V r. 2013 dvě nezávislé skupiny osekvenovaly kompletní genomy obou taxonomicky známých druhů latimérií (Latimeria). Článek krátce shrnuje celou historii jejich objevu, zeměpisné rozšíření a stručně podává přehled vývoji poznatků o jednotlivých částech jejich genomu. Poté komentuje výsledky zmíněných celogenomových studií zejména vzhledem ke dvěma skupinám genů - společné pro paprskoploutvé ryby (Actinopterygii) a latimérii a společné pro latimérii a čtvernožce (Tetrapoda)., Two independent research groups decipher the complete genomes of both taxonomically known species of the genus Latimeria. This note briefly summarizes the discovery and geographic distribution of coelacanth species, and overviews the history of findings dealing with various parts of their genomes. It also comments on the results of both whole genome sequencing studies, especially as regards two gene groups - those present in ray-finned fishes (Actinopterygii) and coelacanth and those present in coelacanth and tetrapods., and Petr Ráb.
Hypertension is a major health problem throughout the world because of its high prevalence and its association with increased risk of cardiovascular disease. Two independent studies discovered a locus conferring susceptibility to essential hypertension on chromosome 2, in the 2p25 region, but the causative gene remains unknown. Grainyhead-like 1 (GRHL1) is one of the genes located in this region. Our experiments determined that the Grhl1-null mice, when fed standard diet, have the same blood pressure as their wild type littermate controls. However, we discovered that blood pressure of these mice increases following high sodium diet and decreases when they are fed low sodium diet, and similar effect s were not observed in the control wild type littermates. This suggests that the Grhl1-null mice are sensitive to the development of salt-sensitive hypertension. Thus it is possible that the GRHL1 gene is involved in the regulation of blood pressure, and it may be the causative gene for the locus of susceptibility to essential hypertension in the 2p25 region., A. Walkowska, M. Pawlak, S. M. Jane, E. Kompanowska-Jezierska, T. Wilanowski., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Epigenetická regulace aktivity genů může významnou měrou ovlivňovat fenotypovou variabilitu organismů. Vzhledem k tomu, že některá indukovaná epigenetická variabilita může být děděna po mnoho generací, je možné, že epigenetická variabilita ovlivňuje jak ekologii, tak i evoluční trajektorie organismů. V článku popisuji některé poslední poznatky úlohy epigenetické variability v ekologii a evoluci rostlin., Phenotypic variation can be driven by epigenetic regulation of genes' activity. It is possible that induced epigenetic variation can alter the ecology and evolutionary trajectories of organisms because some induced epigenetic variation can be faithfully heritable among several generations. In the article, I discuss some recent information about the role of epigenetic variation in the ecology and evolution of plants., and Vít Latzel.