A model of vortex filaments based on stochastic processes is presented. In contrast to previous models based on semimartingales, here processes with fractal properties between $1/2$ and $1$ are used, which include fractional Brownian motion and similar non-Gaussian examples. Stochastic integration for these processes is employed to give a meaning to the kinetic energy.
Existence of a weak solution to the $n$-dimensional system of stochastic differential equations driven by a fractional Brownian motion with the Hurst parameter $H\in (0,1)\setminus \{\frac 12\}$ is shown for a time-dependent but state-independent diffusion and a drift that may by split into a regular part and a singular one which, however, satisfies the hypotheses of the Girsanov Theorem. In particular, a stochastic nonlinear oscillator driven by a fractional noise is considered.