In this study, we re-evaluated historical demography of the Eurasian green woodpecker (Picus viridis) on the basis of previously published multi-locus mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) data and ecological niche modelling. We particularly aimed to test glacial refugia hypothesis during climatic oscillations of the late Quaternary for the Eurasian green woodpecker. Our results indicate that the Eurasian green woodpecker was sensitive to the effects of climate change. Prior to the Last Glacial Maximum (22000 years ago), the population contraction started and the Eurasian green woodpecker restricted its range to southern Europe (including France), Anatolia, and the Caucasus/Caspian region, and, afterwards, substantially expanded its range from this restricted area to its present range around 14500 years before present. Therefore, during the Last Glacial Maximum, we recognize a single large refugium for this species, located in southern Europe (including France), Anatolia, and the Caucasus/Caspian region.
Some previous work on arthropod development is insufficiently detailed or incompletely reported. Much of the published information in this area is of limited use for the general analysis of life cycles. These difficulties arise primarily because many experiments do not control fully for the strain of the material (and even its specific identity) nor for rearing conditions, do not adequately take account of the complexity of life cycles and their stages, or are restricted to only part of the life cycle. For example, 285such factors as variable numbers of instars, sexual differences, abbreviated or hidden stages and dormancies may mean that the "average durations" reported apply to an unknown mixture of developmental types. Nor are experiments always designed or results reported and analysed in a logical and transparent manner. Undefined terms may obscure what actual developmental intervals were measured. Highly derived developmental or demographic measures may obscure core data. Statistical information may be inadequate. Such pitfalls are reviewed here, suggesting ways to ensure that results on the duration of development are both valid for specific studies and more widely useful. General experimental difficulties, recommended background information that should be provided, recommended life-cycle intervals and their terminology, and recommended ways to report numerical and statistical information are briefly summarized in tabular form.
a1_Autor na české publicistice z dvacátých let dvacátého století zkoumá, jaké představy a obrazy si tehdy vytvářeli Češi o Podkarpatské Rusi jako nejvýchodnější části Československé republiky a o jejích obyvatelích. Na dané téma uplatňuje koncept orientalismu, vzešlý z postkoloniálních studií, a prostřednictvím analýzy zvolených pramenů představuje Podkarpatskou Rus v dobovém českém vnímání jako československý Orient, s charakteristickými rysy exotičnosti, malebnosti, divokosti, zaostalosti nebo odlišného plynutí času. Pro Čechy (a v menší míře Slováky), kteří přicházeli po roce 1918 na Podkarpatskou Rus jako úředníci, učitelé nebo policisté v roli nových správců nebo jako turisté, se jednalo zpočátku o téměř neznámé prostředí. Potřeba orientovat se v něm, integrovat je do nového státního celku a legitimizovat novou vládu vedla Čechy k tomu, aby zdejší rusínské obyvatele pojímali buď jako slovanské bratry, kteří trpěli pod staletým útiskem Maďarů, nebo jako prostoduché domorodce, které je nutné civilizovat. Líčení Rusínů jako ''v jádru dobrého lidu'' se ovšem podle autora mísilo s jejich popisy jako indolentních a iracionálních bytostí, náchylných k alkoholu a ohrožovaných ve své naivitě účelovou komunistickou či ukrajinskou nacionální agitací., a2_Další dvě zdejší etnické skupiny, Maďary a Židy, naproti tomu Češi zobrazovali převážně negativně, jako orientálce protikladné Evropanům, jejichž vliv je nutné marginalizovat. Podobně záporné hodnocení platilo také pro podkarpatské komunisty, ukrajinské emigranty a řeckokatolickou církev. Sami Češi se podle autora často charakterizovali jako racionální a efektivní nositelé západní civilizace, avšak někdy též jako příliš mírní nebo idealističtí. Zcela odlišný obraz Podkarpatské Rusi, jak ukazuje autor, nabízela publicistika československých komunistů. Ti zde byli ve dvacátých letech nejsilnější politickou stranou a jejich diskurz nastoloval především narativ české buržoazní diktatury, okupace a koloniálních praktik. V závěrečných kapitolách studie podává autor přehled o tom, jak byla od třicátých do současnosti Podkarpatská Rus přítomná v české kulturní paměti a jak je Československo přítomno v kulturní paměti a historii Zakarpatí., a1_The author examines Czech journalism of the 1920s to find out what ideas and images Czechs had at that time about Carpathian Ruthenia, the easternmost part of their new country, the Czechoslovak Republic. In his research on this topic, the author employs Orientalism, a concept that originates in postcolonial studies, and, after analyzing his sources, he presents Carpathian Ruthenia as it appeared to Czechs at that time, that is, as the Czechoslovak Orient, with the characteristic features of the exotic, the picturesque, the wild, the backward, and with a different sense of time. For Czechs (and to a lesser extent Slovaks too) who came to Carpathian Ruthenia after 1918 as clerks, teachers, and police, in the role of the new administrators, or as tourists, this was initially an almost unknown environment. The need to get one´s bearings in it, to integrate it into the new republic, and to legitimate the new government led the Czechs to conceive of the local Rusyns either as fellow Slavs who had for centuries suffered under Magyar oppression or as simple-minded natives who need civilizing. According to the author, the depiction of the Rusyns as ''good folk and heart'' was, however mixed with descriptions of them as indolent and irrational beings, with an inclination to drink and, in their naiveté, susceptible to Communist or Ukrainian nationalist propaganda. By contrast, the other local ethnic groups, the Magyars and the Jews, were depicted by Czechs in a mainly negative way, as Orientals, the opposite of Europeans, whose influence had to be minimalized. A similarly negative assessment applied also to the Communists of Carpathian Ruthenia, Ukrainian immigrants, and the Ukrainian Greek Orthodox Church., a2_Czechs, according to the author, often described themselves as rational and efficient bearers of Western Civilization, but were, they felt, sometimes excesively lenient or idealistic. A quite different picture of Carpathian Ruthenia, the author argues, was offered by the journalism of the Czechoslovak Communists. In the 1920s, the Communists were the strongest political party here and it was mainly their discourse that established the narrative about a Czech bourgeois dictatorship, occupation, and colonial practices. In the concluding sections of the article, the author presents a summary of how, from the 1930 to the present, Carpathian Ruthenia was present in Czech cultural memory and Czechoslovakia was present in the cultural memory and history of Carpathian Ruthenia., Stanislav Holubec., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
We studied the demography, movement, behaviour and choice of nectar plants by adults of Aporia crataegi. This study was done in a dense network of different types of habitats (total size of study area 16.26 ha) from open landscape to shrubland, the latter being a result of abandonment of traditional agricultural practices such as extensive mowing and grazing. Total population size was estimated to be approximately 1700 and 2700 for females and males, respectively. Median and maximum distances moved by males were 134 and 3493 m, and by females 138 and 3165 m, respectively. The average lifespan was ca. 7.1 and 7.5 days, with maximum recorded lifespans of 21 and 17 days for males and females, respectively. The greater capture probability recorded for males indicates their high activity, as they spend most of their time in flight patrolling and searching for mates. A parabolic recruitment curve and protandry were also recorded. Both sexes are highly mobile. The spatial distribution of both sexes was roughly similar. The adult behaviour differed in different habitats, with more time spent feeding and resting when nectar plants were plentiful and more time spent flying when they were rare. Although adults utilized nine nectar sources, only two were recorded in over 80% of all the feeding occasions. In order to re-establish open grassland with some shrubland, traditional and mosaic management of the landscape should be revived at least to some extent., Jure Jugovic, Mitja Črne, Martina Lužnik., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Kvalitu a efektivitu organizácie určuje nielen manažment, organizačná štruktúra či kultúra, ale aj jej zamestnanci a aktivity, ktoré determinujú ich vzťah k danej organizácii. Správanie zamestnancov nezahŕňa len formálne určené aktivity, ale najmä aktivity, ktoré sú na báze dobrovoľnosti. Daná dobrovoľnosť sa prejavuje predovšetkým v rámci organizačného občianskeho správania (z angl. organizational citizenship behavior, ďalej len OCB). Mieru OCB určujú viaceré organizačné faktory, medzi ktoré patrí aj organizačná spravodlivosť. Cieľom predkladaného príspevku bolo objasniť charakter vzťahu medzi organizačným občianskym správaním, organizačnou spravodlivosťou a vybranými socio-demografickými ukazovateľmi. Zámer sa tiež sústredil na poznanie miery organizačného občianskeho správania, ktoré respondenti vykazujú a tiež, v akej miere vnímajú jednotlivé dimenzie organizačnej spravodlivosti. Pre naplnenie spomenutého cieľa sa 210 respondentov s priemerným vekom 34,82 rokov (SD = 10,97) vyjadrilo k otázkam, ktoré zaznamenávali mieru organizačného občianskeho správania pomocou dotazníka Organizational Citizenship Behavior Checklist (OCB-C) a mieru organizačnej spravodlivosti prostredníctvom škály Organizational Justice Scale. Výsledky ukázali, že v priemere respondenti vykazovali nižšiu mieru OCB (M = 2,28; SD = 0,67) a v rámci organizačnej spravodlivosti v najvyššej miere vnímali interpersonálnu spravodlivosť (M = 3,78; SD = 1,05). Analýza charakteru vzťahov medzi vybranými premennými ukázala, že dimenzie organizačnej spravodlivosti, odpracované roky v organizácii a rod boli prediktormi OCB, resp. OCB-O a OCB-I. Konkrétne výsledky sú súčasťou príspevku., The quality and efficiency of an organization are determined not even by the management, organizational structure or the company culture, but also employees and their behavior which determine the relationship to the organization. Employees´ behavior does not only include formally defined activities, but especially activities that are voluntary. These activities are manifested primarily in an organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). The OCB is determined by a number of organizational factors, including organizational justice. The aim of this contribution was to analyze the relationship between organizational citizenship behavior, organizational justice and selected socio-demographic variables. The research also focused on the frequency of OCB and the level of organizational justice perception. 210 respondents in total with the average age of 34.82 years (SD = 10.97) answered the questions measuring OCB by Organizational Citizenship Behavior Checklist (OCB-C) and organizational justice by Organizational Justice Scale. The results showed that respondents had a lower level of OCB (M = 2.28; SD = .67), and they perceive interpersonal justice the most (M = 3.78; SD = 1.05) within organizational justice. An analysis of the nature of the relation between selected variables showed that dimensions of organizational justice, years of practice and gender were predictors of OCB, OCB-O or/and OCB-I, respectively. Specific results are part of the contribution., Denisa Rovenská., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
The authors aimed to elucidate the circumstances surrounding the compilation of registers of souls in the diocese of Hradec Kralové, in the northeast of Bohemia, in the years 1776 and 1777. They also analysed the three extant registers as demographic sources for the study of the population of the day. The resulting data indicate that in the second half of the 18th century, the state had a considerable influence on how the registers of souls were kept and compiled in the Hradec Kralové diocese, and used them to obtain important information on the population, particularly in matters of religion. The volumes containing the registers of souls in 1776-77 represent an extremely valuable source from a demographic point of view that can be used not only to ascertain the numerical state of the population of a particular locality at the time of their compilation, but to study its age profile, social stratification and the typology of families and households., Jiří Pavlík a Radek Pokorný., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
V posledních letech se můžeme v gerontologické literatuře setkat s novými termíny reflektujícím jevy nové či nově sledované. Mezi tyto termíny patří tzv. „SuperAging“. Tato stať seznamuje čtenáře s obsahem termínu ve dvou hlavních souvislostech: 1) v rámci společnosti – sociologie a demografie, 2) v rámci neuropsychologie a kognitivního stárnutí jedinců. Cílem je rozšířit tyto pojmy a jejich obsah mezi českou psychologickou obec. and Novel terms have been introduced in gerontology, reflecting new or newly observed phenomena. „SuperAging“ is one of those terms. This text introduces its content to the readers in the main areas of interest: 1) societal view of sociology and demography, 2) neuropsychology and cognitive ageing of individuals. Our goal is to make the aspects of SuperAgeing familiar to Czech psychologists.
The fact that recent demographic data have been pointing to gradual but consistent dying out of Europe has become the key point of strong philosophical, political and other clashes in the last years. Most discussions focus especially on the issues related to the causes of this situation, thus rather omitting the real consequences on everyday lives of Europeans in the upcoming decades. Namely the economic and sociological impacts. The structure of population change in terms of nationality is the second important process in today’s Europe: The majority population comprising original nationalities on whose basis the state composition of Europe had been formed is gradually losing its dominance. Conversely, immigrants (particularly Muslims) and their children are gaining more and more influence on the structure of society. Various kinds of economic pressure are related to these processes, which in the future will inevitably grow into the shape of events completely changing the society and its economic system. I assume that in order to maintain its economic power, traditional European population will go through a process, during which some usual democratic principles and traditions will be put aside, for example the attitude towards the right to vote will change. That is because despite many complications, traditional European society will behave quite economically by keeping its political power as a guarantee of its economic power, and particularly as a guarantee that the standards of living and thus the possibility of satisfying one’s needs - manifesting itself through life style, among other things - will be preserved., Luboš Smrčka., and Obsahuje seznam literatury