The subject of this paper is a flow-shop based on a case study aimed at the optimisation of ordering production jobs in mechanical engineering, in order to minimize the overall processing time, the makespan. The production jobs are processed by machines, and each job is assigned to a certain machine for technological reasons. Before processing a job, the machine has to be adjusted; there is only one adjuster who adjusts all of the machines. This problem is treated as a hybrid two-stage flow-shop: the first stage of the job processing is represented by the machine adjustment for the respective job, and the second stage by the processing of the job itself on the adjusted machine. In other words, the job-processing consists of two tasks, where the first task is the machine adjustment for the job, and the second task is the job processing itself. A mathematical model is proposed, a heuristic method is formulated, and the NP hardness of the problem, called a "hybrid flow-shop with adjustment," is proved.
We deal with a logistic problem motivated by a case study from a company dealing with inland transportation of piece goods in regular cycles. The problem consists in transportation of goods among regional centres -- hubs of a network. Demands on transportation are contained in a matrix of flows of goods between pairs of hubs. The transport is performed by vehicles covering the shipping demands and the task is to design a cyclical route and to place a depot for each vehicle. The route depot can be placed in any hub of the route. Goods can be transferred from one route and vehicle to another route and vehicle. The aim is to minimize the total transportation cost. The task is classified as a new case of the pickup and delivery problem with split demand and transfers (SDPDPT). We propose a mathematical model and prove NP-hardness of the problem. We study demand reducibility. We also deal with skip pickup and delivery problem as a special case and show its complexity.
Pozdní mateřství je fenoménem současnosti a bývá spojováno s životním stylem moderní společnosti. V zahraniční literatuře o něm bylo již mnoho napsáno, u nás však výzkumy věnující se podrobněji motivům vedoucím k pozdnímu rodičovství chybí. Tuto mezeru se snažila alespoň z části vyplnit diplomová práce, z níž vychází tento článek. Cílem práce bylo formou kvalitativního výzkumu přiblížit motivy žen, které mají své první dítě po pětatřicátém roce věku. Hlavní metodou použitou v tomto výzkumu byl polostrukturovaný rozhovor s deseti ženami. V odborné literatuře je v souvislosti s pozdním rodičovstvím zmiňováno pět základních aspektů: psychologické, sociodemografické, duchovní, biologické, medicínské a ekonomické.
Výzkum neprokázal jednoznačnou dominanci jediného faktoru. U šesti žen je možné hovořit o faktorech medicínských s tím, že z toho u čtyř žen byly tyto faktory kombinovány s hledáním správného partnera a s kariérou. Svou roli hrály také faktory psychologické, většinou v kombinaci s jinými faktory. Z výzkumu vyplývají některé návrhy do praxe. Speciální program pro starší matky by se například měl zaměřit na posílení identity, sebevědomí a rozvoj osobnosti. Ženy by měly dostat také informace týkající se pracovněprávní problematiky. Důležitý je realistický pohled na mateřství a příklon ke zdravému životnímu stylu. and Later motherhood is a present phenomenon, and it’s usually connected with modern life style. There was already a lot of written about this theme in foreign literature. Unfortunately, the studies revealing the motives, which lead to later motherhood in more details, are missing in Czech Republic. This study tries partly to fill this gap, which this article comes from. The aim of it is to introduce the motives of the women who have their first child after their 35th years by qualitative research. The main method used in this research is the semi structured interview with ten women. In professional literature five basic aspects are mentioned in the connection with the later parenthood: psychological, social demographic, spiritual, biological, medical and economical.
The research didn’t prove definite domination of one factor. In six cases, we can talk about medical factors whereas in four cases, these factors were combined with looking for the right partner and with career. The psychological factors played also its role, mostly not separately but in combination with other factors. From the research some proposals result for the practice. The special program for these women, should focus on strengthening of identity, self-confidence and personal development. The women should receive information concerning law-work affairs. They should also receive realistic view on motherhood and healthy lifestyles.
This case study concerns the characteristics of journalistic newsroom culture of a regional news desk of Czech Television, a public-service broadcaster. It seeks to explore the attributes that each of the two news desk editors promote in relation to newsroom culture and whether they are gender specific. The article also discusses whether newsroom culture constructs the same working conditions for male and female journalists. The article draws on theories developed in media and journalism studies and especially the theories and empirical findings of feminist media scholars regarding newsroom culture and the status of male and female journalists in the workplace. It presents an analysis based on qualitative data obtained during four-week participant observation in a regional newsroom of Czech Television, combined with semi-structured individual interviews about the experiences of eight selected male and female staff members working in different positions in the editorial hierarchy. This article presents the very first findings about the gendered characteristics of newsroom culture in the Czech Republic.