at first analyzed on the general level as the methodological challenge of online sources systematic introduction into the context of managing current bibliography and then case studies follow targeted on specific problems of internet material bibliography treatment. Firstly one discusses the issues related to bibliographical processing of online documents (web pages, online journals, etc.), which are in complex and variable relations to those available in print. An attention is paid to the methodological issues, in particular providing criteria of web resources selection. The need for archivization of bibliographically processed materials which we assess as the crucial element of any systematic bibliographical processing of Internet materials will be also highlighted. In the following part study presents the preliminarily classification of the new specific genres of internet content: blogs and literary forums. Firstly the Polish literary blogosphere is analysed and preliminarily typology of this document type is introduced. Later a phenomenon of literary forums is taken into consideration. Based on an example of poetry forum Nieszuflada.pl more detailed quantitative analysis of this resource type is given and issues of authorship attribution in the digital environment are discussed.
Creative Commons is a copyright movement that supports the building of a public domain by providing an alternative to the automatic all rights reserved copyright to some rights reserved. There are four major conditions of the Creative Commons: Attribution (BY), requiring attribution to the original author; Share Alike (SA), allowing derivative works under the same or a similar license (later or jurisdiction version); Non-Commercial (NC), requiring that the work not be used for commercial purposes; and No Derivative Works (ND), allowing only an original work without derivatives. and Libor Coufal.