Příspěvek je zaměřen na deskripci a analýzu souboru povelkomoravské a mladohradištní keramiky z lokality Kostice – Zadní hrúd v dolním Podyjí. Metoda zpracování keramického souboru spočívá ve statistické analýze dat. Zpracování rozsáhlého souboru keramiky přispělo k poznání produkce keramiky na jižní Moravě v období po zániku Velké Moravy až do sklonku raného středověku, zároveň se podařilo definovat základní vývojové fáze lokality. and The article provides a description and analysis of an assemblage of post-Great Moravian and Late Hillfort pottery from the Kostice – Zadní hrúd site in the lower Dyje region. The pottery assemblage was processed using the statistical analysis of data. The processing of the large pottery assemblage contributed to an understanding of pottery production in south Moravia in the period following the demise of Great Moravia up to the end of the Early Middle Ages; the basic development phases of the site were also defined.
This study deals with previously unknown manuscripts that the authors have identified and reassembled in an as yet unorganized section of the Jakub Deml fonds in the Museum of Czech Literature. These manuscripts, fragments and variants of some seventy books and dozens of unpublished texts make a significant contribution to our understanding of the genetics and meaning of the work as a whole. They alter our idea of its genre composition and testify to the complex, non-linear chronology of the work. The authors identify three periods in which Deml’s manuscripts have different functions: the first period involves manuscripts and to a limited extent publishing (1896–1911); the second period independent publishing (1912–1941); the third period is the second manuscript period (1941–1961), when manuscripts became the main medium. Subsequently the study comments on the possibilities of a critical edition of the entire work.