In celestial mechanics interactions of radiation and small bodies in Solar system can be classified as scattering, absorption, radiation drag and thermal emission. The final one, in particular, induces important secular changes of orbits and rotation states of asteroids and meteoroids, as supported by a number of astronomical observations., Miroslav Brož., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
[Zprávy Československé společnosti pro dějiny věd a techniky při ČSAV 9-10, 29-66 (1968)] and I. Bernard Cohen ; úvod redakce společný i pro předchozí článek je uveden na straně 220.
The DØ Experiment consists of a worldwide collaboration of scientists conducting research of the fundamental nature of matter. The experiment is located at the world´s premier high-energy accelerator, the Tevatron Collider, at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab) in Batavia, Illinois, USA. The research is focused on precise studies of interactions of protons and antiprotons at the highest available energies. It involves and intense search for subatomic clues that reveal the character of the building blocks of the universe. and Alexander Kupčo, Miloš Lokajíček.